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Thread: Manga: Air Gear

  1. #121
    Air gear 65 scan by someone


  2. #122
    Well, 66 has been released by scum scans, and you can get it in their IRC channel or your favourite place.

    Chapter talk

    Look who's back, I wonder how this show is going to go down. I'm also wondering on how the match is going to finish, well either Ikki and Akito/Agito have to win, or the match has got to be interupted by the Shinjuku Crocodile.

    Ringo and Simca are so cool.

  3. #123
    Chapter 67 has been released.

  4. #124
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I've really been enjoying how the manga has been going overall. Its just a shame the only scantilations of the manga are going so slow that it seems the anime will overtake them at any time. Of course I don't think anyone expected them to do the first 20 chapters so quickly.

    Once again we have a well written battle that will look better animated but I'm enjoying everything so far.

  5. #125
    I really like the visual when Udou's shadow (which resembles something like Ultima Weapon) appeared.

    But I still find it odd that so many of those, who profess themselves to be Storm Riders, no matter how good, find themselves never experiencing the "sky."

  6. #126
    Double post for excellence! Ch. 68 by scum scans is now available.

    Udou's footwear goes super saiyan, or some nonsense like that.

  7. #127
    chapter 69 is out..


  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by budak getah
    chapter 69 is out..

    Waahhh...! That was a dirty, filthy lie of the worst sort! You brought my hopes up only to have them come crashing back down to earth in a RAGING ball of FIRE with hopes of a new release! I hope you're happy with yourself, you charlatan!

  9. #129

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by bagandscalpel
    Waahhh...! That was a dirty, filthy lie of the worst sort! You brought my hopes up only to have them come crashing back down to earth in a RAGING ball of FIRE with hopes of a new release! I hope you're happy with yourself, you charlatan!
    I am not telling a lie...beware of your words and you should consider to clean back my reputation...

  11. #131
    By "reputation," I assume you mean that you're actually hurt by that load of garbage I posted? If so, then I meant no offense, only to point out that you marked chapter 69 as having been released THREE days before it was in actuality.

    Oh well, in my eyes, you've fully redeemed yourself, and more, with this most recent find.
    Last edited by bagandscalpel; Thu, 07-27-2006 at 06:26 AM.

  12. #132
    Chapter 69 and 70 released by Scum-Scans.

    Damn Udou has some badass AT's, but Akito/Agito used to have them before. I wonder how Ikki is going to get himself out of this one, going up close got him hit by the hammer, he may go up close to him and somehow break his way up, if he can get past the 'fang', so he can come down for an aerial assault. Although it's predictable to say, there still maybe another way to go on about this.

    I wonder what 'king' that Ringo inherited from Rika?

  13. #133

  14. #134
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    American Empire
    I'm sticking with the Scum releases because they are better quality (and come with occasionally nice extras).

    72 is out, and I'm glad the flashback ended. With the last chapter, I was afraid Oh! Great would start on another 3 volume flashback, but fortunately, it was only a chapter and a half, and got the point across nicely. I know they've said the "next will decide the match" a couple of times, but this one looks like it really will be it.

  15. #135
    Yeah, I didn't even check out the other releases, I hate when a new group just pops up and starts a little ahead from another group who is doing an awesome job. Can't they find something that isn't being done so we can get more manga out.

    Yeah, flashback could've shown how the fight turned out, but what I gather from the flashback and also how Akira wasn't satisfied with the way is that Agito ended up giving him the regalia, or something along those lines.

    This fight should soon be over, even possibly interrupted before an outcome is decided.

  16. #136
    I've heard that Air Gear is up to chapter 140?
    Last edited by X-plicit; Fri, 09-08-2006 at 07:21 PM.

  17. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by X-plicit
    I've heard that Air Gear is up to chapter 140?
    You heard wrong, the manga is only up to volume 14 which is about chapter 112, of which 86 have been translated.

  18. #138
    You're wrong. I did some research just to double check. Took me about 30 mins and they're at volume 16

  19. #139
    well.. the anime just ended at episode 25... anyone know if the anime will have a second season?

  20. #140
    More than likely it will have a second season, it's probably to let the manga get further ahead, as it is still ongoing. It caught up to quickly, and they don't want to create stupid filler for it, which would more than likely ruin the series.

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