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Thread: Official 151 Discussion

  1. #61

    Official 151 Discussion

    Terracosmo & nge484 ... Um have you all not been reading my previous posts... of course hinita got that move... her Bukuyuguan lets her see temperatures better.. THIS lets her find water falls to train by when she needs to train becuase its water and its colder and stuff... WHICH IS WHAT everyone with bakuaguan does... They train at waterfalls becuase they can see them better.

    SO of course its a natural progression that if you trtain at waterfalls (which you can SEE better becuas they are colder and you have bakuaguan)... That you will at SOME POINT in time .. after much hard work... Be able to shoot lasers out of your hands.......

    If you cannot see the logical connection there... Well then you probally are simply not drinking enough Drain-O..... Personally I like I chug a bit of Liquid plumber when I think about it... it helps me to clear my mind.. and understand the idea of laser hands....Yupp it makes perfect sense...... now I am gonna go outside and watch my yard turn different colors....

  2. #62

    Official 151 Discussion

    No, all of your opinions are wrong, and mine is right, 'nuff said. [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
    Personally, I think this episode was all right (aside from the end, which was fucking horrible), but that's about all you're going to get in a filler. I'm not much of an anime purist, but from what I've seen, the animation, or art, or whatever sounds better looks okay.

    But then again, you guys are entitled to, your opinions.
    Rocket-Propelled Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  3. #63

    Official 151 Discussion

    episode was good filler wise..but stop your moaning people..i really think..after 4 months of fillers..Gai's teams filler arc is going to be the last one..and this filler arc was only what? 3 eps long? so hopefully..after 3 more weeks..we can get back to the manga..3 more weeks..fuck me..that's such a long time

  4. #64

    Official 151 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Originally posted by: nge484
    For once I agree with Terracosmo.
    How does it feel to be on the winning side for once?
    You should be proud of yourself. You can identify an shitty episode just as well as I can =)

    XanBcoo: Look man, I don't know how much you've seen, and I'm not going to claim that I've seen more than you or anything that stupid. I've got a good amount of anime under my belt as well, and there aren't a whole lot out there that dedicate a lot of good animation into every episode. I didn't see what was so special about this particular episode compared to the rest of the series. Was it the CG bees hovering around Hinata? Seriously, I think the only above average part (when it comes to the animation) was when it focused on Naruto when he was pissed and had the Kyuubi eyes. But opinions are opinions. I didn't find anything special about it, you did. Good for you and the rest of ya'. May seem like it, but there's no sarcasm intended there.

    UberSuperHACKER: Well of couse all Byakugan users like waterfalls! I mean everyone knows that! And I love how they have such a logical explination for her to be able to perform her technique too!
    You know something? She's still flailing her know, like the Power Rangers? They had reasons for having their giant robots too, but that didn't make it a good TV show...
    Pass some of the plumber shit...[img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]

    The Heretic Azazel: It's not that I don't give the episode a chance. I give it a chance each time I open the file and dedicate to 20-25 minutes to watch it. From time to time I do find a remotely interesting or redeeming quality in an episode or two. But comparing filler episodes to your normal episodes (dirived from the manga), the ratio of good to bad episodes isn't very good. I really shouldn't say that there aren't any redeeming qulities of the fillers, because everyone may find something they enjoyed about it. Especially since everyone's opinion is just that; an opinion. No one's "wrong." I personally just think it sucks and in 151 I found little to no redeeming qualities. And the part that should have been cool, looked completely rediculous to me.
    I'd rather just have less people supporting the filler arcs, cuz for all we know, it may be why they keep making them. Because people don't mind the lower quality episode...

    So that's the boat I'm in...

  5. #65

    Official 151 Discussion

    found this team 8 filler at least somewhat better then the previous filler.

    It had a more feeling original naruto feeling to it. As most things were done in stealthy way , rather then naruto's charge and punch way.

    ending sucked.

  6. #66

    Official 151 Discussion

    well I personally would like to note that I think the whole Naruto Hinata thing is actually progressing. For once he actually said something good and seemed to look at her in a new light. And of course the whole waking up in his arms thing. I would like to see them together for once and would like to see how it turns out.

  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Official 151 Discussion

    @nge484: The animation in Naruto is not constant, therefore different episodes look different. The particular animation style was more fluid, more detailed, and stylistic. There is a notable difference:

    Rasengan from this episode:

    and a Rasengan from a few episodes back:

    I'm not going to ask you which you prefer, but just try and tell me those look the same. I liked the animation in this episode because it stood out from the others. I'm not arguing here, just trying to explain that the animation was not sub par.

    lol, I thought UberSuperHacker was serious at first [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #68
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Official 151 Discussion

    No, there was nothing special about 151's animation at all. Maybe compared to the normal shitty filler animation, but when you compare it to GOOD animation, it's still BELOW average.

  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Official 151 Discussion

    Well yes, compared to episodes like 133, 48, 71, etc etc (the ones done by that guy), this episode's animation is not as good. But it's still better than your run of the mill episode. And yes, I mean non-filler episodes too.

    You're just complaining 'cause it's filler. And filler is teh sux0r, right? Well get your head outta your ass and actually watch the episode. It wasn't STUNNING, but it was still a lot better than what we're usually treated to. I feel I'm overusing the word "fluid" but that's a good way of descibing the animation in this episode. That, and like Heretic said, the balloony proportions, weird camera angles, and exaggerated movements of the characters. I'd post another picture to rub it in, but that would not prove my point about the quality of the animation, b/c it's only a screenshot.

    Nothing special = I hate fillers and I'm going to bitch about it.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #70

    Official 151 Discussion

    you know what? I thought the filler episode was good but I went back and watched episode 91-96 out of boredom..downloaded it and everything..and it's such a big difference from this shitpile they put on a platter to us every don't realize how much you miss the animation..the storyline..the battles..until you rewatch a few old I say..fuck this filler..I agree with all of the negative comments..this filler sucks..
    ..but HInata's hot so it makes up for it..sorta

  11. #71

    Official 151 Discussion

    Well, I'll give it to you that the art was pretty good in the episode. Especially compared to the last one you showed. I know they don't always have the same artists going at it and each episode comes out a little different (hence, why they use that one particular artist on the big fights). But I wasn't talking as much about the art of the episode. I was discussing mainly about the animation. How fluid the movements were from frame to frame.
    To me (at least), the animation and fluidity of the episode looked fairly normal. But hey, I'm no expert. You may still be right. It's just the way I remember it. I'd rewatch the episode again and pay more attention to the animation in order to discuss it more with you, but I really don't want to kill more brain cells than I already had to [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  12. #72
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Official 151 Discussion

    It was a sad day when I watched Naruto 151. Why?

    Shino : "Hinata you once knew is no more."

    Holyshit. Hinata looks cooler than Neji in that episode. All Neji had that Kaiten move and she has taken that away from him.

    Behold......................Shugohakke Rokujyuu Yonshou : 64 strikes

    And when Hinata said, Naruto kun. Please watch me. I thought she is going to take off her clothes. Thank god that dint happen.

    The animation was much much better than the previous fillers but a silly way to end the episode. Shino showed his leading abilities.

    Looking forward to see Gais Team in action especially Lee. He has been out of the action for too long.

  13. #73
    Genin Shinda's Avatar
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    Official 151 Discussion

    wow, the episode was actually kinda cool, and the art was okay, only the ending sucked
    I only hope that the next arc has some neji action and that after there isn't coming a shikamaru, chouji and ino filler
    Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.

  14. #74

    Official 151 Discussion

    Forget that my friend what you don't want is a filler involving Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi...

  15. #75
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Official 151 Discussion

    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    They both look awful.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  16. #76

    Official 151 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
    Forget that my friend what you don't want is a filler involving Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi...
    No we don't want that but i'll bet you that there will be one.. HELL, what has happen to naruto? They got lost and found them self at suck-ville???

  17. #77

    Official 151 Discussion

    I didnt hate this ep but Im glad I get to see lee, neji, tenten, and gai for the next filler. If there has to be another filler after this one Id want a team Gaara filler.

    XanBcoo I also liked the animation a lot more on this episode, almost made me forget it was a filler until naruto farted. After that it was downhill...then neji showed up and everything was good again.

  18. #78
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Official 151 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    Originally posted by: XanBcoo
    They both look awful.
    Shut up. Go watch FMP. We'll let you know when the fillers are over. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Official 151 Discussion

    The fart didnt ruin it. Think about what wouldve happened if they had gotten sasuke's scent again. More fillers like the orochimaru's castle one. Plus, it would be even harder to get back into the manga. Hinata's move isnt as cool as Neji. Neji pwns all.

  20. #80

    Official 151 Discussion

    I thought it was good in comparison to the other fillers, but this is getting old. The closest point i came to liking this episode was when the Kaiten symbol appeared under Hinata, i was so hyped up too. But alas, nothing. And to pour salt into an old wound, there was the fart

    I for one, would prefer if Naruto take long breaks between arcs and give us good quality stuff, not drag it out with these fillers. These fillesr kinda killed the atmosphere naruto had in the first eps.
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

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