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  1. #1
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Again, I can't say there was much that I enjoyed in this episode...

    Maybe the subtitles can make it better? (probably not though, I really don't want to hear what Lacus and Kira have to say anymore, more of the same)

    I hope Fukuda loses his job over this series. He's really just fumbling around with the same old rehashed shit from the first Seed series. You can't just ride a franchise's good name forever, even if it is Gundam. I hope he gets sacked after this is over, and the next Gundam is produced by someone who can actually write a decent script and keep us entertained all the way through without blatantly ripping off from other Gundams...

    I actually have a great idea for a Gundam series, but because I know no Japanese and have school I doubt my idea will ever get anywhere to the Gundam people.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #2

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    You can't just ride a franchise's good name forever, even if it is Gundam.
    I don't know about that. I have an issue of EGM where they had a joke about sticking the "Final Fantasy" name on a basic "Pong" game and selling Billions of copies.

    Since we know they are going into space I would have preferred they ended with Archangel taking off into orbit.

    Originally posted by: Black_Wing
    it seems cagilli dumped athrun I no longer see aring on her hand. To me the series could just end here dijibril wasw ell you know. Zaft is no longer on orb logos is no more and well everyone could be happy. I dont see the point of archangel lauching agin ?
    Isn't going to attack ZAFT right away, right now they are going to the moon as representatives of Orb. If Dullindal just sits back and lets everyone live happily ever after they might have been able to end it here, but do you acctually believe Dullindal would do that?

    I guess the two large DRAGOON units on Legend have an anti-beam coating. I found it really interesting that they could fly right through the Beam Shields. The only thing I can think of that is similar is when Gai used the Blue Frame Second L's Tactical Arms sword that has an anti-beam coating to pierce the shield of Hyperion Gundam unit 3.

    Originally posted by: Black_Wing
    and well the empreror would be dullindal
    Also if you look early in the episode it shows Dullindal on his throne, it looks similar to the Emperor's throne area in Return of the Jedi. Take a look at the window in the bakc ground.

    I find it interesting that Shinn remembers all the atrocities that Stellar committed, but he blames everyone but Stellar.

    I'm really glad they used the Blast Impulse. That is my favorite of the 3, and they just don't use it enough.

    I was really looking forward to seeing the Girty Lue again. But it got owned way too quickly. Why didn't they use the Mirage Coloid to hide as they were escaping (beside Fukuda).

    They are trusting Neo WAY too much in my opinion. Whether he turns out to be Mwu or not, doesn't chance the fact that he was supporting the Destroy unit piloted by Stellar that killed thousands if not millions of civilians.

    It was great at the end of the preview where it makes some statement regarding an important Gundam from the next episode (Impulse, Freedom, Destiny) it said Haro this time.

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