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Thread: GW Reading the Same Manga Part 4

  1. #41

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 2

    Oh Eden would be a really good choice, if that's in round 3 that'd get my vote too. Barring something good that I haven't been reading pops up.

  2. #42

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 2

    Jiraishin has my vote, as I was going to vote for it last time, but Air Gear got it instead.

  3. #43
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 2

    kAi has good taste in manga, so i'll go with him on this one.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  4. #44
    Genin Shinda's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 2

    Priest and Jiraishin seem nice, but Leviathan got my attention the most so my vote goes to that one.
    Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.

  5. #45

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 2

    Humm, Jiraishin just took the lead...

    Anyways, I'm recommending a new manga (manhwa) for the next round which i just started reading: Ares

  6. #46

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 2

    I have just finished read Priest vol 9 and i have to say you guys are missing out one of the best anti heroes and the coolast art i have seen in a manga or a manhwa.

  7. #47

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 2

    I'm thinking of simply choosing two winners this round, with Jiraishin and Priest, we have too many manga and few voters to really pick a one sided winner... for next round im thinking of dividing the the choices into 2 polls and simply choose two winners each round...

  8. #48

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 2

    Hehe this way it will become tighter to be in top two for the mangas since there arent many who vote.

    I think the third round should start now,this poll has been going on long,it wont get anymore votes.

  9. #49

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    Alright, third poll is in effect... make sure you vote in the first poll before voting in the second poll, if you don't your vote will be fucked up, and it will stay that way...

    Anyways, I voted for Ares and Tokko

    Ares, I started reading it the other day and i'll say it's pretty good... art is not the best, but the sword fighting is awesome... character designs look like those from Samurai Champloo, and as the fighting goes... imagine 4 Mugens fighting around...

    Tokko, this one is awesome also from the mangaka of GTO... great action and blood, plus hot girls... can't go wrong here...


    Jiraishing and Priest seem to be pretty long, and they are two mangas, so I was thinking of leaving this poll up a bit longer than the other two.

  10. #50

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    I voted for Tokko and Addicted To Curry.

    I voted Tokko since im a big fan of GTO even though i know nothing about whats its about.


    About Jirashin and Priest people dont have to read all the vols if they dont like it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  11. #51

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    That's true, but i'm gonna force them to like it

  12. #52
    Genin Shinda's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    votes have gone to shamo and leviathan,,

    I agree on the leaving the poll open for a (long) while,,
    two pretty long mangas, it's gonna take some time
    Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.

  13. #53

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    yeah, and if start deciding quickly for winners, the whole purpose of what we are doing will be flushed down the toilet, so this poll should at least last a week

  14. #54

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    This project or manga club is great for me cause i had lost my urge of reading cuz i couldnt find any new good ones. But thanks to this im reading AirGear,Jiraishin.

  15. #55
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    i like this idea alot but i have no self-control. once i start reading something, i feel obligated to plow thru all the scanslations available as fast as i can (as evidenced w/ the Project ARMS manga-- read all 7 volumes available). this leaves me very little room to do, say, HOMEWORK =P it's okay though. you guys are helping me find good stuff to read [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  16. #56

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    I feel the same way once i start a manga i read it all even if i dont like it anymore just like Naruto nowaday...

  17. #57
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    I'll go for Tokko, even though its released somewhat slowly by animewaves (due largely to their shear number of projects, most of which I read anyway), but its a good thriller/action series. They did finish the "first part" so we'll have a decent amount to talk about. I can't wait to see what happens with the squad and how they will resolve the issue of the rest of the residents (only a spoiler if you've been reading it).

    I'll toss in Addicted to Curry because its a great cooking manga with TONS of real recipies in it. Lots of ecchi at times and a good amount of humor. Not as over the top as Yakitake, but one of my favorites. Before Ringo took over as the hottest girl in manga, Yui was my favorite. (The panels where she wears a sari are great). She's got a natural looking attractiveness that you don't see too often in manga/anime anymore (tendency to draw women very with very "ample" assets). Not that I'm complaining or anything, but the difference makes Yui more attractive.

  18. #58

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    Yeah same here, I read all of Priest in a night, and Berserk was like a 3 day sleepless event, haha, but this time around i'm gonna vote for Tokko and MPD Psycho. I've read them both, but I think a lot of people would like them, and i'd like to kick some ideas around especially about MPD Psycho.

    ah shit, those are both in the same poll haha, so I went with ares and tokko instead.

  19. #59

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    yeah people stop voting for Addicted to Curry and get with the times, vote for Ares...

    it seems like Tokko is a favorite this time

  20. #60

    GW Reading the Same Manga Part 3

    I votesd for Addicted to Curry just cause the name sounded like a comedy manga.

    Now i see its similer to one of my fav anime Yakitate Japan,which is great.

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