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Thread: The date

  1. #1
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    The date

    Shit, I remember lazily waking up in my dorm room going to and looking at this funny picture of a plane hitting a building. I was like, WTF? what movie is this? I clicked on the link and just said holy shit, then cruised down to the common room in the dorm and watching the news all day like the rest of my dorm. No one went to classes. Everyone was fascinated and horrified, it was a scary day.

    What specific memories do all of you have of the WTC terrorist attacks..

    p.s. I absolutely hate when its simply referred to as "nine-eleven" it just pisses me off. Fuck our PC culture.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  2. #2

    The date

    It was around 4 am or so in the Philippines and insomnia hit again. There was justs omething in my gut that bothers me and I always end up grabbing the remote to watch the tellie while my parents were asleep beside the room next door. Surfing thru channels, I believe I saww CNN saying showing the twin towers in flames and smoke. It caught my attention pretty much and was shocked of what I saw. I had mixed feelings...was shocked, confused and curious of what happened. But of all that I should have felt was sorrow, thousands lives was lost and I was just lying in my bed thinkin of what happened. Next day.....only a few poeple were talkin about it as if nothing happened.

    There, that was my "9/11" story....It's a little bit sad...I live in Vancouver now, and when I go to work only a few poeple will talk about it...

  3. #3
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    The date

    edit: unfounded comment.... I checked more sources.
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  4. #4
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    The date

    Katrina killed over 10,000 people?


  5. #5
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The date

    They're estimating the Katrina toll at a lot less since they made the 10,000 call. They haven't been finding the number of bodies they thought they would. But its still too soon to tell for sure. Though it was a natural disaster and New Orleans has been in danger for decades, its a lot worse of a disaster than the towers were, but I digress.

    As for 9/11, I was in English class in high school when we heard about the first one. The rest of the day was pretty much everyone watching the TV's as it went on. I saw the second plane hit over the Live feed and saw both the towers fall down live too. Kinda disturbing.

    I know its a big deal and all, but honestly I'm pretty tired of hearing about it. Everyone (here in America and esp. the gov't) is harping on it every year and using it for all kinds of politcal purposes. Yeah its sad, yeah it sucked, but I swear naming the replacement "Freedom Tower" really drives me nuts. Its so freaking stupid! Do we (Americans) really need to memorialize everything? Wars and battles I understand, I've been to the Vietnam wall, very touching. Its a very simple, understated memorial that really serves its purpose as you walk up and read or touch the names engraved on it. But lately it's starting to seem like we need a stupid statue and structures for everything these days. Sorry for the rant and sorry if you're offended by some of it, but I get really pissed off this time of year because I'm sick of hearing about it. Sometimes you just need to move on.

  6. #6
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    The date

    I apologize profusely If i am wrong I am citing a site and interview I saw which said...

    "Jack Burkman in Damage Control: Wanker

    On Connected today, Jack defended the president with this logic. You have to listen to him to hear the shear "deadness in his heart" which is at the core of all apologists in a tragedy of this magnitude.

    Jack: "I understand there are 10,000 people dead. It's terrible. It's tragic. But in a democracy of 300 million people, over years and years and years, these things happen."


    ... ie its at

    reading other sites it may in fact be as low as under 300 and I am sorry..
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  7. #7

    The date

    My thoughts? I just can't believe it has been 4 years already. Time really flies...

  8. #8

    The date

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    My thoughts? I just can't believe it has been 4 years already. Time really flies...
    that's what govt. wants u to think... that's why large events usually don't have a year suffix in their names because you lose track of when it happened... e.g. 6 4 incident (Tiananmen incident where students get run over by tanks and machine guns)

  9. #9
    Fails at reputation woofcat's Avatar
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    The date

    What i did that day, Went to school came home at lunch my mom was watching CNN and told me they hit the Twin Towers, I ate some Chili, went back to school and they annouced it there. Then continued on the days lessons and went home. I think i played some Diablo 2. For me it was not a big deal.

  10. #10
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    The date

    I haven't given it much of a thought that it's this date. As for memories... well, my scenario is a usual one I'm quite sure, put on the TV and wondered what movie it was. Then when I understood it was real I first was like "okaaaay". Then 10 minutes after that it felt unreal. And then after an hour I didn't think much more about it, since I was already convinced that humanity are a bunch of idiots at that point.

  11. #11
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    The date

    While eating breakfast before going to school, I was flipping through the channels. When I saw the live report, I was just a little surprised of what happened, but then I didn't really care for it. The worst part was how everyone at school was talking about it. It was quite annoying at that time.

  12. #12
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    The date

    I remember, I was in bio class that day. We saw the smoke and wondered what the hell it was coming from. After I found out, I kinda went on with my life. I cared about what had happened and the people that were affected, but I just don't get phased that much when stuff like this happens.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  13. #13
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    I remember my roommate waking me up and telling me the Arabs have taken over.

  14. #14

    The date

    When I heard about it I was on my way to class, and it was so wierd because I was listening to one of those goofy morning shows and they suddenly got very serious and told people to turn to CNN, but they wouldn't say why... Once I got to class I soon found out, and I didn't stay long because it was canceled.

    I wasn't all that shocked, but I remember being pissed off about how some selfish, worthless bastard could think that any cause could be worth that kind of sacrifice. There are a LOT of political and religious causes out there, and if we all start going around killing and destroying for the cause than pretty soon there's noone and nothing left TO kill or destroy any more. I remember hoping I could find out what their goals were, so that I could vehemently oppose them just on general priniciples.

    This is a decent thread so far, and I just ask that anyone who wants to give some crazy conspiracy theory or anti-US rhetoric or whatever at least wait til tomorrow, k?

  15. #15
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    The date

    There was documentary about the hijackers today. A lot of them had no real future so I guess that played a part in their suicide attack. I don't get how people can be so stupid in believing some of the shit they preach.

  16. #16
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    The date

    I remember being out on the practice field for high school band. We didn't have TV access, so all we heard was rumors for a few hours. The first time I heard it was at about 9:30 my time, and the guy relating the story thought that the White House had been hit too. We found out the full situation next period, and the enormity really set in.

  17. #17
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    I was in English class and the teacher left then came back in and told us there had been an attack on the U.S., we didn't really think she was serious until we turned the T.V. on. All we were seeing was the 1st tower being hit but we weren't really sure what was going on, some kid said a missile hit it so we were all kind of freaked out. Then like Y said they were saying D.C. had been hit too. We watched the second tower get hit, and we didn't see the first collapse but one of the anchors said they had news one of the towers had collapsed. When I went home I found out the entire story.


  18. #18
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    The date

    Originally posted by: Y
    I remember being out on the practice field for high school band.
    Hahahahaha, you were in the school band.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  19. #19
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    The date

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi

    Hahahahaha, you were in the school band.
    Burn from the THREAD FLAMER.

    Who gave you that shit anyway? Laffotastic.

    The 9/11 response following in the days after was a massive outpouring of support and donations from everyone around here. It's really rather pitiful that it takes massive disasters like 9/11 and the hurricane devastation that kills thousands to get people to start contributing to humanity, but at least they do respond.

  20. #20

    The date

    i was at a friend and we were playing medal of honour AA. and his sis said that amerika was under attack or something. and i didn't really care at that moment. until i got home and saw the bignes of the attack.

    and would do the same if i was the terrorist. if i was brainwashed, if i would believe that i get an eternity of happiness, and if i in this live don't even have the money to feed my children than i would do it.

    and i also think many of you would do the same if you were in that situation.

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