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Thread: What crewmen does Luffy need?

  1. #61
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    What crewmen does Luffy need?

    I don't think they've sufficiently explained exactly the effect the water has yet. Weather they simply sink like rocks or they are actually paralyzed.

  2. #62
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    What crewmen does Luffy need?

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    I don't think they've sufficiently explained exactly the effect the water has yet. Weather they simply sink like rocks or they are actually paralyzed.
    I would say that they both sink like rocks and get paralyzed eventally, we have seen that it takes a little while for Luffy to stop moving. If they didn't sink Luffy could just do the fuusen and bounce out from the water and if they didn't get paralyzed he could just stretch his arms and get out of the water.

  3. #63

    What crewmen does Luffy need?

    I remember Luffy saying that he wants a musician after getting a cook.
    So, he probably will hope for a musician first.
    then he really needs someone that can fixed the ship...with the marine's constantly on his and his crew's tail and the going merry getting beaten up.

    And Luffy has said a few times in the earlier episodes that he hopes to get 10 crew members more or less.

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