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Thread: TV: Supernatural

  1. #81
    Pretty good ep...but th last 5 min were just awesome. Now we know who this new chick is, and how she can disappear into thin air. I was really hoping that she'd be like a good supernatural being. Like some soldier angel, or some sort of holy counterpart to a demon. Still, i can't wait to see why she's so interested in helping sam. Wasn't there supposed to be another hunter chick that was cast for this season? wonder when she'll show up and what her story will be.

    Oh and Deans expressions were priceless this ep

  2. #82
    Well, it seems like the other new chick cast member is supposed to be some sort of thief. But man, this new chick reminds me so much of Meg, I miss her. We got a bit of backstory with Sam's mom and all. I also like how she really isn't good, but is willing to help just to serve her hidden agenda, it'll make for some good backstabbing drama later on. Anyways, great episode... and this season the show has been bit more gory than usual, which is nice. This is going to be a great season.

  3. #83
    Well, Thursday's episode was really good, a nice change of pace. We even got to see Batman.

    The other new chick showed up, and she was a cool character. All the new characters in the series have been really good, including that Jesus fanatic hunter. Seems like Gordon is about to break out and and start a hunting party for Sam. The episode was a genuinely fun episode, a huge contrast from all the tense episodes this season. I actually cracked a smile in a couple of scenes.

  4. #84
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I was laughing my ass off. It was such a nice change of pace for the show haven't had any scene so funny since square dancing with aliens. Gordon makes a great disillusioned good guy turned villain who still thinks he is doing the right thing.I mean i would just kill Sam too as that seems to be the easiest and quickest solution to the problem but life of course it is never that simple. Gordon and a posse of hunters vs Sam & Dean and their followers and his new demon friend vs God knows whatever else escaped through the gate is actually a very god plot which could go many different ways added together with the save Dean side plot makes for another great season of Supernatural.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  5. #85
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Awesome Episode. Loved the dialogue between Dean and the Demon which actually had alot of meaning and gave us some important information. Looks like this season is going to play out similar to what I predicted, this episode has given me an abundance of new ideas and theories which I'll withhold until some breathes some life into this thread i.e. when more than 3 different people post.

    I Like C.S.I as much as the next person but come on
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  6. #86
    man, another amazing episode. I like how they introduced a demon religion of sorts, and gave alot of info on the backstory/mythology of these demons. Now you kind of have god and the humans on one side, and lucifer and the demons on the other...pretty interesting set up.

    Also, there seemed to be some hinting at what the demon girls purpose mite be....since sam was supposed to be their leader, and now theres a power struggle going on, i get the feeling the demon chick is gonna try to eliminate the competition, and coax sam into taking his place as the leader of the demon army....with her as his general/queen. It would actually make for a pretty wicked season finale if sam did go thru with it and had several demons following him.

  7. #87
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    This is so fucking gay my cable was out so i couldn't even watch it lol, but from what im getting from you two it had to be awesome, but i doubt he would ever side with demons because of his mom and girl in the first season. Did the thief chick have an apperance in this one? im wondering what role she will play in the story.

  8. #88
    No the thief chick wasn't in this guess is she'll act mainly as in informant, part time ally, and general pain in the neck for the boys. Good chance she'll be involved in something big leading into the season finale.

    Oh and i forgot to mention, the demon killing colt is back....i dont hate the idea of the gun now, cuz this time its not just some random thing that they put in....since the demon girl helped them make it, its alot easier to accept that it can kill demons. I wonder if they only have limited ammo this time around as well....doubt it though. They should be able to make more holy bullets whenever they want, once they know how.

    It would be kool if they could start making other demon killing weapons as well, like the knife the demon chick had.

  9. #89
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    They do know how to make new ammo because Dean used the last bullet on Azazel(yellow eyes). As far as I see it she is Sam's competition he just doesn't know it yet, she is using him to eliminate the demons that oppose her but instead of Sam being the leader once everyone else is gone she will just eliminate him and take over because no matter what demons only serve their own self-interests and nothing else.

    I think there are more weapons because demons have waged war against each other before and i doubt they just stared each other to death. The colt wasn't the only weapon out there, they just wanted it so much because it was the key to open the gate so most definitely more will be introduced sooner or later I just hope they keep the number under 5 because anything more than that would just be ridiculous.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  10. #90
    It would be kool if any future weapons had some backstory to swords owned my ancient kings, or artifacts from lost civilizations. As for the ammo issue, i meant, did the demon girl make them a few more bullets, or did she show them how to make the bullets. But anyway, you're rite, it wouldn't make sense for them to only have like 5 bullets.

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Awesome Episode. Loved the dialogue between Dean and the Demon which actually had alot of meaning and gave us some important information. Looks like this season is going to play out similar to what I predicted, this episode has given me an abundance of new ideas and theories which I'll withhold until some breathes some life into this thread i.e. when more than 3 different people post.

    I Like C.S.I as much as the next person but come on
    Only 3 or 4 people watch the series, so don't expect more people to post.

    Quote Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
    This is so fucking gay my cable was out so i couldn't even watch it lol, but from what im getting from you two it had to be awesome, but i doubt he would ever side with demons because of his mom and girl in the first season. Did the thief chick have an apperance in this one? im wondering what role she will play in the story.
    You can download it you know..:

    Anyways, it was a really cool episode... especially toward the end when Dean starts to have doubts about his brother and when he seemed to want to spare the life of the demon. This season has been really really good so far, hopefully it won't slow down. I never liked the idea of limited bullets, and I hope they use the gun often... but I also hope that it won't make demon killing too easy, you know like you actually need to shoot their heads or some shit.

    I really like Ruby, but I don't see much of a future for her beyond this season unless she becomes the next big villian.

  12. #92
    [00:46] <Assassin> you know, i'd say the last bit of supernatural was a little gay, with the whole brotherly love thing, but 5 min prior to that, sam ripped a guys head off using barbed wire, so its still 127% badass

    Well, gordon's outta the picture now, and so is the religious nut. Hopefully we'll get some more plot development episodes from now on. I love every episode with bella....she has to be one of my fav characters ever.

    Its also good to see them using the a bit more liberally, unlike season 1. I didn't see the previews, but im guessing the next few episodes will focus on deans demon deal. Hopefully we'll find out who the major contract demon is soon. The 200 or so escaped demons have kinda been put on hold for the last little bit, so i hope we get some more development on that too.

  13. #93
    Yep, great episode and ripping Gordon's head off was great. I'm going to miss him, he was a cool character to have around. That aside, there won't be any episode till December 13, and after that I don't think there will be any more till the strike ends.

  14. #94
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Munsu is right and there were no previews but I would expect them to pursue the save Dean side plot from now on as well. This episode had some heavy foreshadowing, although thats normal for Supernatural. I will never be able to get over the irony of Gordon's demise, he was a great character and I really don't think he deserved to go that way , what that Vamp did to him was seriously messed up, turning a hunter especially a straight edged one like Gordon was perverse and then the way Sam killed him, since he was first introduced it was just one bad break after another.

    Bella's character is awesome and much needed now that so many of the auxiliary character are dead. It seems like she may have a major role to play later on especially since she and Dean have so much chemistry, you would think if anyone knew how to get themselves out of a deal with the devil it would be her.

    Oh, Sammy boy, have to talk about Sam he is just getting darker and darker and more and more desperate with every episode, I knew he would change but I expected it to be more of sudden unforeseen change to come later on when Dean was almost out of time but the slow build up definitely is a lot more exciting. The scene with Sam and Dean at the end, the whole brotherly love thing, was inevitable that was their entire motivation in the first place so it was not unexpected, shows that they are both beginning to accept their situation but I don't expect that to last.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  15. #95
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Awe, Supernatural, I didn't realize how much I've missed you. Charming little episode, the show really has a great formula, it has the perfect mixture of drama, suspense, comedy and then those quaint little family scenes.

    I was laughing a lot during this episode, they break in on Santa watching his Christmas themed porn and then Dean decides to start caroling. Evil Santa breaks in through the chimney and proceeds upstairs to the bedroom and throws, I'm assuming dad, in a bag and proceeds back downstairs only to stop to eat a cookie. It was a nice contrast to the forearm slicing, nail pulling, pagan god impaling scenes that followed.

    I'm liking how they throw in the "brotherly bonding" scenes lately. Normally I'm not a fan of them in shows like this but the execution and the placement are great and it just adds another "X factor" to the show.

    Anyway I'm tired of typing. It was a beautifully done episode and really unexpected too because I had completely forgotten that there was going to be new episodes. Haphazardly switched the TV from NFL Network and it ended up on Smallville.

    Anybody notice the blank look that Sam gets in his eyes when he is killing someone/something lately. I wonder where they are going with the Sam-Dark Messiah plot.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  16. #96
    I was a fan of this but I have yet to see Season 2 or 3. I have the episodes but I still need to watch them. No time these days...

    But I gotta admit, it's one heck of a show. Great cast and unique stories.

  17. #97
    Series returns on Jan. 31 with 4 new episodes... hopefully the strike will have ended by then and we get more episodes.

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Junior
    I was a fan of this but I have yet to see Season 2 or 3. I have the episodes but I still need to watch them. No time these days...

    But I gotta admit, it's one heck of a show. Great cast and unique stories.

    You'll love season 3....its like season 1 + season 2, x 10.

    Can't wait for the new eps.

  19. #99

    I love how the episodes are so different. With the different monsters and whatnot.

    That, and Dean is a hottie. Eyecandy. This show has it all. D:

  20. #100
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    One of the best shows out there. Even though the show itself isn't a comedy is has alot of great humor. Just take the Lucky charm episode. Not to give anything away, it was pure comedy and there is an awesome scene in it. You'll know when you hear the word "Batman"

    The end of this month will be awesome. Supernatural returns and Lost start off with a double episode.

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