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Thread: GW Reading the Same Manga Part 4

  1. #1

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 4

    I don't know what you guys think, but I think that it would be good if we can find some manga that is not currently being discussed here, and make like a pact that all of us manga readers will start reading it so that we can have some good discussions on it...

    The way I see it, we can discuss for a couple of days some suggestions on which would be a good manga for all of us to read...

    Then, after those couple of days have passed (maybe like a week), I can edit this first post and make a poll with all, if not most of the mangas that have been suggested. Then, the manga with the most votes (after maybe another week) is the one we as a community chose to read and will read from then on so we can all discuss it...

    What do you guys think?


    Round One Winner: Air Gear
    Round Two Winners: Priest and Jiraishin
    Round Three Winners: Ares and Tokko

    <u>Poll #4 Begins Now</u>

    Here are the manga choices:




    Change Guy

    Air Gear = Winner of Poll #1

    Addicted to Curry

    666 Satan


    Team Medical Dragon


    Otogi Matsuri



    Jiraishin = Winner of Poll #2

    Tokko = Winner of Poll #3

    Onikiri Jyuzo

    Chaosic Rune

    MPD Psycho

    Priest = Winner of Poll #2




    Ares = Winner of Poll #3

    When you vote, please post an explanation on your choice to so that we can understand your reasoning of your choice...

    Also, make sure to give more suggestions if you want... I'll add those suggestions when we do the next poll after a winner has been chosen...

    New series added: No new series added


  2. #2

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    Yeah, good idea, there isn't much discussion here with manga, which I'm really annoyed about.

    Well, I goto go, but I will think of a series that should be considered.

  3. #3
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga

    as a manga reader id be up for this the lack of good manga discussion around here is a bit annoying

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  4. #4

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    That's good, how about some recomendations?

    I was thinking about a manga that doesn't have an anime counter-part at the moment... and a manga that no one is really reading at the moment...

    Some manga that you guys read the description, and decided it was worth a shot...

  5. #5

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    Nice idea bud.

    I recommend Shamo,Parasyte,Dangu,Change Guy

  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga


    I've been reading Air Gear and Addicted to Curry, or at least those are the only ones that don't have an anime and haven't been discussed somewhere else.

  7. #7

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    Air Gear, I just caught up today... been reading it all night...

    As of late I've been reading 666 Satan (read it 3 nights ago, up to the recent chapter)

    And I finished yesterday Togari, it was a pretty good manga... but the ending sucks.. it better have a sequel or something...

  8. #8
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga

    the only non-anime manga i've been reading regularly is Team Medical Dragon scanslated by NexGear. it's pretty good so far.... if you happen to like reading about "real world" hospital politics and the various nuances to surgery =P

  9. #9

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    This are some of which I have been thinking:

    666 Satan
    Otogi Matsuri
    Onikiri Jyuzo
    Air Gear

    Also, I think we should do this poll, every two weeks or so, since one can usually read a manga series fairly fast...

    Of the series I've mentioned, I've only read 666 Satan, Togari, and Air Gear... all others are new to me, but they've caught my atention...

  10. #10

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    I have Togari but havent read it yet.

    I will look up the others that interest me.

  11. #11
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga

    I'm in on whatever you guys choose, you seem to have good taste in manga.

  12. #12
    ANBU Captain Paulyboy's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga

    Air Gear is a good manga, all about skating if you guys wanted to know, dont forget about Deatnote, its still going and a very good manga (Highly Recommend). Also Chaosic Rune, its kinda like Yu-gioh (or whatever) But 10x better.
    No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
    -Mazer Rackham

  13. #13

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    Tokko is really good. I just downloaded Dangu the other day, but i haven't started to read it yet. Freesia and Leviathan are pretty cool too, although Leviathan get's pretty wierd. What about MPD Psycho?

  14. #14

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    I think I'm gonna start the poll now, we've already gotten a couple of suggestions...

    Lets see how the voting go... if the votes are too dispersed, then we'll get the top choices and do a secondary poll...

    I hope this works out,

    I started reading Freesia last night... I read all five volumes, but the manga is really messed up lol

  15. #15

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    Yeah let the poll start.

    This is cool its just like a book club,buts its manga [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Also add Priest to the polls its very good. The best manhwa out there.

  16. #16

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    OK, I added Priest, that's the last suggestion I'll add to this poll...

    All others suggestions will have to wait till we do this again, but still make the suggestion, I'll make sure to use it later on

    Remember to give a reason behind your pick

  17. #17
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga

    Well, even though there really aren't that many chapters scanned, I voted for Air Gear without a second thought. I'm obessessed with that series. Same style as TenTen (Oh! Great does amazing work), but with humor better dispersed into the series so far (TenTen just got series too often and for too long, after they did put in funny parts again, it seemed so out of place).

    I'm also convinced that Ringo is the hottest girl in all of mangadom.

    I read Tokko too, and love that, but you can only vote once and Air Gear is just more enjoyable overall.

  18. #18
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga

    was going to vote for air gear but clicked the wrong button [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] and wound up voting for shamo

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  19. #19

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    I'll remember that

  20. #20

    GW Reading the Same Manga

    What about Vagabond is a fictional story of legendary samurai Miyamoto Mushashi, what I like about it is that it doesnt have any of that supermove kind of stuff like other manga

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