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Thread: Manga: Priest

  1. #1

    Manga: Priest

    This is the second winner we have, so let's all start reading it...

    As for downloads goes, I think you can only find it on bots over at #lurk @ for packlist

    I'm asking kAi to put it up for direct downloads, so hopefully he'll manage later on

    Anyways, go read and discuss

    There's a new poll to choose the next manga to read, so remember to visit this thread again and cast your vote:

    Edit: Priest can now be downloaded here: direct downloads

  2. #2


    I have read 9 vols of this manga and i love it. Gritty awsome art which is perfect for a western.

    Ivan Isaacs is the coolest i have seen in this genra.

  3. #3


    Are you buying the manga or something? I've only seen 8 volumes up for download

  4. #4


    Yeah im buying the books. I bought vol 6-9 this month.

    I have to take it easy now buy max 1 vol per month since the books come out once every 3 months.

    Just so you guys know the real story of the manhwa wont appear before vol 6,7.

    I thought it was an avreage manhwa before i read vol 7-9 who was amazing storywise.

    Which vol are you one?

  5. #5


    Yeah, I'm on volume one... I should start reading this sometime this weekend

  6. #6


    Im gonna read the first 5 vols since it was a while since i read them. Also so much has happened that i wanna keep the facts freash in my mind.

    Man im gonna search and see if the manhwaga(sp?) has done other manhwa and hope the art is the same as in Priest.

  7. #7


    Yeah this is a really cool manga or manwha, if you wanna get technical, but damn once the flashback kicks in the story is just amazing. I'll wait till everyone else is caught up to discuss anything further, but I give this two thumbs up. Awesome art, good story, badass characters, what's not to like?

  8. #8


    Thats what i mean relevasius when the flashacks start and the story starts to show. Then the manhwa went from good to amazing.

    Which vol are you on? 6,7,8?

  9. #9


    Well, you can add volume 9 to the "to scan for Bud" list

  10. #10


    Hehe sure im gonna scan it later.

  11. #11


    cool, if you scan it at a good enough quality (check some of the BotI releases for resolutions), then I can try and put it in if you want

  12. #12


    Ok i will my sis is good at scaning,she scan in it in a qaulity.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Feb 2005
    In my own little world


    I'm liking this thing so far...

    lol at the federal marshall in volume one (chapter 2, page 3). He looks just like the corrupt sheriff in Trigun. Also in Shanghai Noon. Must be a popular character design...

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #14


    Vol. 3......

    What the heck... what's up with that time jump...

    I hope I get to see more of Iva, Liz, and that other group (the priest, indian, sheriff, etc..)

  15. #15


    Hehe the time jump makes the manga alot better.

    I also like the Isaac and the people in his time most.

    What do you guys think about the art style? Good or bad?

  16. #16


    i just read the 1st volume and i think its good gonna read more

  17. #17


    I think the art is ok... nothing that makes me go "Wow"... but at the other hand, it seems fitting with the manga...

  18. #18


    Thats why i like the art so much cause it not the most beautiful art but its the most fitting art i have seen. Makes the manhwa look alot more western then it would have with typical" art

  19. #19


    ya i agree with u two

  20. #20


    Alright, read up to volume 8

    Shit, I need more now... shit have finally started rolling again...

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