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Thread: Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

  1. #1

    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    According to the new commercial Naruto is starting on september 10th, at 9 Eastern-10 Pacific, for its cartoon network airing.

    Now we will finally see how much they did/did not change it.

  2. #2
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Changes they have made
    [*]The intro is now 10 min long and has a crappy rap tune[*]Naruto is now a samurai named bob [*]He has a nine tailed yorkshire terrior sealed inside him[*]His favourate food is now Mcdonalds Happy Meal with a side order of cole slaw (Yes thats right cole slaw)(they have to give him a balanced diet or the parents of fat kids will file lawsuits)[*]Sasukes family haven't been killed but instead have just dissapeared[*]All fights have be replaced with rock paper scissors[*]They now play some form of card game (they need something they can sell to dumb kids

    I am waiting to see how the voices work out. I'm guessing not very well but who cares im still gonna be downloading fansubs anyway

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  3. #3
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Yay mc donald! lol
    and his name is bob! lol (sponge bob?)

    i still didn't see any commercial about it (Canadian release) its supose to come out september 9.. so... lol

    edit : YAY lol they have updated the website... so thats mean its realy going to come out! lol

  4. #4

    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    i hope the canadian release dub sounds just like degrassi complete with all the cute little aboots and agaynst and sorrys with the long O sound.

  5. #5

    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage[*]All fights have be replaced with rock paper scissors
    I guess the intentions for this was to make the Kakashi vs Gai challenges more meaningful

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Yeah I saw the commercial in Toonami. I don't think they'll butcher it as much as 4kids did with One Piece though.

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  7. #7

    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Has this commercial been uploaded anywhere?

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
    Changes they have made
    [*]The intro is now 10 min long and has a crappy rap tune[*]Naruto is now a samurai named bob [*]He has a nine tailed yorkshire terrior sealed inside him[*]His favourate food is now Mcdonalds Happy Meal with a side order of cole slaw (Yes thats right cole slaw)(they have to give him a balanced diet or the parents of fat kids will file lawsuits)[*]Sasukes family haven't been killed but instead have just dissapeared[*]All fights have be replaced with rock paper scissors[*]They now play some form of card game (they need something they can sell to dumb kids

    I am waiting to see how the voices work out. I'm guessing not very well but who cares im still gonna be downloading fansubs anyway
    Bob?! I thought he was going to be called Nathan. And wasn't the series supposed to be renamed to Ninja Boy with fox inside?

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  9. #9
    Genin Shinda's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    I wonder if they are gonna edit the naruto and sasuke kiss out,, or am I thinking they are too prudish now?
    does anyone has the commercial uploaded, I don't have the channel.
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  10. #10
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    if they edit naruto/sasuke kiss they are realy dumb...

    is it true thats they remove the sexy technique?

  11. #11

    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    I don't think it will be that badly butchered, though if you pay attention during the commercial you hear Ebisu's voice and his does worry me a little since it sounds more vicious than it should be.

  12. #12
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    lets hope thats they didn't remove all the good part...

    Edit : erf bullshit, the release in canada have been change... now for september 16... but they also said thats they won't cut any scene

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Here's hoping for minor edits on the Toonami version.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  14. #14

    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    I think the "removal of the Sexy Technique" is just a rumor. Reasoning? They show Ebisu in the Toonami commerical, meaning they show the fight between him and Naruto, and that was primarily fought with, and won by, the Sexy Tech. So yeah, I highly doubt they removed it. Anyways, Big O was a Toonami production (they funded the second season) and it did fine. I have fairly high hopes for Naruto.

  15. #15
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    well maybe it was not when he was fighting naruto..., maybe it was when he was talking to him self (when konohamaru went to follow naruto)

  16. #16
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Originally posted by: Cyberdude93
    Has this commercial been uploaded anywhere?

  17. #17

    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Originally posted by: BioAlien
    well maybe it was not when he was fighting naruto..., maybe it was when he was talking to him self (when konohamaru went to follow naruto)

    Nope. The scene was mere seconds before Naruto used the Harem Technique. I'm sure the technique is in the show, and most people are just going along with the rumor because "Dubbed anime is the devil and root of all evil."

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  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    I agree, dub haters are gonna rip it a new one no matter one. I'm not suprised rumors like "Haku's gonna be a girl" showed up.

    I just saw the commercial featuring Ebisu while watching the Bebop Movie on Adult Swim. I can't wait 'til next weekend. XD

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #19

    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    Uploaded just for you guys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    (its the first commercial they aired, not the new one)


  20. #20
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Official Date for Naruto US Premiere

    the fuck...

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