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Thread: Phase 47 Discussion

  1. #61

    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
    Originally posted by: Roko
    it's cuz she's a pirate, and she's head of the doms.
    Dont forget her boobs, man. LOL. No Seriously, she is is cool. Looking forward to "HILDA in Space Battles". The Dom Troopers raped the Zaft forces in earth, i cant wait to see what they do to them in a Zero Gravity environment.
    What's this with her boobs??? I don't even see anything about her...

  2. #62
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: DDBen
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    The fact that they are so minor and shrouded in mystery can also serve to make them more interesting.

    Also, minor characters aren't as often miserable piles of cliches.
    I know this will be a shock to everyone but I completely disagree with you Terra.

    The random characters such as Heine and Hilda and other virtual one shots are all as Cliche as they come. They have a single purpose and only represent a random aspect that the director wants to get across in human form. They have no personality they may just as well be a robot who spouts one liners before blowing up. To me unless a character actually developes over time then the character is essentially nothing more then a plot device I don't care about them enough to rave and I don't dislike them enough to bitch.
    Plot device does not equal cliche. And just because they don't have much screentime definitely doesn't mean that they don't have a personality. Even if Heine was just plot device, he is more popular than several major characters from other Gundam series. Soooo... well, if you feel like all minor characters are robots than it's your loss (as usual).

  3. #63
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Originally posted by: DDBen
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    The fact that they are so minor and shrouded in mystery can also serve to make them more interesting.

    Also, minor characters aren't as often miserable piles of cliches.
    I know this will be a shock to everyone but I completely disagree with you Terra.

    The random characters such as Heine and Hilda and other virtual one shots are all as Cliche as they come. They have a single purpose and only represent a random aspect that the director wants to get across in human form. They have no personality they may just as well be a robot who spouts one liners before blowing up. To me unless a character actually developes over time then the character is essentially nothing more then a plot device I don't care about them enough to rave and I don't dislike them enough to bitch.
    Plot device does not equal cliche. And just because they don't have much screentime definitely doesn't mean that they don't have a personality. Even if Heine was just plot device, he is more popular than several major characters from other Gundam series. Soooo... well, if you feel like all minor characters are robots than it's your loss (as usual).
    Lol, I just replied to something so similair to this in the DOM Trooper topic...

    Long and short of it: Minor characters can be cooler because we HAVE to imagine what is going on with them, their motives, etc until it is presented by the anime (which it often isn't) And they don't appear frequently enough to become predictable, which can also lower their popularity...

    While minor characters CAN and DO possess distinct personalities of their own, they are no less safe from falling into the typical anime cliches and stereotypes that plagues the business... Look at many of Bleach's minor characters, tons of walking exaggeratted cliches (but its funny how the cliches are exploited in Bleach, annoying in a "serious" anime like Gundam)

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #64

    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Chris_Xion
    Archzachel got shot by Dullinda's reactivated Requiem.And i think those injections are extraction shots to get people's DNA
    Considering Dullindal reactivated and used Requium, what do you think of the posability that he will try to blast Orb as well. Orb is almost easily the second most powerful nation in the world (After PLANT) right now.

  5. #65

    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Curium
    Originally posted by: Chris_Xion
    Archzachel got shot by Dullinda's reactivated Requiem.And i think those injections are extraction shots to get people's DNA
    Considering Dullindal reactivated and used Requium, what do you think of the posability that he will try to blast Orb as well. Orb is almost easily the second most powerful nation in the world (After PLANT) right now.
    The Chairman is not that dumb, if he attacks Orb it will really raise questions. He would be more clever in taking out such an adversary. Then there is the Pi Theory, basically he discovers that Pi is actually a numerical figure that enables the most ultimate weapon to be created--Richard Simmons clones!!!! He secretly sends them to Orb to take over the nation. Those who resist eventually submit to the clones' extensive & extreme workout plan! [img]i/expressions/devil.gif[/img]

  6. #66
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    And think what Dullindal will use as the catalyst and supposed reasoning behind his attacking ORB?

    An attack on ZAFT by the ArchAngel.
    Cuz you know Kira and Athrun are going out there guns blazing (but not aiming to kill, of course. you know, just cripple their MS in space, hope their life support system isn't effected by my frickin' dead-eye laser beams and Aerodesque DRAGOON detachables, and that you don't just drift off into space forever because your MS is totally crippled. No, we're not like you guys. We don't kill)
    And so Dullindal will claim ORB is sending the ArchAngel as their space fleet (which they kind of are. Even though Lacus is calling the shots their supplies and allies in space are ORB military,

    and thats enough to claim ORB is attacking ZAFT. Dullindal will also assuredly mention how Lacus appeared beside Cagalli so recently and use this to link them like the Hussein-Quaida connection by the Bush administration

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #67

    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    and thats enough to claim ORB is attacking ZAFT. Dullindal will also assuredly mention how Lacus appeared beside Cagalli so recently and use this to link them like the Hussein-Quaida connection by the Bush administration
    While the Bush administration looked into a connection, they have never focused on it. Only the shrill left wing liberals keep bothering with that. I'll stop with that for now, if you want to discuss politics we can do it via PM.

  8. #68
    Missing Nin
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Nai
    The problem with GSD is that some main characters ( Kira in particular ) don't develop at all. But instead of just seeing them one or two eps, we have to watch them spout off their trite bullshit constantly.
    Kira's lack of in depth developement is due to the fact he was so well defined in Gundam Seed. Essentialy all of Seed was nothing more then watching Kira develope as a person and pilot. Now during GSD we have Athrun once again trying to figure out who he is frankly in a almost identical manor as he did in Seed. Yet nobody complains that Athrun hasn't developed at all in seed all he's done is spend the series getting to the same point he was at in Seed before he shot his father and tried to self destruct. The only main character that has actually developed all in the series is Shinn and thats souly because he wasn't in Gundam Seed.

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Plot device does not equal cliche. And just because they don't have much screentime definitely doesn't mean that they don't have a personality. Even if Heine was just plot device, he is more popular than several major characters from other Gundam series. Soooo... well, if you feel like all minor characters are robots than it's your loss (as usual).
    Your statement is correct in stating that a plot device isn't always Cliche so they are not equal. However in Gundam Seed Destiny every single plot device has been completely Cliche. Heine was nothing more then a reluctant warrior who left himself in the hands of his goverment. There was nothing inovative about him he was nothing more then a cliche who's purpose was to die to fuel the developement of other characters. The Nichole of GSD if you will as he served the same purpose. All he did was come in spout a bunch of crap to Athrun and then end up dead in some arbitrary way after the mech was damaged.

  9. #69
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    This episode was a big pile of shit. Meer isn't interesting enough to have her own episode, fuck that bitch. At least i got to see Reinhardt in a quick glimpse, that man a pure fucking badass. Why the fuck did Lacus start to cry for a person she don't know? I would be pissed if a person thought they could take on my role. This show really has hit rock bottom.

    The only thing that maybe can bring it up a bit in my eyes is the deaths of Rey and Shinn, They killed Auel and Djibril. Killing the best characters in GSD cannot be forgiven.

    Now DDBen you have been pulling the same excuse for Kira's lack of development all along and once again someone will say it. He could develop alot more from where he was, a character should never stop develop as a personality can never become complete, it evolves constantly from every single experience a person has, this should go for anime characters as well, unfortunaly in the case of GSD development has been thrown out the window in the later half. Kira had none in all of GSD though.

  10. #70
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    Although this episode was a little out of point and out of place, I felt that Meer's character was pretty interesting, and I thought Lacus had every reason to feel sad for Meer. She didn't had an identity and when she realised she can do something to help end the war she dedicated her life to it. Eventually her ego devoured her and at least she remembered who she was and wanted the others to acknowledge her for it.

    Ok, not quite the episode we'd expect with only 3 more left, but at least things are shaping up.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  11. #71
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    Yuo sure view Meer in a positive way. To me she is a person that wanted fame more than life itself, she gave up herself to become famous as someone else. Sure it's sad but she shouldn't have anyone's compassion. To undergo surgery to completly look like someone she adored and then impersonate her in front of the whole world shows how sad a person she was. Sure you might argue and say that she did it because she wanted to help but she gave Lacus her song and a picture, this proves that her number 1 priority was to get famous, helping people came secondary only as an obligation as Lacus.

    That is how i believe she is anyway.

  12. #72
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    I agree with PSJ entirely. While this episode did make me feel a bit of pity for Meer, she really did bring it upon herself.

    I was also surprised that she didn't have more thoughts like "What kind of person am I if I can only imitate another?" Dullindal must have been stoking her perfectly...

    I also enjoyed watching Lacus cry. She should regret not taking a bigger role in the media after the last war. Her selfish absence (as unselfish as running an orphange is, it's nothing when you've played a role in ending a war and owe it to the people to be a vital part of the postwar maintenance of peace) was something I never understood and I felt her selfrighteous speeches and criticism of others is garbage. If you're not going to do anything to prevent a bad situation, don't bitch when others take their own steps to correct it.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #73

    Phase 47 Discussion

    This episode had more of a deeper meaning in terms of philosophical views. It is one of the read between the lines type of things. It actually served a very good purpose in introducing the Destiny Plan. And no, I won't explain myself, but I do invite u to go to if u want to go into depth with the philosophical views. I am just too lazy to do it right I'll only state this as evidence: Big Floppy Donkey Dick!!! [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]

  14. #74
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    Don't invite anyone to "seed-forum" those forums are the worst fucking forums ever. The admins and mods are idiots over there and so is everyone that frequents it.

    I can imagine a philosophical discussion will only cause the "Gundam Wing brigade" or whatever the call themselves to compare it to Wing and then spout of a load of bullshit like always.

    I do agree that the Destiny plan got a nice introduction though, Dullinandal looked more evil now than before to.

  15. #75

    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Don't invite anyone to "seed-forum" those forums are the worst fucking forums ever. The admins and mods are idiots over there and so is everyone that frequents it.

    I can imagine a philosophical discussion will only cause the "Gundam Wing brigade" or whatever the call themselves to compare it to Wing and then spout of a load of bullshit like always.

    I do agree that the Destiny plan got a nice introduction though, Dullinandal looked more evil now than before to.

    I completely agree with u PSJ, that's y i said it as a sarcastic remark. That is perhaps the most anal forum I've ever seen. And the mods think they're teachers, always scolding other really takes a lot of the fun out when they do that shit. So, for those who failed to see my sarcasm...please not that i am 100% with PSJ on this topic....SEED-FORUMS sucks

  16. #76

    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: rockmanj
    wow....i can see why meer wanted to be someone else; not only was she weird looking, she was stupid! did u see that letter she wrote? worst.grammar.ever. Also, she's a pretty bad dancer too, but what is fukada thinking? biological communism?? [img][/img] they must be doing that new crack out in japan...the type that allows you to function, but write really bad stories that make no sense
    Wouldnt it be "Genetical Comunism"?

  17. #77
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    Haro Tori 47

    Soon the collection will be complete. Wee!

  18. #78
    Missing Nin
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    Phase 47 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Haro Tori 47

    Soon the collection will be complete. Wee!
    I wish they had skipped this episode I had forgotten how terrible it was [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  19. #79

    Phase 47 Discussion

    since this is the only episode thread left i guess i'll post this here:

    HaroTori episode 48
    HaroTori episode 49

    Ovan, The Rebirth

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