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Thread: Episode 150 discussion

  1. #1
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    nice episode, and i have 1 thing to say, we can see shino mouth! lol

  2. #2

    Episode 150 discussion

    yeah it was great my favotire part is how Hinata Remembered Nartuo during the chuinin exam.. you know .. The part of the chunnin exam when she was passed out.... and cough'n up blood.. so she coulnd't have remembered it....but it inspired her..Maby she was remembering that someone told her about the fight and she was realizing that she couldn't be able to remember it .. and that made her remember she could get inspired

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    Originally posted by: UberSuperHACKER
    yeah it was great my favotire part is how Hinata Remembered Nartuo during the chuinin exam.. you know .. The part of the chunnin exam when she was passed out.... and cough'n up blood.. so she coulnd't have remembered it....but it inspired her..Maby she was remembering that someone told her about the fight and she was realizing that she couldn't be able to remember it .. and that made her remember she could get inspired
    That was some deep shit.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    ya, but the ending... lol, being sucked out of they chakra or being eating be a huge bee... which one will they take?

    and hinata... it was nice but she miss the last bee and she cut the rope lol, so what going to happen to her?

    edit : and when are they gonna change the damn intro... sasuke is gone damn it

  5. #5

    Episode 150 discussion

    Hinata's projectiles were nice but damn she needs to practice more. As for giant bee there is always larger frog, i realy hope Naruto will call for frog it about time he gave him a 'present'. and it looks like Hinata will fight next episode, should be fun. Episodes getting better comapring to last ones latly.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  6. #6

    Episode 150 discussion

    Man, this is bullshit... not only are we in the middle of a freaking filler arc... Now we have to wait till Sept. 14 for the next episode... and more than that, next episode is another freaking filler...

  7. #7

    Episode 150 discussion

    Man, I feel.

    It was so awesome when I was a noob and I had 120 episodes to catch up to. I watched them all at a rate of 6 episodes a day, sometimes 10 ... just total nonstop addictive viewing. I often consider forgetting about Naruto for two years and coming back to have another 100 episodes to catch up to. And in the meantime, I can get a life.

  8. #8
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    No mutated Orochimaru lacky, so this filler is the best of the recent in my opinion. Naruto is not an absolute facktard either so far, but I'm sure they can still screw things up. How many more filler eps is there supposed to be? Terra posted the name of the coming episodes, wondering when the madness will end.

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  9. #9

    Episode 150 discussion

    what was the first half exactly? battle of the replications? Shino's team only got owned cuz they forgot to make one more replication. (to rescue hinata)

    Plus why did Hinata's trap involve flying down a water cavern? You'd think they could just have one deadly bee sting her instead.

    Finally, bees willing to sacrifice their lives with hundreds of explosive tags seems a little bit much for a bug user. It almost makes anything Shino do worthless unless his bugs always had tags strung to them as well. Sort of takes the fun and strategy out of the bug war.

    That and what ubersuperhacker said.

    But at least they keep the dramatic soap-opera style chit chat to a minimum. Quickened the pace of the battles a LOT better than the previous filler.

  10. #10
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    Originally posted by: soldier
    Man, I feel.

    It was so awesome when I was a noob and I had 120 episodes to catch up to. I watched them all at a rate of 6 episodes a day, sometimes 10 ... just total nonstop addictive viewing. I often consider forgetting about Naruto for two years and coming back to have another 100 episodes to catch up to. And in the meantime, I can get a life.
    only 6 and sometime 10..... i used to watch 25 episode a day! lol (i know i need a life lol)

    too bad the next episode is for 14 sept...

    and finnaly some hinata action... but thats will only be in the next one lol...

    and wtf.. why did shino have to say [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
    "Then should we abandon Hinata?"


  11. #11

    Episode 150 discussion

    Anyone know why they are taking a weeks break??

    Might just be wishfull thinking, but could it be that this might be the end of the fillers??

    Formula follows:

    1) filler arc coming to end (i.e. one, maybe two eps. tops)
    2) taking a week off.
    3) ????

    But seriously, is it too much to hope for??

  12. #12
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    but could it be that this might be the end of the fillers??
    maybe, maybe not

    no one will know until 14 sept...

  13. #13
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    How could it be an end to the fillers if we're still in the middle of this arc right here? You think its just gonna wrap up in the first five minutes then move back into the manga? I think not.

    That said, this arc continues to be the most bitching filler anything ever in the history of fillers. Everyone is actually using some ninja trickery for once. And we've seen no less than two attacks from main characters that didn't exist before.


    USH is right though, Hinata remembering a moment in the past that she wasn't actually concious to witness was kinda stupid.

  14. #14
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    i downloaded the thing from dattebayo and followed the instructions but i stil cant[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

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  15. #15
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    well i was able to do so... but why can't you...

    i downloaded it 8 min after it release lol, maybe your file is corrupt.. did you try redownloading it?

  16. #16
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    no ill try though
    could it have somthing to do with the fact tht i have WinRAR?

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  17. #17

    Episode 150 discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    How could it be an end to the fillers if we're still in the middle of this arc right here? You think its just gonna wrap up in the first five minutes then move back into the manga? I think not.
    Like I said, one, maybe two episodes left in this filler.

  18. #18
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Episode 150 discussion

    HELP ME PLEASE IT WONT WORK......[img]i/expressions/brokenheart.gif[/img]
    edit:[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]it works now iono what happened but it works

    I'm official.

  19. #19

    Episode 150 discussion

    I really liked this episode too. You guys already pretty much summed up why it was good.

    (Next we see part 2 of Hinatas move, the ability to fly!)

  20. #20

    Episode 150 discussion

    I absolutely love the direction this arc is going. I really hope they do a fun flip around, where it's Hinata rescuing the captured men instead of them rescuing her. That would rock!

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