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Thread: TV: Supernatural

  1. #61
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Let count the ways:
    -They miraculously survive
    -death takes on the form of a hotty
    -The father sacrifices himself and the gun(with bullet) to save his son's life
    -The boys are now officially dead in the water with no leads and no idea on what they need to do.

    This ep felt more like the conclusion to last season more then a premiere. It was actually cool to see Dean as a spirit on the brink of death.

    And we just got a plot point with what the demon has instore for the children like Sam, I was disappointed though that we didn't get to know what that plot point was. But I guess that would be giving away the show .

    Time for more badassness I suppose.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  2. #62
    great first ep. i like that they've ended the whole gun thing, now maybe we acn get back to normal methods of slaying demons. I really wanna know what the deal is with sam and kids like him. and why thier dad didn't tell sam about it.

    I really hope they dont kill off John's character though. It would be good if he came back from time to time as a spirit/guardian angel or whatever to help them along. Also i wonder what the actual deal he made with the demon was? Did he say they would stop hunting him if he saved deans life, or only that he'll give him the gun? Obviously dean and sam wont stop hunting him, even if they dont know about the deal, but i wonder how.

    once again, awesome ep. i love this show

  3. #63

    Wars a brewin'. The big plan is finally revealed...sort of. Turns out the demon is recruiting soldiers for an upcomming war, and the psychic kids will be fighting hellside.

    Pretty good episode overall. We got to see the demented vampire slayer again. too bad its the last we'll see of him for a while.

    I didn't get what happened with the girl at the end though. Was she taken/killed by the demon, was she the demon?

  4. #64
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Yeah this was a nice episode. I'm with you about the ending it got me confused too, maybe she got possessed by the demon or something?

  5. #65
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin

    Wars a brewin'. The big plan is finally revealed...sort of. Turns out the demon is recruiting soldiers for an upcomming war, and the psychic kids will be fighting hellside.

    Pretty good episode overall. We got to see the demented vampire slayer again. too bad its the last we'll see of him for a while.

    I didn't get what happened with the girl at the end though. Was she taken/killed by the demon, was she the demon?

    I think she was taken by the demon as one of the psychics, but it did leave it open as if she was one of those demons protecting thier treasure "Sam". Was a really good start from where they left off. I hope they will show sam's true powers soon, i doubt it is only seeing the future.

  6. #66
    Well, the way I see it was that the chick actually "Awakened" to her destiny, so she started killing... it shows what Sam might become.

    I finally caught up to the series, I was stuck in episode 4 for a while. This season has been pretty good, especially with "Meg" coming back and possessing Sam a couple of episodes back. The warewolf episode was very good too... though I was hoping they would keep the chick and have her in their travels. I'm tired of Dean and Sam emo brotherly shit, we need a chick along.

    I'm also liking the storyline with the FBI after Dean, though they need to get into it more.

    Episode 19 was the latest episode...

    It was good... it was nice to see Dean and Sam in prison and how they brought back the FBI guy. I hope the lawyer chick makes more appearances in the future.

  7. #67
    holy shit, this weeks ep was freaking awesome. We finally get to see the demon make his move. And we get to see 2 new psych-upgrade kids. it sucks that the lesbo chick and andy had to die. especially andy since i really liked his character.

    I guess the army guy will be the new antagonist...atleast for the second part of the ep. And, sammy has demon blood in, thats crazy! i can't wait till he starts controlling demons.

    Any thoughts on how thier mother knew the yellwo eyed demon? that was just outta no where. Man, i can't wait for next weeks ep...its gonna be fucking awesome!

  8. #68
    Their mother knowing about the demon, Dean having only one year left on his life and now sam has to "Save" him from it along with stopping the hundereds of demons released from hell. Also the thing that might come up, Sam not being 100% brought back as himself as the yellowed eyed seemed to say it. Think this season will be a good one.

  9. #69
    Well it's not that he's not 100% Sam, what he meant is that he's not 100% human as we learned that he has some demon blood in him.

    And yeah, it's sad to see the lesbo chick die... they should've introduced her sooner. It would be nice if Sam would use some powers though, he used to be able to be able to do telekinesis, but the writers kinda forgot about it once season 2 started.

    I'm not sure about the mother knowing the demon, but maybe knowing the vessel the demon was using.

    Anyways, the two season finales for Supernatural have been very good. And the season premieres have been good too so I'm looking forward to the next one.

  10. #70
    New character has been cast for the show, a demon hunter who hopefully will stick around with the boys. I'm getting sick of watching this two pretty boys...

    The chick is Katie Cassidy.

  11. #71
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Nice. Hopefully, she sticks around, so we at least have a girl to look at, heh. I know that Supernatural is so popular among females, cause of the boys. Now finally we get a chick...I'm praying that she will be in a lot of episodes this coming season, she looks pretty.

  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Zati
    Nice. Hopefully, she sticks around, so we at least have a girl to look at, heh. I know that Supernatural is so popular among females, cause of the boys. Now finally we get a chick...I'm praying that she will be in a lot of episodes this coming season, she looks pretty.
    I couldn't agree more... I kept watching the series with the hope that Meg would somehow miraculously show up.

  13. #73
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Awesome, another girl demon hunter has been casted. The addition of women is very nice.

    Here :
    Lauren Cohan

  14. #74
    Nice, seems like both will be regulars in the show... hopefully beyond the third season too.

  15. #75
    Comic-Con '07: Supernatural Panel;title;1

    I'm hoping for an all-out war.

  16. #76
    who's Gordon? the psycho black hunter?

  17. #77
    Yes, the vampire hunter.

  18. #78
    Genin Iridani's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    Good show... at least it's something different than the every day shows out there that mimic each other.
    ~The imprint is always there... Nothing is ever really forgotten...~
    ~Seduce my mind, and you can have my body
    Find my soul, and I'll be yours forever...~
    ~Signature made by Deadfire~

  19. #79

    The boys are back for another unholy season....and i gotta say, what a badass first episode!

    1. The storm cloud of demons covering the sky = awesomeness
    2. Girl smashing another girls face into windshield over shoes. ROFL
    3. The seven deadly sins!!11111 omgwtfbbq.
    4. Black dude chugging Drain and bleeding out his mouth as the demons laugh. That was just twisted.
    5. Demon house party. very nicely done.
    6. Crazy super hot ninja girl with anti-demon knife. god damn!

    Man this is gonna be such an awesome season. I can't wait for the next ep. One thing i didn't get, what happened to demon # 7? sam and that ninja chick killed 3, dean got 1, bobby got 1, and they exorcised 1 before that. That makes 6 demons. But they didn't mention anyone else, and it seemed like the matter was settled at the end of the ep. Was the black guys corpse the seventh one? but they shouldn't have been able to just kill it with a stake.

    Also, im really curious about the ninja chick and her sweet knife. She seems to know sam, and has some sort of power since she can disappear at will. Im thinking maybe she's one of the yellow-eyed demons earlier experiments. He did say that sam's generation was one of many. It would also explain her powers, and her knowledge/possession of demon killing weapons.

  20. #80
    The premiere was certainly great. The Drano scene was great, especially as he was bleeding and he kept chugging. Can't wait for the blonde chick to make another appearance, she's clearly been following Sam for some reason.

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