The first two suck ass but I really like that Shunsui and Nanao.
He looks like such a bum, lol.
The first two suck ass but I really like that Shunsui and Nanao.
He looks like such a bum, lol.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs dont really have any good ones
On page 5 there are more good Rukia cosplay on the bottom on the page. There are 4 pictures.
I like those Rukia ones... input done for the day
I just noticed those Rukia ones are WAY photoshopped...
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
That guy doing Renji has an amazing Zabimaru and the coustom looks cool even the hair and lines, but for some reason that guy just cant pull it off.
I guess you gotta be Japanese to get a good chance of pulling off the look.
That Renji guy doesnt have killer look on his face
My favorite cosplayer:
According to the site I got it from she's a big fan of the show, watches it with her family, and was glad there was a character she could cosplay as (Kaede from Inuyasha if you don't know).
How old is she and where does she get her energy from to do all that?
I thought this thread was supposed to be good cosplay only [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
No, when people feel like doing the opposite, it becomes acceptable.
This IS good cosplay. Good cosplay = accurate, well-made outfit + looks like character. This woman's outfit is really nicely done, and she looks ALOT like Kaede (who's an elderly priestess). Very cool, I'd take my picture with her.
Yes I guess it is good cosplay I mean who else is going to pull that off but her. I give her props
I dunno who the old woman is in Inu Yasha, so I'm not judging anything there, but there are a couple of cosplays in this thread which I thought weren't really good. But then again, it's just my opinion.
true some cosplay just suck... like the inuyasha one i have posted lol
Wow... pretty good,. basically asians can only cosplay good anime because Most anime were made in japan based on asians.
WHen is someone gonna put man faye and sailor bubba up?
best cosplay ever [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
You are obviously kidding. There are better pictures than this on that site.
Sort of cosplay related. Not work safe. 900 megs. Probably worth it.
Don't click the link if you're under 18 or value your braincells. (I have no problem with the latter since I'm an idiot)