Yeah, but it doesn't have ninjas. I assume that's why there are people who don't like it.
Yeah, but it doesn't have ninjas. I assume that's why there are people who don't like it.
FMA is one of my favorite series already - and I've only seen the episodes they've shown on Adult Swim (up to 28 now). I think everything about it is just awesome. There are some emotional parts in the series which didn't effect me as much as I thought they should have, but I still love it to death. I'll be another person to say, it's a must watch.
Also, I really like Al's English voice [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] He brings a lot of depth to the show for me. I've seen both versions, and I like both the dub and the sub. Vic Mignogna rules too.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
FAM is awesom and I like it but I don't know why anyway, if every anime has ninjas in it then it would be really boring because it would be same thing over and over again. Honestly, people who are into ninja too much should grow up, naruto is awesome and I do like it but still not everything can be naruto and FMA is something diffrent and maybe that's why people like it so much...just a guess.
People of GotWoot, I present to you, what we have been waiting for for months: FMA MOVIE released by Fork. Damn Right! Finally out!
This is subbed but is a cam version.
my recommendation: don't download unless you can't wait and can stand the horrible quality.
"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."
nice nice
some time ago a downloaded a raw but the screen size was very small do you know how big this one is
I think its a cam version.Originally posted by: Roko
People of GotWoot, I present to you, what we have been waiting for for months: FMA MOVIE released by Fork. Damn Right! Finally out!
I been waiting for this a long time since the ending was a disappointment and left too many questions unanswered. I hope this movie explain some of those questions.
Cant wait to see someone calling him shorty.
I started downloading it... it has a sfv file with it might really be a subbed
yeah, it's subbed... still a cam source...
Hehe the word CAM disgust me so i wont go near this.
But im itching after the dvd version or any decent version.
@Roko : Is that cam version any good?
NO. The guy holding the camera shifts a lot and during the first seven minutes you really don't see much of the screen. But as a rabid fan I could care less. I watch it nd feel fufilled to see the real ending to FMA.
Damn Japanese bootleggers.....Originally posted by: Lefty
NO. The guy holding the camera shifts a lot and during the first seven minutes you really don't see much of the screen. But as a rabid fan I could care less. I watch it nd feel fufilled to see the real ending to FMA.
Anyway Lefty, from on rabid fan to another, how was the movie? I'm still waiting on the download.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
I have to say it felt rather suhed adn there wasn't wnough focus on AL and that bunch but besides taht it was good story and it felt like the proper ending to the series.
yeah it was 1 of the few endings that really didnt suck shit, i'm betting this GSD ending sucks, the DBZ ending sucked...the last few kenshin eps werent manga material...
anyway you should watch FMA. (i have no idea what that guy saying FAM is referring to full ass mechanic?) or i could be a typo [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
and ed's cool. so's al, but Ed's development was pretty sweet (his goal changes and the way al influences him is good) through a lot of the series as people they meet think, Al is more of the other brother with the voice of reason until it comes to fighting where Ed protects him.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Just finished watching the movie, and it was a good way to finish it.
Not much action in the Alchemey world, which was disappointing.
seen as no one has really answered this, KAA is on Par with the better sub groups, mainly because they sometime use the better sub-group's subs, meaning, they have the ultimate in quality and good subs, plus they put effort into the fonts and everything like that, which DVD-Rippers like zx and a4e don't. Ultimately leaving you in a win win situation on choosing KAA over any other Fan-sub group.
really poor quality cam so links removed.
The best part of the entire anime is when Jean Havoc has a date with Armstrong's sister. That was so damn hilarious.
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
The best part of the entire anime is when Jean Havoc has a date with Armstrong's sister. That was so damn hilarious.
best part... no... funniest part... yea! this was a filler as fillers should always be.. along with the ghost story and how then colonel(?) was always getting the girls!