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Thread: Manga: Air Gear

  1. #81

    Air Gear

    Go and get chapter 45, this shit is really heating up, the air flow is coming.

    Rika is so fine.

  2. #82
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Air Gear

    Looks like Del Ray picked up air gear. THANK GOD. At least this series is safe form the bumbling idiots at CMX.

    Also I really want to see the next chapter bad. This is getting good.

    EDIT: 46 out go get it!

  3. #83

    Air Gear

    Just finished with chapter 46, and it was a nice way to go about it.
    poor Rika.

  4. #84

    Air Gear

    Alright, finally caught up...

    Good stuff as always...

    My only complaint is that they create all this sort of games, and when the game starts you really have no clue on what the fuck is going on... I with the games, scores, etc were more detailed instead of talking all these poetic crap chapter after chapter...

    Aside from that, I hope we get to see more kickass fights later on... girls hot as always... I liked the victory sign part and the kamekaze technique or whatever it was called...

  5. #85

    Air Gear

  6. #86

    Air Gear

    Nice release there, hope they do that more often.

    Agito is taking down te people and now has set im up with someone good, should be a good match up to come, I wonder when Ikki will be getting those weights off. I don't think it will be for a while yet, but when they come off, god damn.

    Rika nee is so cute.

  7. #87

    Air Gear

    Yeah, I would say these were some of the most awesome chapters... Especially because of Agito going psycho, this Behemoth or whatever guys seems like will kick ass, next chapters will be good...

  8. #88

    Air Gear

    Here's the website for the Air Gear TV series...

    Not much there, but you can see some of the character designs... I'm pretty sure the anime is coming out this Spring...

  9. #89
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Air Gear

    I just saw the one page of the website. I think we're probably in for another TenTen. (Supremely dumbed down version of the original manga) Considering that Air Gear is already 'dumbed down' (mentally and in maturity, as much as I like it I can't deny that's true) as far as it can go, I can't see a whole lot of appeal in the series.

    Ringo has (unless I suddenly became color blind) what appears to be, purple hair. That's.............wrong.

    I'll give it a shot, but I really can't expect a lot out of it.

  10. #90

    Air Gear

    Yeah, I'm not to exited about the TV adaptation... They'll probably crap over it...

    I hope I am wrong though...

  11. #91
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Air Gear

    50 51 out go get it. Great setup for the enxt few chapters.

  12. #92

    Air Gear

    Yeah, I read those chapters earlier today... Very good chapters, I hope we see some kickass fights in this arc cause it surely is setup that way.

  13. #93
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Air Gear

    Haha, kick ass chapters. I can't wait untill the next release. It should be a good fight.

    As for Air Gear being a repeat of the tragity that is Tengo Tenge (anime), dear god I hope not. I was about to shot someone when they ended Tengo Tenge like that. If they do the same to Air Gear, I might not be able to stop myself...

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  14. #94
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Air Gear

    Dont' for get Air gear is like into volume 12-14 ish area right now in japan. Its like around a year and half old. I think it will be a while before the anime catches up. But I do hope to god they treat this series right or so help me I'll will kill all who are resposible.

  15. #95

  16. #96
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    53-55 out go get it some decent set up for the two big battles we all want to see.

  17. #97
    Yeah, nice setup and Bucchi had a good battle, like this style, and some people came down to check out Kogarasumaru's fight against the Behemoth.

    Can't wait till we get to the Agito/Akito match up it's the one I'm most excited about, that's going to be a bloodbath, Ikki's will be good he always seems to have good suprising fights, hope it goes well. Also wonder how Kazu will fair.

  18. #98
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    56 is out. This is turning out to be a good fight. If it were to last only a chapter, it woulnt be good at all. I'm looking forward to this "Bee" getting rolled over by the tank.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  19. #99
    Nice chapter, Buccha is gunna squash some bees.

    This Agito fight coming up is going to be awesome, stop teasing me god dammit!!

  20. #100
    Yeah, the last volume worth of chapters of so have been great, for a couple of chapters there wasn't much going on in Air Gear, but I'm glad they finally started fighting again. I like that woman who is fighting the fatty, just started masturbating, what a slut.

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