Hilda is the most awesome characther in this series thats not affiliated with the main roles.. Hilda is the legendary pirate of the space.. A DOM trooper without equal.. She is, the HILDA!
Hilda + Kira = The ultimate pirate!!!
Hilda is the most awesome characther in this series thats not affiliated with the main roles.. Hilda is the legendary pirate of the space.. A DOM trooper without equal.. She is, the HILDA!
Hilda + Kira = The ultimate pirate!!!
The episode was...alright, but really, was there a point to making 3/4 of it about meer?
It's great to know that Dullindal is taking the opportunity to launch his destiny plan, but the least this episode could have done is explain HOW he is planning on doing it and what he is planning on doing to execute it.
I dunno about this series anymore, is it past saving?. Even if the last three episodes are an absolute fangasm, will it make up for the last few eps that really destroyed whatever pacing there was? Aw well.
Also, what's the other side going to be in the ultimate ending battle? Isn't EA out of commission? Or will they gather up more troops like at the end of the first SEED? Or perhaps a ZAFT civil war? THAT would be interesting.
Btw, its nice to see Hilda in a ZAFT uniform, they have the coolest ones [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. Since they were part of the ZAFT forces clyne faction, and not Orb military, it makes sense.
"You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow
I think it will be stupid people(Gil) vs. people who acually have a thought in their minds and don't want to live meaningless lives.Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
Also, what's the other side going to be in the ultimate ending battle? Isn't EA out of commission? Or will they gather up more troops like at the end of the first SEED? Or perhaps a ZAFT civil war? THAT would be interesting.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Maybe I'm missing or don't remember some episodes. I dun remember it was ever mentioned. Hilda???? When was her name mentioned in which episode and time?
@YvliewOriginally posted by: Phoenix20578
I can't believe you just said that.
Hilda is the female captain of the dom troopers. Phoenix had posted it for u earlier [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
why are ppl so crazy about characters that dont even matter in the story but hate the main characters so much? I'm sure Fukuda is asking himself this question over and over....
we don't know how japan citizens feel so we don't know and he probably doesn't give a damn about "foreigners"Originally posted by: heero
why are ppl so crazy about characters that dont even matter in the story but hate the main characters so much? I'm sure Fukuda is asking himself this question over and over....
Ovan, The Rebirth
Even if its just a small part of the whole story that she's involved in, she makes diffrence, and her character is so interessting.. Thats why people think that she great.
The main characters have been involved in this stroy very long, during this time we the audience have made up or mind whatever we like em, or dislike em.
Me for an example, I liked Kira, but this thing with Lacus is way out of proportion.. Theres no end to the sweetness.. It's a impossible relationship.. During seed he was more humane, and didn't act like a false / robot-like person..
This is my opinion, everyone is entitled to one.
I don't really get why Hilda is as interesting as some of you claim. Heine I can understand and agree, but for Hilda she hasn't really done/said anything really memorable yet.
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
it's cuz she's a pirate, and she's head of the doms.
"You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."
True indeed! The doms kicks ass!!Originally posted by: Roko
it's cuz she's a pirate, and she's head of the doms.
Well, I don't give a damn for these DOM Troopers anymore. They showed up like 2x on show and will prolly show only one more time b4 they die or the show ends. Their role is not relevant at all. Even the drugies on Seed were more relevant...
Dont forget her boobs, man. LOL. No Seriously, she is is cool. Looking forward to "HILDA in Space Battles". The Dom Troopers raped the Zaft forces in earth, i cant wait to see what they do to them in a Zero Gravity environment.Originally posted by: Roko
it's cuz she's a pirate, and she's head of the doms.
Yes space battle with the DOM troopers is something I'm looking forward to!!! =)
The fact that they are so minor and shrouded in mystery can also serve to make them more interesting.
Also, minor characters aren't as often miserable piles of cliches.
funny isn't it.. she's only had about 3 lines max..but everyone is raving about her..
but who am i to judge you..i respect that some people are just into leather clad women, dominatrix, eye-patches and pirates.
yeah..but just because she has an eye-patch doesn't mean she's a pirate..what about that g gundam announcer..don't think he's a pirate.
but what the hell..
guys happen to watch the xerosux fansub? well i know most of you skip the opening [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] for god knows the best >.< the best opening ever [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
but what's up with the picture and the chat log they put in the credits?
Just like we respect you even though you have a really bad taste in music [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Originally posted by: john_doe_107
but who am i to judge you..i respect that some people are just into leather clad women, dominatrix, eye-patches and pirates.
I know this will be a shock to everyone but I completely disagree with you Terra.Originally posted by: Terracosmo
The fact that they are so minor and shrouded in mystery can also serve to make them more interesting.
Also, minor characters aren't as often miserable piles of cliches.
The random characters such as Heine and Hilda and other virtual one shots are all as Cliche as they come. They have a single purpose and only represent a random aspect that the director wants to get across in human form. They have no personality they may just as well be a robot who spouts one liners before blowing up. To me unless a character actually developes over time then the character is essentially nothing more then a plot device I don't care about them enough to rave and I don't dislike them enough to bitch.
The problem with GSD is that some main characters ( Kira in particular ) don't develop at all. But instead of just seeing them one or two eps, we have to watch them spout off their trite bullshit constantly.Originally posted by: DDBen
To me unless a character actually developes over time then the character is essentially nothing more then a plot device I don't care about them enough to rave and I don't dislike them enough to bitch.
/ No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.