Again, I can't say there was much that I enjoyed in this episode...
Maybe the subtitles can make it better? (probably not though, I really don't want to hear what Lacus and Kira have to say anymore, more of the same)
I hope Fukuda loses his job over this series. He's really just fumbling around with the same old rehashed shit from the first Seed series. You can't just ride a franchise's good name forever, even if it is Gundam. I hope he gets sacked after this is over, and the next Gundam is produced by someone who can actually write a decent script and keep us entertained all the way through without blatantly ripping off from other Gundams...
I actually have a great idea for a Gundam series, but because I know no Japanese and have school I doubt my idea will ever get anywhere to the Gundam people.