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  1. #1

    Phase 48 Discussion


    She's right. How is it not a world of death? I guess some people have forgotten how bad cartoon drawing of the Destiny Plan but had trouble listening to Lacus because she has more personality. Lacus's world, as it is, where everyone have their own mind, makes their own choices on how they are to be born despite their flaws, their goals and aspiration, etc etc or Dullindal world where your rights are stripped, your freedom of thought taken away, your skills, goals, and life determined at birth, and everyone is a clone of somebody before you. Yeah instead of making the ultimate coordinator you'll have ultimate 'brain-dead' coordinators good for only one thing, being a drone. Gee, can i have 50/50? Who's more evil and munipulative? Who has a former competitor's death ray and sits above the skies giving ultimatums? I don't see how Lacus is evil. Dullindal's scene with view of the stars & his posture on his throne remind you of someone from the Star Wars? I can imagine the next generation of human beings will turn out. Disposible, putty-like, and comes in a box ready-to-ship complete with user guides. Most will just be blobs that don't have much function and eventually become obsolete to his program so the Chairman will turn them back into goo and remake them as he pleases. He'll clone himself too just in case he doesnt outlive his experiment and there are any left that still have brains. It will make the EAF extended program seem insignificant.

  2. #2

    Phase 48 Discussion

    ORB and Scandinavia rejected the plan, Althea was the last EAF base and not related to the other two (note, while the vice-captain of ther Minerva clearly states the requiem beam is heading towards earth, the animation we get is a base o nthe moon getting blown up - go figure).

    Lauc called Gil's furute plans a 'world of death' because he kills anyone who disagrees with him, and it doesn't matter how popular he is, someone will always disagree and Gil will respond by nuking their home-town; which will spark up more resistance resulting in more home-town nukings until only Gil is left cause he's holding the trigger.

    It's like how Patrik Zala was towards the end, he shot some poor guy just because he questioned an order - and he got shot right back.

  3. #3

    Phase 48 Discussion

    er Patrik Zala wanted to kill all is he like Gil...

  4. #4

    Phase 48 Discussion

    Originally posted by: heero
    er Patrik Zala wanted to kill all is he like Gil...
    @heero, its a metaphor.

  5. #5

    Phase 48 Discussion

    Originally posted by: heero
    er Patrik Zala wanted to kill all is he like Gil...
    Gil want's to genetically modify everybody, effectivly ending the existance of 'naturals' - though that's hardly the point.

    Like SFreedom said, it was a metaphor.

    To all those still questioning 'World Of Death', while Alukard's explaination was sufficiently poetic - as I mentioned before, she calls it a world of Death becuase Gil kills those who oppose him, and as far as she is concerned, there will always be opposition, meaning more and more death.

  6. #6

    Phase 48 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kovash
    Originally posted by: heero
    er Patrik Zala wanted to kill all is he like Gil...
    Gil want's to genetically modify everybody, effectivly ending the existance of 'naturals' - though that's hardly the point.

    Like SFreedom said, it was a metaphor.
    Well you are kind of stressing it a bit too much because I could also say that Gil and Lacus are similar because they both try to obtain a world of peace but with different approaches. With the same logic you could say 90% of the characters in GSD are basically the same: Kira fights to obtain peace, Shinn fights to obtain peace...etc

  7. #7

    Phase 48 Discussion

    Originally posted by: heero
    Well you are kind of stressing it a bit too much because I could also say that Gil and Lacus are similar because they both try to obtain a world of peace but with different approaches. With the same logic you could say 90% of the characters in GSD are basically the same: Kira fights to obtain peace, Shinn fights to obtain peace...etc

    Read: - though that's hardly the point.

    Like SFreedom said, it was a metaphor.

  8. #8

    Phase 48 Discussion

    so you are saying that your post was useless lol WOW its a metaphor...your point? lol

  9. #9

    Phase 48 Discussion

    Originally posted by: alukard

    She's right. How is it not a world of death? I guess some people have forgotten how bad cartoon drawing of the Destiny Plan but had trouble listening to Lacus because she has more personality. Lacus's world, as it is, where everyone have their own mind, makes their own choices on how they are to be born despite their flaws, their goals and aspiration, etc etc or Dullindal world where your rights are stripped, your freedom of thought taken away, your skills, goals, and life determined at birth, and everyone is a clone of somebody before you. Yeah instead of making the ultimate coordinator you'll have ultimate 'brain-dead' coordinators good for only one thing, being a drone. Gee, can i have 50/50? Who's more evil and munipulative? Who has a former competitor's death ray and sits above the skies giving ultimatums? I don't see how Lacus is evil. Dullindal's scene with view of the stars & his posture on his throne remind you of someone from the Star Wars? I can imagine the next generation of human beings will turn out. Disposible, putty-like, and comes in a box ready-to-ship complete with user guides. Most will just be blobs that don't have much function and eventually become obsolete to his program so the Chairman will turn them back into goo and remake them as he pleases. He'll clone himself too just in case he doesnt outlive his experiment and there are any left that still have brains. It will make the EAF extended program seem insignificant.
    Thank you so much Alukard, I've been wondering how to defend Lacus and you put the words into my mouth.

    anyway, if Lacus is talking bull shit throughout the whole season, its because the Newt Brained Fukuda doesn't know how to write scripts for her. Or for anyone in GSD for that matter. Is this truly the same person who directed the fantastic Gundam Seed? Or is he having a nervous breakdown?

    Another redeeming factor of the show. There's quite a nice build up of the "Good Forces" at the end. I wasn't so much shocked to see Nazca and Laurasia class cruisers from Zaft coming up to escort Eternal, but even EAF, dig this people EAF ships coming up to her.

    Come on guys, she has been missing for about 10 episodes in space. She's gotta be doing something other than just investigating the Chairman. And whose to say that Andy Waldfield, who remained in space while Lacus and Kira went back to Earth, hasn't been revealing the Destiny plan to whoever who would listen? not just ZAFT but EAF as well. And since EAF are supposed to be anti-coordinators, th fact that NELSON class battlcruisers are escorting Eternal, a certified ZAFT ship finally give me some relief.

    Mainly, not everyone in EAF military are anti-coordinator jerks.

    Not once since Admiral Herberton of the 8th Armada have we seen a reasonable commander and soldier who doesn't simply label all coordinators as enemies. Remember he had a short but civil conversation with Kira before all hell broke loose, and nothing had to do with animosity. He merely wondered why Kira's parents made him a coordinator and that's that.

    So for strange reasons, I'm happy to see NELSON class battlcruisers escorting Eternal.

    On the other hand, I guess now that the Atlantic Federation is gone, ORB is the only one else the remaining EAF forces can turn to.

    But remember that as soon as Andy Waldfield gave the signal only did the Nazca, Laurasia and Nelson class battlecuriser showed up. So my interpretation that those are the elements of EAF that has been listening to Lacus all along, maybe as far back as the previos war since it was the ORB faction that prevented the firing of GENESIS.

    "The songstress is returning". How fitting. After months of stepping at the side, Lacus will finally do her job with her own bare hands.

    Fucking Dullindal, I knew he didn't destroy Requiem because he wanted his own super weapon. Why else would he thank Djibril?

    Still, chances are very slim for ORB and the remaing EAF. I only count 12 ships in this episode that will represent the Clyne faction.

    2 Nazcas
    2 Laurasia
    2 Izumos
    3 Nelsons
    Total: 12 ships.

    Possible reinforcements: Yzak's squad. I'm not sure if his squad means just his Nazca cruiser or he has a group of ships under him collectively called his squad.


    Bloody hell, tens, maybe hundreds of Nazca's and Laurasias.

    Although according to Fukuda logic, one METEOR probably means EVERYONE DIES! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!![img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]

    All in all, a crappy episode but at least had a good build up feeling at the end.

  10. #10

    Phase 48 Discussion

    yeah, next week will be ZAFT defending the requiem system against rampaging lacus fans from everywhere, and lose. oh and they'll kill off Rey.

  11. #11

    Phase 48 Discussion

    well, yes, two meteor units will do a whole lot of damage, not to forget Akatsuki (with Dragoon, should be able to take out quite a few ships) and all the DOMs

  12. #12

    Phase 48 Discussion

    Originally posted by: alukard

    She's right. How is it not a world of death? I guess some people have forgotten how bad cartoon drawing of the Destiny Plan but had trouble listening to Lacus because she has more personality. Lacus's world, as it is, where everyone have their own mind, makes their own choices on how they are to be born despite their flaws, their goals and aspiration, etc etc or Dullindal world where your rights are stripped, your freedom of thought taken away, your skills, goals, and life determined at birth, and everyone is a clone of somebody before you. Yeah instead of making the ultimate coordinator you'll have ultimate 'brain-dead' coordinators good for only one thing, being a drone. Gee, can i have 50/50? Who's more evil and munipulative? Who has a former competitor's death ray and sits above the skies giving ultimatums? I don't see how Lacus is evil. Dullindal's scene with view of the stars & his posture on his throne remind you of someone from the Star Wars? I can imagine the next generation of human beings will turn out. Disposible, putty-like, and comes in a box ready-to-ship complete with user guides. Most will just be blobs that don't have much function and eventually become obsolete to his program so the Chairman will turn them back into goo and remake them as he pleases. He'll clone himself too just in case he doesnt outlive his experiment and there are any left that still have brains. It will make the EAF extended program seem insignificant.
    terra is still right, he said it would suck in the end, but its not a world of death. i dont see why its a world of death after reading ur post. i see a world of mental manipulation and decreased diverstiy but not a world of death. as bad as it is, it isnt death. unless u say world of "death" then i give it to u but without the quotes ur completly and utterly wrong.

  13. #13
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Phase 48 Discussion

    Originally posted by: alukard

    She's right. How is it not a world of death? I guess some people have forgotten how bad cartoon drawing of the Destiny Plan but had trouble listening to Lacus because she has more personality. Lacus's world, as it is, where everyone have their own mind, makes their own choices on how they are to be born despite their flaws, their goals and aspiration, etc etc or Dullindal world where your rights are stripped, your freedom of thought taken away, your skills, goals, and life determined at birth, and everyone is a clone of somebody before you. Yeah instead of making the ultimate coordinator you'll have ultimate 'brain-dead' coordinators good for only one thing, being a drone. Gee, can i have 50/50? Who's more evil and munipulative? Who has a former competitor's death ray and sits above the skies giving ultimatums? I don't see how Lacus is evil. Dullindal's scene with view of the stars & his posture on his throne remind you of someone from the Star Wars? I can imagine the next generation of human beings will turn out. Disposible, putty-like, and comes in a box ready-to-ship complete with user guides. Most will just be blobs that don't have much function and eventually become obsolete to his program so the Chairman will turn them back into goo and remake them as he pleases. He'll clone himself too just in case he doesnt outlive his experiment and there are any left that still have brains. It will make the EAF extended program seem insignificant.

    alukard. it is not a world of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That line makes absolutely no sense and was put in their just because lacus had to say something. If the destiny plan is anything like the society of brave new world, which i believe it is, since the whole idea is completely ripped off, then trust me, people are HAPPY and all things are centered around PEACE. It's just more a question about whether all humans really want to be happy if happiness is defined for them. Plus that kind of a society does not consist of robots who have no brains, so you can't really call them drones. It is instead a society that predestines roles for people. So basically, the people who are at the top and need to be thinking of how to run the society are intelligent free thinkers, and as you descend down the roles people get less intelligent depending on how much intelligence they need to fulfill their roles. Those at the bottom, or the worker class, might be considered drones but that doesnt mean the whole society is! Actually the idea behind it is, you genetically receive as much intelligence as you need to fulfill your certain role. This is because anything beyond what you need will only cause hindrances.

    NOTE: This is just my assumption based on what Brave New World Society was like. There is no factual evidence from the anim'e . But it seems logical that this is the kind of world dullindaal has in mind

  14. #14

    Phase 48 Discussion

    Why bother trying to explain things that happen in the show? It's all a bunch of crap anyways, just print a Fukuda picture and start practice some shooting on it...

    Anyways, it's official, this show has zero chance of redemption.

  15. #15

    Phase 48 Discussion

    Based on what has happened so far think the final episodes will have a clash of the those in power and anyone left resisting this Brave new world and maybe even explain what the chairman thinks about the Destiny Plan. He has not said much and don't give people much of a choice. I have not read it but i suppose it's not a bad world as long as i still have something on my shoulder, at least can stick out my tongue, and have a thumb to wave down people when my car breaks down and i dont know what to do.

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