What I meant by that hollow being inside of Ichigo, was that maybe Ichigo was the reincarnation of Kaien. And like it said they would never be seperated so the spirit passed on to Ichigo.
What I meant by that hollow being inside of Ichigo, was that maybe Ichigo was the reincarnation of Kaien. And like it said they would never be seperated so the spirit passed on to Ichigo.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
that MIGHT explain why they look alike, but thats kinda...bizzare but this not unheard of in anime.
thank god they didnt stretch out this fight into more than 1 episode.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
He's also good in FMP:TSR - love the guy.Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
Besides if your hallows voice is erro senin then you cant kill him off too quickly, that would be a waste of a good voice actor.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Awesome episode, Kaien is definitely the coolest one shot character (or plot device character, if you prefer) so far. Then again, being voiced by Toshihiko Seki, that's a given. It's too bad we didn't see his soul slayer before he died. Stupid hollows, fucking up everything all the time...
I honestly think Rukia is being pretty stupid. "Blah blah I don't deserve to be saved". Kaien fucking THANKED you, he was HAPPY. Get it through your mind you apathetic moron. Anyway, great stuff, I really love Ukitake, it's too bad that the coolest guys always have a handicap (he reminds me a lot of Ukyo from the Samurai Shodown games, similar looks - and they both cough blood).
Also Okita from Peacemaker Kurogane/Kenshin (although not as much in Kenshin; and Peacemaker sucked pretty bad). He was a cool character and rocked pretty hard but had a disease.
Kimimaro too. Damn...all these sickly anime characters....
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
lunar is fast this time...feeling guilty??
I thought I would see shikai of Ukitake...but...what's wrong with him? How come they still keep him as a captain when he is sick...???
Rukia is so depressed now...only think negatively....while everyone is trying to help her
yea I know, she needs to be bitch slapped. All she does is whine.Originally posted by: alstar83
Rukia is so depressed now...only think negatively....while everyone is trying to help her
I would imagine that every captain would have their negative characteristics. I mean, cmon, you got some captains that are just insane in their minds (ex. Kenpachi, Mayuri). It just so happens that Ukitake is just... sick? Regardless, without that, he's such a great captain (very likable).Originally posted by: alstar83
lunar is fast this time...feeling guilty??
I thought I would see shikai of Ukitake...but...what's wrong with him? How come they still keep him as a captain when he is sick...???
I enjoyed this episode because it showed so much about Rukia. I find it very interesting that she was never the strongest, even possibly one of the worst, Shinigamis, but got special privelige, and constant sneers, because of being adopted into the Kuchiki family.
The brief flashback of Byakuya listening to Rukia's apology to earn a high rank also was enlightening: Its obvious the man cares about one thing, power.
Kaien was cool as hell. Ukitake had a good role too, as did his 2 current vice-captains. The whole thing with Kaien's wife was pretty sneaky and sad, and I didn't really see it coming until she killed the first guy. A Hollow getting into Soul Society, pretty damn good! (But what was up with him being able to destroy Zanpaktous? They really didn't elaborate on that)
Kooshi, I agree that every Captain has weaknesses and Ukitake is probably STILL the best choice for Captain... but you'd think they'd give him more able Vice-Captains than those 2 clowns, seeing as how they're going to be in charge more often than not!
I am going out on a limb, never having seen the mangas, but I'm really almost 100% sure that Ichigo is some kind of reincarnation of Kaein. Renji mentioned it, Rukia knew it, Ukitake must have too. Yoroichi and Kisuke Urahara constantly refer to him as "special" and make him do nearly impossible things in short amounts of time.
FINALLY: That Hollow said, "I am a Spirit body, he (Kaien) is a Spirit body. We are merged! We will never be seperated!"
Kaien said, "Because of you my heart will be able to remain here." He is holding Rukia, then dies.
So if Kaien get's reincarnated, that Hollow will be still connected to him, if not in same essence (white Hollowesque Ichigo anyone remember?)
Ichigo is constantly protected by a Hollow mask that appears to block blows that would be fatal to Ichigo otherwise.
Ichigo also got his first Shinigami powers FROM Rukia, possible where Kaien left them?
Come on, I can't be wrong on this one!
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
i agree with terra.. Ukitake mad reminds me of Ukyo Tachibana in samurai showdown,
and ukyo coughs blood wen he does a huge sudden move just like Ukitake did.. but in the game SS Ukyo, if i remember correctly, in his story he had TB or Tuberculosis which attacks tissue in the lungs and is incurable.
on the side note.. Ukitake is one of my fav's since ukyo was mine in SS since he was a strong silent character dnt know about Ukitake yet but he seems to be.
yah, the way he coughed indeed reminds me a person having TBOriginally posted by: PhaseONE
and ukyo coughs blood wen he does a huge sudden move just like Ukitake did.. but in the game SS Ukyo, if i remember correctly, in his story he had TB or Tuberculosis which attacks tissue in the lungs and is incurable.
I just can't agree with the way he let Kaien fight alone. yeah, I know it's all about honor blah blah blah...But I don't see any thing wrong if subordinates help each other. All those who dies is not Kaien's fault... and even if he wanted to revenge for them, it is Ukitake's responsibility too. Isn't he their captain?
I just don't get it.
The choice for vice-captain is probably up to the captain to decide. The captain knows how the assigned squad works and such, so he should be able to give a good judgement on who it should be. If those two are the vice-captains, then there should be a really good reason (maybe they'll show their true powers in a fight later on?).Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Kooshi, I agree that every Captain has weaknesses and Ukitake is probably STILL the best choice for Captain... but you'd think they'd give him more able Vice-Captains than those 2 clowns, seeing as how they're going to be in charge more often than not!
captain probably puts vice captains through a series of tests, ukitake has no vice captain, they're both third seats.
byakuya was cold...he wasl ike "you've seen your comrades before, get used to it"
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
i figured it was something like a possession right away...i mean seriously...the whole group was killed except one person, who was unconscious...sounds like alot of horror/alien movies ive seen
Personally, Ukitake reminds me of Ed and Al's sensei
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
How?? I don't see much resemblence.Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Personally, Ukitake reminds me of Ed and Al's sensei
Yeah exactly, he had TB. And the fun thing about that is that he died in each ending in all the games, yet kept coming back. He's sorta the Kenny of SS [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Also, Ukyo kept being chased by rabid fangirls. Suffice to say he was my favorite character too. I just love it when characters have that many sides to them.Originally posted by: PhaseONE
i agree with terra.. Ukitake mad reminds me of Ukyo Tachibana in samurai showdown,
and ukyo coughs blood wen he does a huge sudden move just like Ukitake did.. but in the game SS Ukyo, if i remember correctly, in his story he had TB or Tuberculosis which attacks tissue in the lungs and is incurable.
on the side note.. Ukitake is one of my fav's since ukyo was mine in SS since he was a strong silent character dnt know about Ukitake yet but he seems to be.
I'm also fairly sure that Kubo Tite borrowed, or perhaps downright copied, Ukyo's design when he created Ukitake. They look very much alike and both of them keep coughing blood, which I don't think is just a coincidence. Also, SS is very popular in Japan so the possibility is definitely there.
So Ichigo was Shibe Kaien. I bet they're not even going to mention why his own brother didn't recognize himUnless at some point someone will point it out to Ganju, who'll say, "Wow, you're right. He looks EXACTLY like my dead brother. Same personality too. How could I have missed it!!??"
And did anyone bother explaining the situation to Ganju and his sister? It's not like the shinigami killed him for no reason, there was nothing else they could do.
Ukitake was cool, but how do spirits get sick? At least it probably isn't TB (unless it's "spiritual" TB). I've never really understood how coughing up blood and wasting away was considered "romantic."
I'd bet there is something still going on with the hollow that attacked Kaien. As people have pointed out the hollow did say that his technique was different from possession and they could never be separated. Makes the "dark Ichigo" seem more ominous...
because Ukitake is like a sensei to Rukia....Originally posted by: kooshi
How?? I don't see much resemblence.Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Personally, Ukitake reminds me of Ed and Al's sensei
Because both of them are probably badass at what they do....
Both of them are hindered from their capacity for combat by coughing up blood when they exert themselves.....
did you even WATCH the series? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
assertn... yea! i see what you mean!
and about Rukia... doesn;t anyone find it weird that, although she seems pretty weak, and has been since she got in the academy that she's been adopted into the Kuchiki family? why? she won the lottery?