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Thread: Manga: Air Gear

  1. #181
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It was nice seeing that Ringo took Simca out of the fighting only temporarily, and she's not quite the evil bitch we had thought she became. She was actually protecting Simca, who has no combative abilities whatsoever.

    It does seem like it's reaching the beginning of its final arc, but there are too many unanswered questions, a couple of them about Tool Tou To.

    -Nakajima (I think that's the name of the other girl that always hangs around them, Emily's best friend) was shown to have the same pefect sense of timing as the tuners, and she lives in a repair shop. Where will she be incorporated into the storyline?

    -What conclusion will be reached with Kururu and the girl fighting with her over Ikki? Will the regalia breaking be used to try and show Kururu is incompetent (since it obviously was not superior to the ones Kururu made).

    -Why Simca left Tool Tou To, or at least the exact circumstances behind it.

    -During the end of Ikki's hospital stay, they implied Emily developed an ultimate attack on a parallel schedule, the one that displayed how many panties Ikki had seen running on his hands. Are they just going to gloss over it, or will we actually see it? We saw Onigiri's lame and perverted skills after all.

    But just because Ikki is leaving doesn't mean the conclusion will start. Ikki realized that the path he was taking was the exact opposite of his intention. Taking down Trompheaum (sp?) using the Wind Regalia would not give him the freedom he wanted all Storm Riders to share. I think it's more likely that AirGear is just about to make a fundamental shift in the story. If you read Tenjou Tenge, you might see similar things happen before the story shifted and got 20 times as confusing.

    Fake climaxes are fairly characteristic in Oh! Great's longer works (pun absolutely intended).

  2. #182
    Can someone care to explain what's going on please? I kinda started reading the anime where it was left off. So I'm kinda confused and here's some questions.

    So what's Ikki's goal right now and Sleeping Forest's?

    Did Ikki hold back or did Ringo hold back during their fight?

    Did Ikki's AT fail or something? How come they were all grim reapers or something that came out?

    I'm confused on that Death God stuff?

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by X-plicit
    Can someone care to explain what's going on please? I kinda started reading the anime where it was left off. So I'm kinda confused and here's some questions.

    So what's Ikki's goal right now and Sleeping Forest's?

    Did Ikki hold back or did Ringo hold back during their fight?

    Did Ikki's AT fail or something? How come they were all grim reapers or something that came out?

    I'm confused on that Death God stuff?
    1. No idea.

    2. Neither did, until the end. Ringo held back and helped Ikki.

    3. Yes they failed. The "grim reapers" I guess are Oh! Great's way of cheesing stuff and overdramatizing stuff I guess. I mean thorn whips from Ringo's AT is acceptable, but Ikki cruising around while people have visions of Grim Reapers? =/

    4. /shrug, your guess is probably as good as mine. It's probably the Wind Regalia's "released" form. It probably just represents the wind itself, and the Grim Reaper signifies death. And I guess they just want to demonstrate how powerful this wind just is, with the image of the grim reapers.

  4. #184
    AonE Staff lambchopsil's Avatar
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    The newest chapter just came. It's a nice way to wrap up the arc.


    And she even kissed him!

  5. #185
    143 released by kuu.

  6. #186
    144 and 145 released by kuu.

    Best joke page ever in 145, it made me laugh.

  7. #187
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    End of volume 17, 155 released by Kuu

    Sora's a cock-block lol

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  8. #188
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    157's out.

    Now is it just me, or did Air Gear, within the last 10 chapters or so, get really really weird? Gravity children? Twins? What the hell is going on??

  9. #189
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's just like Tenjou Tenge after the arc with the spear guy, only it makes sense. Unlike TenTen, you can follow this shift in the plot.

    We've always known that the members of Sleeping Forest were absurdly strong. The reason why is because they were bioengineered and trained practically from birth to ride AT in zero-G. AT was created where they were. The facility, The Tower, is an enormous elevator into the earth that accelerates to cause zero-G conditions. The children escaped, leaving the incredibly dangerous Sky Regalia at the bottom near the Earth's mantle, at some several hundred degrees Fahrenheit.

    The Tower eventually opened again, and Storm Riders (since AT got out into the world) went in to steal some junk because...that's why teenagers and punks do. It's existence had leaked out. The "gravity children" under Kilik formed Sleeping Forest to protect the dangerous technology inside. Other highly skilled children like Rika and her sisters (who turn out to not be related by blood) were allowed into Sleeping Forest, only to Kilik's dismay that they were also gravity children, created at some other facility where the evil research continues. One member of the gravity children formed Tool Tou To, since she didn't care for fighting, and tuning is truly only necessary for Storm Riders that weren't gravity children.

    Sora however, had leaked the information about the Tower out, in order to have people get the Sky Regalia for him, since he turns out to be an egotistical bastard seeking out power and domination (the opposite of Ikki's proclaimed goal). Sora turns out to not be paralyzed at all, and has a more violent twin brother.

  10. #190
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Tenjou Tenge did cross my mind... in that manga, when it started getting weird I stopped reading =P But I think I'll keep going with this one.

  11. #191
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    This contains all released Airgear chapters so far. It is up to 160. Scans done by Kuu and Sora

    And man chapters 158, 159 and 160 own more then any other chapter. THats all I'll say for now.

  12. #192
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    Dont forget they basically have faster downloads, they also have of mangas, some are done.
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  13. #193
    and then there is :P

    I also noticed that scum scans have released again, this would be a first in a long time. I was stunned actually.

  14. #194
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    I noticed that too-- I saw on #lurk's site that they began releasing again... but I am not sure if it is worth replacing my scans with them....

  15. #195
    Im kinda confused on whats been happening. So Sora and his twin brother Nike dont like that Spitfire is trying to make Kazu the new Flame King. Then Aeon Clock and Spitfire started to beat the crap out of Nike but in reality they did nothing to him. But what i dont understand is whos the "good guy" i cant tell anymore whether it is Kilik or Sora. And why is Nike trying to kill Spitfire if theyre both on Genesis

    Sig made by Zinobi

  16. #196
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    I think Nike was an original member of Sleeping Forest.. but I understand where you are coming from as I too am confused as fuck about this fight sequence..

  17. #197
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Sora is an asshole. He's been manipulating everyone from the beginning (including the other gravity children) in order to get the Sky Regalia still buried in the Tower. He was using Ikki in order to get either the Sky Regalia, or tuned versions of the Wind Regalia, which he has now reobtained (and why he told Ikki he was no longer needed).

    Nike and Sora conspired together to fake Sora's crippling by Kilik. How they accomplished that is beyond me.

    Sora and Nike = pure evil, went off back to America for now.
    Kilik = a bit arrogant, but not really as asshole
    Ikki = played by everyone. Except sweet Kururu.
    Spitfire and Aeon = allied with Kilik or at least against Sora.

    As a side note to the romance angle that's been twisting throughout the series, Ringo has definitively lost her place to Kururu, and Simca never really viewed him in that way.

  18. #198
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    Woah, so Sora isn't crippled? His legs must be atrophied like a mother fucker.. I bet Oh Great! Will make more fake physics to explain it .. I can only hope..

    Thanks for Clearing that up Ryllharu

  19. #199
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    I also personally root for Ikki and Kururu, although I didn't expect it. I thought Ikki and Ringo was a foregone conclusion, as most manga storylines go. Now I'm just waiting for Ikki to get his act together and go apeshit on Sora :-D How many chapter of emo-Ikki do you guys think we'll have to endure?

  20. #200
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Ikki is a bit of an asshole himself, he's gone through a few moments so far, most recently with his fight against Ringo. This time, they said outright that he's never been this completely beat down. He really looked up to Sora, and had thought Sora agreed with his idea that everyone should be enjoying AT, not using it for power or whatever lame shit they think up. Sora didn't acknowledge his existence at all, that's what hurt him so much.

    Kururu was nearby to give him love. He'll be out for a little while, but I don't think it will be too long. It's not like Tenjou Tenge where they'll just slap in a huge flashback (they already did a short one that covered it all) or switch to a different "main" character.

    Remember, Ikki is not a gravity child, and he did the moondrop (or whatever it was) that Sora taught him long ago when he and Ringo went to Tokyo Tower. He'll bounce back.

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