Message to mods: please don't move this topic because it would just bog up the Guild Wars thread if it's in there.
<u>What is this?</u>
I am holding a contest to give away free stuff. The contest is a simple game of "guess the number".
<u>How to play?</u>
Just guess a number between 0 and 100. The winners will be decided based on how close they are. The 3 people that guessed closest to the secret number are the 3 winners. To ensure that I don't change the number as we go, I will tell the secret number to 2 random Gotwoot members. I will reveal the 2 random members at the end of the contest so you can see that I didn't cheat. Don't worry, I'm an honest person. I hope none of you will PM random people asking for the number. Cmon, let's have a fair and honest game.
<u>How to participate?</u>
Just post a number on this thread. One number. Not two, not three. One.
1st Place: (see below)
2nd Place: 2 Black Dyes
3rd Place: 2 runes of Major Vigor
<u>1st Place Prizes</u>
The first place prize will be determined by how close the 1st place person guesses. The following is the list of possible prizes. The first number will be the difference between the guess and the secret number, the second number is the cash prize.
0: ~~100k~~
1-2: 50k
3-5: 25k
6+: 15k
<u>Special Rules</u>
-You may not edit your post. All you're doing is posting a number, so there really is no need to edit unless you want to change your guess...which is not allowed. If I see that your post is edited, you are disqualified.
-No repeat numbers. If you accidentally guess a number that was already used, I will give you permission to double post to change it (mods please allow this). However, you may not do this more than once because if you do, it shows that you're retarded and you don't deserve to win.
-Do not make new accounts to keep guessing. I will catch on and I will ignore those guesses.
This contest will end as soon as nobody makes a guess within 48 hours of the previous one.
PM me or ask me in-game (Brick Factory) if you're unclear about something. As of now, the contest has officially started!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CONTEST PROGRESS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Taken numbers: 13, 24, 41, 43, 57, 69, 73
Disqualified: Terracosmo, Bmaster