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Thread: Phase 46 Discussion

  1. #21

    Phase 46 Discussion

    And once again, Destiny manages to dispapoint its fans, big surprise. With this, Destiny has nabbed the title of Most Disappointing Anime of the Year unless its ending is the best ending ever seen in an anime (which with Destiny's track record for dissappointments currently is unlikely)..

    P.S. 99% sure that next episode is a recap since all it shows are footage of Mia that was already seen and pics of Mia dressed as Lacus.

  2. #22

    Phase 46 Discussion

    my bet is that Destiny might go up to 52 or so episodes. now i haven't seen this episode yet but last i heard kira doesn't know how to use a gun. the last time he actually picked up a gun was when he first met andy but he didn't even shoot it. he just chucked it at someone.

  3. #23

    Phase 46 Discussion

    it was good seeing athrun doing bullet time and all this was not abad epsiode im just concerned about 47. Most liekly alotta crap is gonnab be rushed 48,49, 50 . Of oucrse alotta things wont be xplained .. Perhaps maybe a short 20 minute ova and that it. Fukuda youSUCK . 7 up yours bud.

    Starting to thinks its bess just to wait till all the other 4 epsidodes are realeased instead of watching this crud one by one..

    Also the last time kira held a gun was in gundam seed ep 45. IF you guys are depressed then i reccmend watching the 5 epsidoes of gundam seed. Thats what have been doing and boy am I satisfied. Who need rey when yuo got providence Who need if sf when you got the orginals. Why heck even the orginal mwu-san is alive for like 2 episodes. LEts see what else is good about seed. More screen time if yzak and deakra. AND MOST OF ALL SHINN AND LUNA MARIA DOESNT EXIST YAAAAAAAA we have winnner. Come on all lets go watch gundam seed forget destiny so much better memorable xperiences. See mwu die andklueze get toasted.

  4. #24

    Phase 46 Discussion

    To start, I liked this episode. I don't even know what they said, but I felt like it was well planned and well executed. As for Neo showing up with Akatsuki, he was probably called by Athrun and co. before they met with Meer. It would make sense to have a Gundam escort her to safty if she was serious in her note that she was going to be killed. It is extremely unlikely that any assassin would be using anti-Gundam weaponry to try and kill her. And someone said something about horrible security, Neo was probably late because of it, if he could have it would have been better for Neo to get there before the rest of them, not when the fire-fight is over.

    Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
    and KIRA IS NOT A GOOD SHOOTER!1 he sucks at shooting
    Why do you think he threw that gun when he and Cagalli first met Waltfeld and were attacked by Blue Cosmos. Keep in mind that he uses an Aimbot in Freedom.

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Update regarding next episode:

    It seems that according to various sources, the episode will be about Meer's life. In order words, they will be using a dead character and develop her (even though she's DEAD) as an excuse to throw in even more flashbacks to fill out all the episodes.


    God what a lame show this has turned out to be. Eps 35-50 = potentially worst Gundam ever after Wing.
    Assuming your sources are correct we need to start collecting money to send someone to Japan and "take care of" Fukuda. IT HAS ONLY BEEN FIVE EPISODES SINCE THE LAST RECAP!!! Sure we may not have seen Meer's life before, but anything detailing a dead person is RECAP. ARGH!!!

    Oh, and keep in mind that Wing had some redeeming value with the Episode Zero stuff added in. It should have been in the Anime, if not for production schedules. When you are wasting time with 2 (at least) recaps in the last 10 episodes you can't blame production, you have to blame poor writing.

    Originally posted by: t3hVeG
    i don't see how Kira did bad..... just because he was providing Athrun with some coverfire and basically being a decoy so Athrun could take the people out while trying to keep Lacus, Meer and Mayrin out of harm's way doesn't mean he performed badly when it came to the gun fight. Just because you may hate Kira doesn't make him worthless.
    Well either Kira or Meyrin hit the grenade thrown by the person that had been playing sniper and sent it back to her.

  5. #25

    Phase 46 Discussion

    Heres the definition of Recap:
    1: a summary at the end that <u>repeats</u> the substance of a longer discussion

    I believe next episode will be at least 50% new stuff, although based on meers life. Honestly I believe they are going to use next episode to develop meer as a character and bring out more about Gil and his plan. She was the closest person to him, other than rey, throughout the series, so its not hard to see that this may be to show what happened before the series and what was going on in the background.

    Yes Im mad that they arent going to proceed with the story, but I doubt they are going to have another clip show, which is what a recap is.

  6. #26

    Phase 46 Discussion

    I dunno if anybody caught it, but Mwu/Neo and Ramus had a good time in AA while Kira, Athrun and the 2 girls were out.

    Direct Translation:
    Mwu/Neo: "Time to go take a shower, us togheter."
    Ramius: "What? I really are a different person"
    Mwu/Neo: "really?"

    That scene cracked me up sooo bad. haha, now that i think about it, those 2 were prolly making out in the shower when athrun called for help. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  7. #27

  8. #28

    Phase 46 Discussion

    Oh yeah, in the Saiyaman RAW during the adds in the middle of the episode there is a shot of Rey and Shinn. Can someone get a screen cap of that?

    Originally posted by: Yumil
    Heres the definition of Recap:
    1: a summary at the end that <u>repeats</u> the substance of a longer discussion

    I believe next episode will be at least 50% new stuff, although based on meers life. Honestly I believe they are going to use next episode to develop meer as a character and bring out more about Gil and his plan. She was the closest person to him, other than rey, throughout the series, so its not hard to see that this may be to show what happened before the series and what was going on in the background.

    Yes Im mad that they arent going to proceed with the story, but I doubt they are going to have another clip show, which is what a recap is.
    While it may not be a recap in the strictest of terms it is still looks just like a recap episode. If they use the episode like you suggest to explain the Destiny Plan, then I will forgive this, but until then.... DIE FUKUDA!!!!!!

    Originally posted by: Vince Flyte
    The Kusanagi!
    How do you know that isn't another Izumo class ship?

  9. #29

    Phase 46 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Curium
    Oh yeah, in the Saiyaman RAW during the adds in the middle of the episode there is a shot of Rey and Shinn. Can someone get a screen cap of that?

    here ya go. this episode was pretty decent, once again athrun proves that he is a perfect gunner, kira sucked in this episode, i'm disappointed in next week's episode, my definition of a recap is "not moving along with the main storyline; random crap" so i say next episode is a freaking recap

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  10. #30
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Phase 46 Discussion

    Rey is so full of gay.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  11. #31

    Phase 46 Discussion

    Rey isn't gay, he's just misunderstood....awwww [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  12. #32

    Phase 46 Discussion

    Athrun is very talented and took an army by himself cornering the sharpshooter all by himself along with her AK-47 grunts. Kira was not entirely useless in this episode. It's hard to tell but 3 shots went off if you play it in slow motion and Kira shot first. Meyrin and Kira both missed the first shots but they both handled well underpressure. I would have just tried to jump out of the way and pray for a miracle that it's a dud. I still think it's not as embarrassing as Shinn. He missed an immobile target at a practice range for Christ's sake and had a full night's rest while Ray didnt get any sleep at all and his eyes/handle coordination was sharp as ever.

  13. #33

    Phase 46 Discussion

    Originally posted by: t3hVeG
    i don't see how Kira did bad..... just because he was providing Athrun with some coverfire and basically being a decoy so Athrun could take the people out while trying to keep Lacus, Meer and Mayrin out of harm's way doesn't mean he performed badly when it came to the gun fight. Just because you may hate Kira doesn't make him worthless.
    he must have been a bad decoy considering all the people were shooting at athrun. athurn never really sneakyed up on anyone or backstabbed because they tried to shoot him and he ducks or dodges. kira seriously didnt do jack. myren coulda done just as good a job. as for the cover fire. everytime athurn killed sumone kira waasnt shooting. it was just him and the ak47 ppl shooting. of course this IS only kira's second time with a gun, so its understandable. we must thank kira's bird however. if it were not for the bird, they would not have known of the sniper. go birdie!

  14. #34

    Phase 46 Discussion

    i don't recall seeing any ak-47's [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  15. #35
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Phase 46 Discussion

    yeah wouldnt seem like they would be using ak 47's in such a futuristic setting. But what he probably means is a random SMG or whatever kind of rifle it might be. i shouldnt really comment as i havent seen the RAW.

  16. #36

    Phase 46 Discussion

    Tori damnit!

    ugh, thats just as bad as the american dub's calling tori "birdie" (yes i know it mean's birdie, but tori sounds better)

  17. #37

    Phase 46 Discussion

    You guys are sooooo gonna love this: I am 88.88% sure that episode 49 is another "recap". Yep, 49, not just 47. One based on Rei's life. The 11.12% left, I hope that it won't be. Also hoping that GSD goes more than 50 episodes if 47 and 49 gonna be recap.

  18. #38

    Phase 46 Discussion

    that is so stupid, episode 49 a recap?!!?! now fukuda's just being homo

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  19. #39

    Phase 46 Discussion

    Wow, fukuda makes over 5 recaps in a series, quite sad, i think. We are already moving on to episode 47..... another recap would mean only 4 episode left, if series is 51 episode. So why don't they just take out 1 recap and make it 50 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]... werid part i don't understand

  20. #40

    Phase 46 Discussion

    SMG or whatever kind of rifle it might be. i shouldnt really comment as i havent seen the RAW.
    You're right it is a submachine gun.

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