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Thread: Amazing Cosplay MUST SEE NOW

  1. #921
    Genin drims's Avatar
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    Its not great cosplay, but its AMAZING he hasnt gotten the crap beat out of him.

    Made by IFHTT
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  2. #922
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drims

    Its not great cosplay, but its AMAZING he hasnt gotten the crap beat out of him.

    wtf is that! one of the worst sakura cosplay i ever seen.. is that a guy or a fat ugly girl?

  3. #923
    id rather not know

    [PSJ] Owns All

  4. #924
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass
    she's a disgrace, she aint bringing no family honor home.

  5. #925
    I'm betting 10 e-cookies it's a fat guy that lost a bet.

  6. #926
    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII

    well we laready got one of those

    [PSJ] Owns All

  7. #927
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Bah. That guy is actually badass. He's demonstrating with courage and not minding the personal consequences that he's a man of his word.

    The "I love Sasuke"... uh... person is just some weirdo.

  8. #928
    This thread needs a rivival. Here's a few good cosplays I've found.

    First some Naruto Themed ones.

    A few of Sakura

    These next two are Sakura with her post time skip look, so I'll only post the link for those who don't want to see it just yet.I thinkshe pulls it off very well though.

    Post time skip Sakura1

    Post time skip Sakura2

    Now on to other a couple other anime

    Mai Otome. Pretty good imo.

    As I understand it, there is someone in here. Can't see how from the pic... Still, pretty sweet.

    Some amazing Guyver suits. Looks very real.

    On to some video game cosplays. First a couple Final Fantasy ones.

    Another good Auron. Personally, I like the one earlier in this thread, but this one has a decent sword.

    Tifa in her Advent Children look. Personally, I like this look more, as her chest isn't the size of the moon and she looks pretty not a whore.The cosplay is well done, although not perfect. She fits the part though.


    A really good Samus. Unfortantely, this is the only angle I could find. I really wish I could find a front view. This suit is very well done.

    And lastly, OBJECTION!

    Now. Get to finding that cosplay!

  9. #929
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The first Sakura looks very innocent and cute.

    Tachikoma is a winner, of course.

  10. #930
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegechan
    This Sakura looks kawaii! The Metal Gear one looks awesome as well.... Good finds.
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  11. #931
    More of Tifa, same girl as earlier. She really does look the part.

    Here's a more old school Final Fantasy character. Terra. Not bad, seems a little too extravgant, but a good job none the less.

    Envy. I always thought only women could coplay Envy, but this guy actually pulls it off.

    While we're on the Fullmetal Alchemist bit, here's a good Lust.

    3 more of Lust. They are good, but the personally I liked the first one more.

    Keeping with the Naruto tradition, here's a good Temari and a couple Gaaras. I think the Temari did a good job with her hair and an alright job with the costume. But, sometimes just getting the hair right can make or break a cosplay. The Gaaras are ok, not as good as the one way earlier in the thread though.

    I'll end this post with a funny one.

  12. #932
    OMG they messes up fussion lol mario use 2 fingers and luigi used 1.

  13. #933
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Wow, it looks like Temari is waiting for me.
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  14. #934
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegechan

    I'll end this post with a funny one.

    wow, that gaara one is quite good

    haha! the Mario and Luigi Fusion! what will be coming out of that? MaGi ? lol

  15. #935
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Well, because Mario did the fingers wrong, it would probably be an uber fat Lugigio or Marigi.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #936
    he didn't get the finger's wrong! they're just short and stubby!, it's the angle I tell you!

  17. #937
    No, I think they are wrong. He has two fingers out.

  18. #938
    yea they will probably turn into some big fat blimp like goku and vageta did when they got it wrong lol.

  19. #939
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    They're right - it's only supposed to be one finger and he's got two out...God knows what they'll get...

    But I do think that's the best damn Gaara I've ever seen.

    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

  20. #940
    Wow, that Tifa is hot.

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