Originally posted by: splash
well i tend to look at momo as weak, because of her character. It makes me sick, her pathetic whining over Aizen's dying and the way she looked up to him like a helpless person. I guess you could say the way her character has been depicted makes me biased towards her. Like both Matsumoto and Momo are female lieutenants, but i would tend to look at matsumoto being more strong simply because it seems like she has a stronger personality. In any case i have already admitted my mistake so stop bashing me already and i also think Hinamori is pathetic and hence weak in my eyes. My opinion, say what you like.
@ Budweineken
Lets not forget that both Hitsugaya and Zaraki fought with unreleased soul slayers.(IF you could call hitsugaya's clash with momo a 'FIGHT') Hence i would say that Zaraki would be much stronger than the current hitsugaya when ichigo fought him. Hitsugaya's power would only surpass Zaraki's after he released his Shikai form for his Zanpakutou. After all, Zaraki's spiritual power as an individual is much greater than that of Hitsugaya. Thats why he is a captain despite not being able to call out his soul slayer's name, because of the immense spiritual power he can release without even being talk to his sword.
acctually as yoruichi explained, zaraki's fighting power is so great that they allowed him to pass as captain even without the proper requirements, so hitsuyaga would need bankai at least to beat zaraki.