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Thread: Fukuda Rants & Rave

  1. #101

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Glad to know ur still alive and kicking PSJ. I miss arguing with u *tear drops from my eye* i should really stop cutting onions while i'm typing

    EPISODE 50 is just a bunch of talking and fighting....gee golly....I don't even care if I watch it or not [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]

  2. #102

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Looks like the last episode will be rushed so predictable >_> and if he kills off Luna by making Shinn kill her then it will be official...he favors Kira over Shinn since the fans will auto hate Shinn if he kills Luna

  3. #103
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    Are you seriously saying that the problem with GSD comes from Shinn? Are you actually serious?

    If you think introducing a new central character to the story is what made GSD suck, you are terribly terribly mistaken. Bringing in Shinn, a new character makes several good points and opened up GSD to some good opportunities:.
    I just got back from Vegas so excuse the delay..

    I am not saying the introduction of Shinn was a mistake I have no issues with new characters. My issue with Shinn lies in his developement which is basically nonexistant. Everyone is complaining Kira shouldn't be involved and doesn't develope in the series yet at this point Shinn has NEVER developed. He started a whiney brat and thats all he remains. Every single chance he's had to develope has been blown off in order to show he's being manipulated by Rey and the result has been Shinn having the same developement over and over again to the point I can't stand him. Essentially all we have gotten from Shinn is Angst....Pick random girl to "protect"... watch her die...blame everyone else for it and angst some more. He has never taken a step past that. Also everytime the girl dies he goes out of his way to avenge her ultimately fails and just moves on to the next hoe without skipping a beat. I mean whats up with going crazy about Stellar being killed, dumping her in a lake, then having a showdown with Kira and before Stellars body even has time to get cold your killing Meyrin and Athrun and making a move on luna. Every bit of Shinn's execution and "developement" for me atleast has been painful to watch.

    Now as for my statement about Shinn's introduction. All I stated here was that you can't introduceShinn and show his creation being Kira's fault and then not involve Kira. However apparently you can have Shinn not remember Freedom having anything to do with his family's death and thus close off a plot line you introduced to have a much less reasonable one turn up later.

  4. #104

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    FUCKUDA has done it in Phase 48 and 49, 48 was boring, 49 was rushed, i believe Phase 50 will be too. I just hope he give us a decent ending. Good thing he wont get another job after this, unless there are a lot of ppl who buys the modkits [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]. YOU HEARD ME? if u hate fuckuda dont buy them. And fo the ones who surely are thinking why i type "Fuckuda", yes I renamed him, and the name i think fits him, Dont you think?

  5. #105

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    It would suck so much if Kira had died earlier cause Athrun is just wuss in GSD unlike in SEED and Shinn is the lamest character in anime history. I mean we understand he is angry about his family but must he be angry all the time....

    He have been crying and shouting every ep.

  6. #106

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    We should petition to change Fukuda's name to Fuckuda.
    Must... Kill Fuckuda... and Kira.... and ..... SHINN.... needs.... to die a horrible and gruesome death. *Zombie sounds*

  7. #107

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Hmm... after looking at the differences between the credits of GS and GSD, I don't think the fault is actually with Fukuda. Even though he has the last say on things, the change in writers might have had more to do with it. :\

    In any case, ANY change of ANY major character dying, changing heart, or whatever would have been welcome.

  8. #108

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Wow is not enough to capture my shock and disillusion with this series after 43 for me. It was bad enough with fillers to throw in one more about MEER. I just want to know why those actions were taken. Why all the talk? Why all this in depth conversation when it could be done in two minutes instead of 30. I mean, quality over quantity, is the way to go. It really is a pity.

    I was looking forward to Shinn's development and we get ZERO. I thought perhaps Kira would possbily develop more and we get ZERO. I thought Athuran would become even better than in SEED, and he just goes back to square one. Seriously, WTF?

    I would have had more enjoyment watching SEED over than a sequel that resembles it so closely it is disgusting.

  9. #109

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Fuckuda seriously needs to try and make some original ideas...if hes gonna become a director of a hit franchise like gundam he must at least have a well plooted storyline and not some piece of shit fan rating >_> lets just hope if there is a 3rd seed that he wont be doing it and that Athrun still has red gundams,Shinn is alive and Kira gets something different from a Freedom MK III >_>

  10. #110

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    The only way I'll not kill him (fuckuda) is if he kills Kira by Athrun's hand. Accident, intentional, what have you. As irrational as it seems to the common person, this would make ME happy.

    And to save your fingers, no I don't give a rat's ass about how horrible it would make the show and how kira-lovers would hunt me down and stab me with their plushies. I'm just saying what would make me happy.

  11. #111

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    Originally posted by: Jurojin
    The only way Ill not kill him (fuckuda) is if he kills Kira by Athrun's hand. Accident, intentional, what have you. As irrational as it seems to the common person, this would make ME happy.

    And to save your fingers, no I dont give a rats ass about how horrible it would make the show and how kira-lovers would hunt me down and stab me with their plushies. I'm just saying what would make me happy.

    That was a funny post. Ya, well, I just want all of them to bite the big burrito. I want the Chairman to go ballistic with some new Neo type powers and just completely destroy everyone. He'll have the most fun with Lacus since he really hates her guts. He'll leave kira alive to watch her slow and agonizing death. Then he'll finish off Kira for last. Finally, since he lost all reason to fight, the chairman goes into deep depression and blows himself up.

  12. #112
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    I was wondering if people still thought Shinn was a "stunted character growth" after watching PHase 49?

    ITs true that Rey has been manipulating him all this time, but that was the Chairman's plan! And also, Shinn has shown signs of changing IMO because he no longer just wants to go about killing everyone for the sake of taking orders. He has adopted the viewpoint of Dullindal, that something permanent has to be done to change humanity, and that he now has to take on the role that Rey described for him, the "arm of the state" so to speak, which Dullindal will smack down the impudent resistance.

    Shinn seems quite reluctant to do this. But bottom line is he doesn't want others to go through what he's been through. Early in the series he seemed more like someone fighting to forget about his problems, becoming the evil menace of war that destroyed his own life (an abused child becomes an abuser later in life). But after seeing Stellar die and hearing from Athrun on multiple occasions that he is wrong Shinn has done one of the only non-comformist things I've seen characters do in SEED/Destiny, he decides not to fight alongside the Clyne Faction because he wants to see a more long-term change in humanity, which Dullindal offers.

    (Ok, maybe going with the miltiay you've been with for years and years and yielding to your roomie's view of life isn't non-conformist, but its refreshing to see people finally not all jumping on Lacus Clyne's side! )

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #113

    Fukuda Rants & Rave

    I agree to a degree with what you're saying Masamuneehs. However (ya here we go), I still believe that Shinn had no real development. Shinn, in my opinion, does not go into this mad killing frenzy on just anyone. Instead, he just goes beserk and destroys whatever target he is supposed to or in order to defend himself. He's always been like this and sadly it will not change. Also, Shinn always wanted to do something with this war since it began. He wanted to put an end to it. Well, he just had no direction but now with the Chairman he chose a path in which he could end this war. I do admire Shinn for his well intentions, but the poor guy is just being led astray by his compassion. If anything, Shinn is a very compassionate and empathetic person. Shinn does not want his closest friends to go through any trouble or harm. It may be very well an effect that lingers with him from his family's death.

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