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Thread: Manga: Air Gear

  1. #101

    (New York, NY; January 20, 2006)—Del Rey Manga, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, announced today the acquisition of AIR GEAR, a Kodansha property by manga legend Oh! Great, creator of Tenjho Tenge.

    With 12 volumes and over 5.5 million copies in print in Japan, great anticipation has been building for the U.S. debut of AIR GEAR. AIR GEAR, translated from the original Japanese and completely unedited, follows the adventures of Itsuki Minami, the toughest strongest wrestler at Higashi JHS, who is easy on the eyes, but dangerously rough when he needs to be in a ring. Itsuki lives with the mysterious and sexy Noyamono sisters--so this lucky boy's life isn't exactly dull. But it takes a turn for the even more unreal when Itsuki leads his school to victory over some vindictive Westside punks with gangster connections. Now he stands to lose his school, his friends, and everything he cares about. In his darkest hour, the Noyamano girls come to Itsuki's aid. They can teach him how to use Air Trecks to save their school from the gangster's seige—and bring Itsuki to a thrilling, and terrifying, new world.

    “This is definitely one of our biggest releases for 2006,” said manga director Dallas Middaugh. “The story will have you on the edge of your seat, and the art will keep your eyes super-glued to the page.”

    AIR GEAR will be rated for ages 16 and up. The first volume will go on sale July 25, 2006.

  2. #102
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    57 is out. Heh, I know the other battles were gonna kickass.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  3. #103
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    58 is out, get it at

    Stealth strikes again. That was really a great chapter. I wonder what the slut whos facing Onigiri is gonna do...

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  4. #104
    Nice chapter, good to see Kazu come up with something, the mangaka always comes up with a good explanation of how they get over and win verse their opponents.

  5. #105
    The explanation was nice, as always, something new and interesting...

    However, I'm kind of disappointed that Sano ended up relying on a stunt like that though he's a level 82 rider. Let's just hope he isn't just a one-trick pony like Hecatoncheire.

  6. #106

  7. #107
    Damn, I didn't think that both of them were going to lose, I thought that at least one of them was, and I thought it was going to be Kazu.

    Oh and you gotta love the new outfit Ringo has on, there is like nothing on it, lol.

  8. #108
    60 is out, and pretty girls are all around.
    Nice opening page, lol.

    This could become a nice, triple threat match at which Onigiri has front row seats.

  9. #109
    Missing Nin
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    Chapter 61 is out

    I'll wait for people to post before discussion to avoid any spoilers.

  10. #110
    Visual detail's nice, as always. Though, the chapter was a little on the silly side, and I'd be more than a little irritated if Onigiri manages to pick up where Kazu and Buccha couldn't.

    I'm guessing the newcomer is of the Lightening Road or something of that nature.

  11. #111
    Oh damn, Ringo!

    Onigiri has just cut sick, that looked mad.
    Nice chapter all up, Simca explains something to Ringo that she doesn't know about the team and most guys in general, although she wants the best, she's going the wrong way about it. I like that drawing of the pig and snake, and also the last page.

  12. #112
    Missing Nin
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    Airgear 62 is now up for download

    Edit: Listed the wrong chapter by accident.

  13. #113
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Oh my god. That was so silly yet fufilling in a perverted way. Onigiri is my new lord and savior.

  14. #114
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Lefty
    Oh my god. That was so silly yet fufilling in a perverted way. Onigiri is my new lord and savior.
    Couldn't have said it better myself... well except the amount of man sweat involved was also disgusting but oddly it worked and gave us all a exceptable conclusion

  15. #115
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    LMAO!!! Onigiri's a pimp, lol. I really wanna see Ikki's fight, but seeing Onigiri seduce that girl was priceless!

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  16. #116
    Chapter 63 is out.

    Ikki is controlling this fight at the moment, getting the other guy into his pace, and cheating at the same time, but that's what makes it his fight really, plus the other guy can't seem to catch on.

  17. #117
    Chapter 64 has been released get it from #scum-scans @ irchighway.

    Damn, Akito/Agito is breaking up, I don't think he'll be lost, He'll always be there thanks to Ikki smashing through the floor and giving him a little perspective. That knee to the head was hard, great art during this chapter these Fang King guys are awesome.

  18. #118
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I kinda found this to be a pretty worthless chapter for me. I'm not a fan of Akito/Agito, so I really don't care much for chapters that focus on them. I agree, the art was phenomenal in this chapter, and I did like the part that Agito was created to protect Akito (I think I've got that right). Other than the parts I mentioned and the art, the only part I found worthwhile was where Ikki showed up at the end to patch things up and set Agito/Akito on the correct path.

  19. #119
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    I have to say this was a ve ry good chapter it showed what the internal struggle in side Agito/Akito. Farther down the line near the end of the manga these two should just become one person one rider. But anway the part where ikki busts in was prettty bad ass. He looked like demon for a second.

  20. #120
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    I didn't hate this chapter but I really didn't love it either. Overall I just think this would go over much better animated or even as a weekly chapter but with the way its being released despite the art I found it a bit lackluster.

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