now that you mention it... the face do look scary lolOriginally Posted by LaZyKiD
now that you mention it... the face do look scary lolOriginally Posted by LaZyKiD
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Is it Nami and Vivi in the second last? Their hairs look too unreal. It kind of distract me when I look at the image. I wish they has somewhat more natural hair colours.
Those red eyes in the second pic look just freaky.
Very high quality pics, though, once again.
Oh wow... heard from a friend that the thread is still doing lol. Thought it died out a while back. Well I recently went to Akon in Dallas,TX but....the cosplay pretty much blowed. Although I did get a pic with a chick with soem nice racks so I'll post that up soon. BTW Welcome back to me... -.-....
is that Maya from Tenjou Tenge?Originally Posted by Psyke
welcome back DraGunZer0![]()
Yup that's Maya. Not sporting her trademark "cockroach feelers" hair though.![]()
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Going off topic is against the rules and annoying
You people are sooooooo funny. Those three of you who neg repped me from this thread. OMG! Oh noes!
I have an opinion, and I am gonna fucking say it. Deal with it, you little whiny children. Until your balls drop, don't talk.
EDIT: My comments in the first post were directed at cosplayers, not you people, so why neg rep me? Oh, and also, the person who neg repped me, saying, "u should do something with UR life..."
I do, little child. I teach little dumbfucks like you the word GRAMMAR!
1. The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences.
2. The study of structural relationships in language or in a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history.
1. The system of inflections, syntax, and word formation of a language.
2. The system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language.
1. A normative or prescriptive set of rules setting forth the current standard of usage for pedagogical or reference purposes.
2. Writing or speech judged with regard to such a set of rules.
4. A book containing the morphologic, syntactic, and semantic rules for a specific language.
1. The basic principles of an area of knowledge: the grammar of music.
2. A book dealing with such principles."
If you don't know the meaning of those big words, boyo, go back to, and look them up.
Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 06-15-2006 at 08:01 AM.
Going off topic is against the rules and annoying
Oh, the ironyOriginally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
Then walk the talk. You like to dish out your own opinion, yet when someone states his own opinion that disagrees with yours it's like it's WW3. Grow up.Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
Anyways back on topic...
The eyes of stellar in the second pic are definetly too creepy for me, but that last kasumi isn't too shabby.
Last edited by Mr Squiggles; Thu, 06-15-2006 at 02:58 AM.
98% of teens uses or has tried MySpace. If you're one of the 2% that hasn't, copy and paste this in your signature
Going off topic is against the rules and annoying
Let's see. I have a job, I goto school, and even have a kind-of girlfriend.
It's not opinion when you say someone is wrong. I stated that cosplay is pathetic yes, but that is just me. If you think it isn't that is fine. I did not insult a single person on this forum, or even any cosplayers. So, there by, being insulted through a reputation system makes me laugh. The funny thing is, really, that you people take a forum, a FORUM seriously. Wows.
I am actually laughing at the stupidity. I'm not mad. You do realise you can insult someone without being mad, right?
Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 06-15-2006 at 08:00 AM.
Going off-topic is against the rules and annoying
I suppose most of the shit you wrote was meant to me, right? As I see now one else really cared about that post of yours.Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
First of all I did not give you negative rep points, I'm not that stupid. I undrestand it was your opinion and that's your business if you don't like cosplay. You just said it in a manner that made me thought you adviced the people here to get lives, not the cosplayers themselves. I questioned the place where you did that. I don't think it's the wisest thing to do to come saying cosplaying is waste of time in a thread which is clearly ment for people who enjoy watching/doing cosplay.
Who suspected you don't have a life? It wasn't me or then I'm suffering from memory loss. I just said that how do you know wether or not people here "have lives" or not.
Also if (again if...) you pointed those whines about grammar to me I must say that you are just being a whiny-ass yourself. English is not my first language, I've studied it for seven years now, and I think I write pretty good English for that. Of course I make mistakes, but if they aren't so bad, why the hell would you care so fucking much? I believe you can clearly see that my profile says Finland as my home country, and from that you can pretty surely know that English is not the writers home languge.
I do realize one can insult other without being mad. I do it all the time.
Going off topic is against the rules and annoying
I said that about the person who neg repped me with that comment. If that was you, then yes, it was directed at you; if not, then not.
My last post, the one before this one, was directed at Mr. Squiggles.
I have no reason to come in here and flame people for what they like, even if it is something I don't like. I was flaming cosplay, rather than cosplayers, really. My comment about cosplayers getting lives was not really an insult, but I understand it can be taken in that manner. But really, what I said in my first post was just an opinion about cosplaying. It did not involve anyone of this website, unless of course they are cosplayers themselves.
It's cool that you are studying English. I hear it's one of the hardest languages to learn. I mean, even Americans, who are predominatley English-speaking people don't even speak it right.
It's sad, but the average reading level of Americans is only 5th grade. 5TH GRADE!
That is like, "The orange cat, who was named Jean, ran across the street."
That's barely above, "The cat ran across the street."
Because I don't want to be totaly off-topic here, I have to say Rukia cosplay last page was fekking hot.
And the girl with blue hair. . . *moans*
Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 06-15-2006 at 08:01 AM.
Going off topic is against the rules, and annoying
Damn. Your life is so hard.Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
Going off topic is against the rules and annoying
It actually quite is, to get 18 credits, while working 40 hours a week. And then spending time with my friends.
Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 06-15-2006 at 08:01 AM.
Stop ruining one of the best threads here with your bickering and bitching. People can express their views on cosplay here, but it's gotten far far away from that in the past couple posts.
Warnings applied.
Next person to go blatantly off-topic here gets a week vacation.
Last edited by masamuneehs; Thu, 06-15-2006 at 08:04 AM.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Let's get this thread back on track shall we?
Firstly more of Natsume Maya from Tenjo Tenge:
Other cosplay:
More of that girl from before:
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Heh. For some reason those antennae look more natural in anime (or manga) than in the real life. Very nice pics, though.
Too bad quite a few characters always remain unrecognized by me. There will always be huge gaps in my anime education, I suppose.
"Girl with blue hair" is Vivi from OP if I'm not mistaken, and yes she is hot. The hair looks too fake though.Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile