Congrats!Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Also, might I add...
I'm a Jounin! Kick-ass!
Congrats!Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Also, might I add...
I'm a Jounin! Kick-ass!
watch that sword drop and cut Zabuza lolsOriginally posted by: Shinda
some nice Haku and Zabuza
that's terrible.Originally posted by: Jadugar
Lee blowing kisses.
is that Sakura a man? And she seems waaaay too fat [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
wooow Sakura's a man and Lee's an assassination squad after them too pleaseOriginally posted by: Jaredster
that's terrible.Originally posted by: Jadugar
Lee blowing kisses.
Damn someone got emotional even though I was being sarcastic =/. Been kinda busy but anyways heres a major update (although I think a couple have been posted already.) Oh and BTW if you've seen the saiyaman cosplay stuff already then nothing new.Originally posted by: Jadugar
Your thread?Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
btw.... quit polluting my thread jadugar (refers to the one peice guy -.- )
Get real.
Do I need to remind you this is a discussion thread not a website owned by you?
You havnt posted any cosplay in the last 6 pages of this thread. Not even a shit one.
This is pollution.Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
Every body is fine without you. No need to worry.Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
I'll get some up sometime in the upcoming week
I'll start with the decent ones..
Only one I've found of Bakuretsu Tenshi... nothing big.
Chobits....theres something about the black one that I like............
Kakashi (Note: The dog on his shoulder)
Anko's little group, i think its the same group someone posted earlier. They need their moment to shine too.
I really like the scenery for this Sasuke pic
Best cosplay ever (sarcasm but in a way im serious since you don't see fugly people =/)
"You were off cue Kamen Raider 1..."
This is pretty good, Kikyo from Inuyasha (w/ inuyasha in the back)
Lacus... she needs a matching dress..
All the other random stuff
Thought these chicks look kinda cute...
Ladies shouldn't be sitting like this...
Yuffie from FF7, dunno why I kept this...
Turks... nothing great.
The damn cat that steals your items in Monster Hunter....
Paine, she just wanted to be seen...
Lilith....what can i say?
The sucky stuff
Neji and Hinata.... looks like they got beat up before taking the pics (I wonder why >.>...)
This never happened in the anime......
"Wassup ese?"
These girls suck... but atleast they sure know how to represent, "WESTSIDE!!"
EDIT:: Forgot about posting these but thanks to my cousin for reminding me lol.
Damn, those were some good ones Dragunzero. Where do you find them all? Some of those pics are making me like asian girls, which I don't usually...
My assasination squads have been deployed for the fat, short-haired Lee and Sakura. No crappy cosplayer is safe...(the kiba wasn't that bad though)
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
these 2 are the best [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Originally posted by: DraGunZer0
All the other random stuff
Thought these chicks look kinda cute...
Saiyaman Cosplay GalleryOriginally posted by: XanBcoo
Damn, those were some good ones Dragunzero. Where do you find them all? Some of those pics are making me like asian girls, which I don't usually...
Remember these two from Zabuza arc
Great cosplay
and a other
Finally found a good Konohamaru; [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Asuma and Kurenai;
Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.
Yeah that one in purple is uber adorable.
I wish I could get a girl like that through the mail order system.
Also, that new Neji one is awesome and so is Konohamaru and Tsunade, haha.
"They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin
The kid doing Konohamaru is spot on.
Tsunade's front is amazing.
i wonder why those guys are taking so many cpics of that girl [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
R.I.P Captain America.
BWwahahhaha @ the guys..... but then again... I would be one of them if i was there... and yea most of my recent ones were from saiyaman.
EDIT:: BTW another update to come this week, probably a small one though.
That short fight scene with the Demon Brothers is really good for some reason. I love it.Originally posted by: Jadugar
Remember these two from Zabuza arc
All the other pics are awesome btw. I like the Asuma one.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Anko again ^^ (skin so smooth)
Shino (he looks a little thin)
Last but not least ...
Just like to say ... I don't try to bash cosplay cause usually they would do better than I would. But these lil tykes pwn ..