Ohhh right! Damn, they look so similar.Originally Posted by nests
Ohhh right! Damn, they look so similar.Originally Posted by nests
Either way, they all look good apart from the last one with the sword. Where do you guys find your cosplays? Just googling?
If I'm not mistaken, they changed her name to Alita when they translated the manga into English. Her original name in Japan is Gally. But then I'm probably just stating the obvious.Originally Posted by nests
Either way her name is Yoko.![]()
(Or Tako-Face with that permanent octopus pout she developed in last order)
Personally, I've always been fond of Alita over "Gally"
However, now I find myself unsatisfied. I demand some Caerula cosplay to go with it.
I also like to just call her alita so here is another one
That chick from Mai-Otome forgot her name
And I dont know who this is but she looked hot sitting there
Thats it for right now I'll put some more later
why are there so many hot girls cosplaying and not sucking my dick?
you need to stary going to more anime conventions there some pretty freaky girls there
"Freaky" is indeed the right word I'd used to describe a lot of fangirls who go to cons...Originally Posted by nests
Keep in mind this is the "amazing cosplay" thread, not the "usual cosplay" thread. There's a huge difference in quality.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Because you're too busy looking at the hot cosplayers on a forum.Originally Posted by mage
I deserve some major respeck for that one.
Lol, respect on the internets?Originally Posted by Board of Command
P.S. You said respeckHaha
No, he means respeck, aiiiight?Originally Posted by Necromas
They have a cool "Respek Knuckles" shirt on adultswim.com, from Sealab 2021. I'd like to see some cosplay of some adultswim shows.
Yeah, I meant respeck. Nobody wants respect.
The funniest part about the Robin/"Raven" (that was the name right?) couple is that they are exactly that... a couple. Yep, you better believe it. (At least they were when that photo was taken)
this one made me lol. apologies if it's a repost.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Some Gai love today:
I'd say this guy has the natural Gai look down, but other parts of his costume could use work.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Indeed. He could also be a bit more muscular. His attitude seems just right, though.
I have no idea who this people are trying to cosplay the only reason I am posting them is because I think they looked hot, so you guys can take a guess who they are.
Now this one I am posting because it brought a smile to my face
Yeah I was going to say the same thing, that "he" could use a little more work.Originally Posted by Kraco
That's a problem with lots of cosplayers, especially the chunky ones. They want to live in a fantasy world, and don't spend enough time working on their real world personas.
Still, the hot chicks who cosplay are pretty cool.
@nests: The first one is Haruhi Suzumiya from "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya".
Last edited by Animeniax; Fri, 10-06-2006 at 12:18 AM.