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Thread: Hikaru no Go-manga

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  1. #1

    Hikaru no Go-manga

    Hey guys!

    I just finished watching the Hikaru no Go anime and felt like it ended mid-way through the story. Like I thought, the manga goes much further and I'd like to read it through. Does anyone know where to get the whole series till the last chapter? I found some at Toriyama's world but they finish at volume 20 and I read that there are at least 23 volumes.

    Don't you just hate it when people don't finish the jobs they started? (Talking about unfishished anime based on manga like Inuyasha etc.) There's a special but I heard it doesn't quite finish the story either. I'll watch it today though.

  2. #2

    Hikaru no Go-manga

    I hear that not even the manga finished the story, so you won't be THAT satisfied after reading...

  3. #3

    Hikaru no Go-manga

    Oh man... Well, I don't really understand the game but the anime was so cool. I'll have to study Go. I might not have the patience but the show made me want more!

  4. #4
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Hikaru no Go-manga

    The manga stops mid-way to. It is a bad ending in my opinion. I actually think the anime ended better than the manga did.

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