I also like this one
But she would need a smaller nose to be perfect
I also like this one
But she would need a smaller nose to be perfect
Last edited by Archangel; Sat, 04-05-2008 at 03:58 PM.
...there's something wrong with her nose?
i can't find anything wrong with her face, but i don't like her hair. wheres the knot?! itsOriginally Posted by Junior
if i look @ my signature it seems saber has her knot a bit more at the "top" of her hair (well difficult to explain that without using my hands :P) but that girl there has it a bit lower.
her armor good without question but her hair is distracting me from the whole picture because it hides her features somehow... ehhh well dunno what to say about this. but it is really well done thats for sure!
edit: i think her hair strains at the sides are too big maybe?
Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 04-05-2008 at 03:57 PM.
It just looks kind of big to me. Saber has such a cute small nose, see?
Even smaller than most anime noses i think and her's is kind of big.
well its not like the other saber you posted before has those features.. it would be really troublesome to find such a woman, who has those facial features like her, on the whole planet
she has really small lips and a small mouth
and i don't think her nose is "that" small, every anime character has such a nose ^^
in the game her nose is sometimes pretty big actually xD
(btw where is that saber picture from? a CD or something? i found it really hard to find pictures of her face)
but now i know whats wrong with the strands of hair..they are definitively too big and unlike the first one the hairs of the strands of hair have all the same length. but sabers "sharpen" at the edges.. (i don't know the english word for that)
and its like her toupee has "too much hair" for cosplaying saber. maybe its too thick(?), i don't know exactly because i m not an experts in haircaringmaybe the top of her hair is too long(?), her ears are nearly hidden behind the hair
Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 04-05-2008 at 04:16 PM.
That's one badass costume.
And then again... she looks perfect when comparing to others...
Originally Posted by The Archangel
thats what i meant with "it isn't difficult to be betther than most other FSN cosplayers"
its really hard to find good stuff.. i couldn't find ANY on cosplay.com
Yeah, besides those i posted already the only one that looked decent was this one
It's a hard cosplay to find
Why do people take cosplay so...seriously? it's not their fault they couldn't make a super special awesome outfit. D:
if you don't take it seriously you'll look like a total retard...if you make a good outfit however people will tell you that it looks "somehow cool" even if they arn't into anime because it will look realistic.Originally Posted by Junior
for example:
btw he made a lot more pictures, and he really looks like sam fisher even without the mask lol.
Omg that's awsome!!!
Check out this solid snake
ya believe me, game-movie-cosplay is by far superior to (most) anime-cosplay ^^ especially when the game is something like MSG or Splinter cell or any other games which have to do with armies or similiar thingsthen on the other hand maybe its just me who thinks so because i m a fan of these things.
btw one of my favorite characters.
edit: here a decent Archer cosplay, btw look at his hair colour :O thats the color i was talking about when i said "i want to have white hair, i think it looks good" in another thread here somewhere
its not bad at all, but his costume lacks something. hmmm archer wears a leather armor, this one looks to plain and sketchy
edit2: rider cosplay, i think she looks pretty good
i don't know what to think of her. she herself is not one of the prettiest women out here, but she looks good as Rider.
here are 2 pictures of her which explain why i don't know what to think of her, her costumes are really pretty but... well.. just look at it you probably get it then
on the first she looks like "ohhh not bad, somehow cute" and on another one "uh.."
its like they are 2 different persons in my eyes !?! i don't want to insult her as ugly, but you and me and she herself know that she is not one of the prettiest.
and now tell me WHERE do you get stuff like that german officer-hat or that mask? i can't believe it they made it themselves it looks so original, real and professional..
or the nightvision stuff..
Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 04-05-2008 at 05:16 PM.
The Rider cosplay looks pretty wicked. Too bad there's no photo clearly from the front.
OMG kawaii ! XD XD XD
uhm there is i just didn't post it ^^Originally Posted by Kraco
i don't know if they are shopped.. but the face is cleary different to the second picture in her "red costume" i posted before (i don't know who she is cosplaying there).. but its the same person.
maybe just my imagination?
i don't want to say she's ugly but in the second picture i just mentioned she surely made an ugly face in my opinion xD
then again those pictures of rider tell me that she looks ok.
Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 04-06-2008 at 06:19 AM.
I like this naruto
The hair looks awsome
Awsome night elf
And i just found the perfect auron omg!