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Thread: Phase 45 Discussion

  1. #141

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Renishiki

    I finally joined this excellent forum after just been sitting and reading it from the shadows and not taking part of the discussion. I think that Djibril death was somewhat dissapointing in that i thought that the space cruiser Girty Lue would do some more resistance or something. I think he died a little bit easy imo. Ofc Legend isnt somehing to mess around with, but i hoped for a final showdown between The Minerva and Girty Lue as they fought in the beginning of the series. Was hoping that Djibril/EaF/Logos would have some more "extended" pilots to defend the base/Girtylue. So it got to be an antiklimax in my opnion. Wonder what the Zaft will be fighting now? Well thats my 50 cents.

    Well Hello Renishiki, welcome to the group, hope you enjoy the forum

  2. #142

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Hehe thx! Hope i wont get run over by terra the first week![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #143

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Hmmm.... here's what I thought:

    - Recycled animation, while saving money, is REALLY annoying. I don't like it how the Core Splendor has always been launched the same way, even when Luna is piloting it. Know what I mean, when it does the 5ish barrel rolls right after it exits the catapult?

    - I think it makes sense that Neo doesn't attack AA because technically isn't the EAF still allied with ORB? Whether or not he is actually Mwu, as much evidence does point out, he wouldn't have a reason to attack them since the enemy is ZAFT. Add any pieces to the puzzle that you want to this - I don't remember the older episodes that well.

    AGREED = The Girty Lue really should've put up more of a fight.

    I'm speculating that Mwu was taken in by EAF forces and for some reason put into the extended program. Maybe because he was part of the Three Ships Alliance or something? In any case, 2 years of erasing your memory can only work so well - look at the other extendeds like Stellar who kept having the problem of not forgetting Shinn. Not that Shinn didn't keep trying to remind her. ^^;;;

  4. #144

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Renishiki
    Hehe thx! Hope i wont get run over by terra the first week![img][/img]

    LOL, Amen to that one...i'll pray a special one for Terra. Terra's a cool dude, just a bit hot-headed like YZAK, but that's the best part about him!

  5. #145
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 45 Discussion

    "LOL, Amen to that one...i'll pray a special one for Terra. Terra's a cool dude, just a bit hot-headed like YZAK, but that's the best part about him!"



    I mean, you'll be fine Renishiki, as long as you don't violate the rules (rules: you must love Yzak & hate Kira/Lacus, always).

    Also, for deers in space indeed. (just ignore this, it's related to Reni's swedish sig)

  6. #146
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Phase 45 Discussion

    yes terra might be hot headed, but actually hes one of those guys that talks alot of sense when hes pissed off. So even though he might be trying to put you down in an argument, attempt to understand what hes really trying to get at

  7. #147

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Hehe actually terra has been my hero all along[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Been one of things to make me read this forum is his hotheaded temper![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] And ofc rules are meant to be followed. Concerning:"I the hate lacus/Kira department", i dont really hate them, but im not in the fanclub really either. I thought it was fun to see Kira starting up Freedom to go out and kick those Special Ops:es ass in the beginning of the series, it was just sentimental. And i got kind off pissed off to se Shinn kick (?) win over Freedom. But now i dont really know.. Since Fukuda killed one of the best (imo) villains in gs/gsd history in this episode without any grand battle, im kind of lost on to wich will be carrying the burden of being the grand arch rival to Dullindal..But its kind of fun to i guess, since maybe for once you will not able to predict that whats going to happen for like 4 episodes ahead?=)

    My sig is in english: For Caribou:s in space![img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  8. #148
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 45 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Renishiki
    Hehe actually terra has been my hero all along[img][/img]
    Oooo, another fanboy. Can never get enough of those. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  9. #149
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Phase 45 Discussion


    Seriously, Terra, you're pretty damn cool and hilarious sometimes. But don't let your little fan-following get to your head or I'll have to pop it like a pussing purple pimple

    Perhaps someone should go create a Terra fandom thread on GW or a website? We can leave all the ass-kissing for there, rather then clutter up the actual discussion threads.

    Originally posted by: Strike Freedom
    There will always be war, and man will destroy himself. This is our fate if we carry on like this. Our trends of increasing in arms, making more nukes and other destructive weapons, our hate, our unacceptance of others, our greed, etc will just lead us to self destruction. However, this does not encompass everyone, and unfortunately the innocent ppl are the ones that suffer. I think of an old physics concept where u take a jar of mixed nuts that are all in order from smallest to largest (peanuts to almonds for eg). If you start mixing it, it will only become more mixed and disordered. The only way to create the order that was lost is from scratch....
    Wait... did you come up with this yourself?!?! Or is this from some speech or referencing some philosopher or anything like that?!?!

    Amazing... as negative as it sounds, I actually believe this to be true. Mankind has to change the way we conduct wars, because lumbering on the path of greater and greater destructive capabilities can only kill us off in the longrun. That's why I have liked Gundam so much, because it offers an alternative, (thought fantastic), image of wars in the future. Seed, and Destiny to some extent, also get some props for addressing the issues of nuclear armnaments and the boundaries that should not be crossed in fighting wars.

    I actually agree with Strike Freedom?!? Wow, that's probably the first time...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #150
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 45 Discussion

    So when are the Terracosmo fanclub meetings? What do you do at your meetings?

    What the hell? This isn't a philosphy class. So where is the HaroTori sub? I guess it will be out by Thursday like last week.

    I also happened to catch that the new guy didn't like Djibril's death all that much. You may actually be a good guy. Djibril's death sucked and Rey sucks even more for killing him like that. It happened so that the AA can fight Minerva and Shinn, Kira and Athrun will whine and scream while Rey speaks ultra calm about destruction and shit, that is how i predict the last battle between the 4 main mobile suits.

  11. #151

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Well, for people talking about Dullindal connection to Logos and all. I do think he was moving the strings from behind like a puppet master. And probably he was the one who gave motivation (and weaponry) to those soldiers drop the Junius 7 on Earth, to kill Lacus (too bad they failed) and maybe more...

  12. #152
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Phase 45 Discussion

    eh, wheres my reply to that little bit about war and human nature by Strike Freedom. Damn its at the end of the previous page. Anyways, as i already stated the whole thing cant be summed up so easily

  13. #153

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Just one thing that I was wondering about. Where are the DOM Troopers? I mean I didn't see the mobile suits inside AA when they loaded Akatuski, neither I saw the characters around. Are they really with AA? I guess they supposed to be since Lacus is going with AA to space and they support her and all...

  14. #154

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Anyone else find it annoying that a lot of the battle animations are rehashed? I've seen the same Spaceship blown up in exactly the same way all the way from GS1 to now, at least a dozen times. Not to mention the same underwater gundams blown up by the same shore cannon everytime they go ashore. One smashes a tank, the other gets shot in the chest. lol. There's also the animation of the gouf backing away, firing its finger cannons at its attacker (They used it with isaac this ep =/, that guy deserves better than reused animation.)

    One of the main reasons why i was disappointed by the last battle of GS1.

    I guess they're just getting lazy now. I can forgive lazy scripting and writing, but not animation, especially when its an anime.

    Anyways the episode was......alright, i expected more to happen, although Djibril's death as a throw-away character doesn't surprise me.

    More speeches from Cagalli, and i dunno, something about kira this season really bothered me, i was all WHOOOOOT when Kira owned people with freedom when he first came, and i loved him in seed, but now its like he has the personality of an all-knowing, wise piece of wood, where's the emotion? hehe.

    Anyways, the destroys are disppointing =/, demoted to cannon fodder troops like the rest of the mobile armour and suits the EA showed off in past eps. They've lost their feeling of dread and awe after Heaven's base. A pity though, Destroy had a great introduction into the series.
    "You'll soon see what Gotham City is like without fear, and it won't be pretty. Fear is the glue that holds society together, it's what makes people suppress their worst impulses. Fear. Is power." - The Scarecrow

  15. #155

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    "LOL, Amen to that one...i'll pray a special one for Terra. Terra's a cool dude, just a bit hot-headed like YZAK, but that's the best part about him!"



    I mean, you'll be fine Renishiki, as long as you don't violate the rules (rules: you must love Yzak & hate Kira/Lacus, always).

    Also, for deers in space indeed. (just ignore this, it's related to Reni's swedish sig)

    ROFL, everyone here in the forums, we all form like one big dysfunctional family [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    @ Masamuneehs... Wow, we can actually get along [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]. I actually enjoy our disagreements as they are handled in a very thought out process. Thanks for the agreement, even if it is the first and last time! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    @ DeathyscytheVII, I agree, there is a lot of reused stuff, the theme, the characters, the battles, the animation, the MS (not all), the everything....wait a minute....shit...we've been watching SEED all over again....DAMN THAT FUKUDA...trying to make money on us.....[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  16. #156
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 45 Discussion

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    Seriously, Terra, you're pretty damn cool and hilarious sometimes. But don't let your little fan-following get to your head or I'll have to pop it like a pussing purple pimple

    Perhaps someone should go create a Terra fandom thread on GW or a website? We can leave all the ass-kissing for there, rather then clutter up the actual discussion threads.
    You'll have to get used to that, it's been this way since 2003.

  17. #157

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Frankly i thought that Djibril was going to have some kind of new super-über ultra gundam suits who would had maked it alot harder for Minerva/Shinn/Rey/Luna on their path of destruction. I mostly i got the feeling of an sunday picknick. Weapons like the Destroy and that other heavy suit (the suit with that positron shield who deflects Minervas Tannhaüser) would stand up alot better, now instead Shinn and Rey killed the of like flies. That was very boring imo. Hope that Kira and Athrun are gonna give Shinn and co some really hard fighting so we atleast get some good fighting instead of 2 suits massacring half the Eaf-fleet. To bad lacus didnt have anymore kickass suits for Yzak and Deakka.

  18. #158

    Phase 45 Discussion

    I dont know if someone has already posted this, but i noticed this after rewatching Phase 45.

    Cagalli and Murrue

    Kira And Athrun

    Kira has the same rank as Cagalli within the Orb Military and is above Marrue Ramius, does someone know what rank is that?

  19. #159
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 45 Discussion

    Wow, I never noticed that the rank is above Ramius'.

    So now Kira is invincible, has a ridiculous gundam with DRAGOON, is a newtype, owns everything... and is ABOVE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN IN RANK?

    It's time for the magic words! Ready kids? Sing along now!


    One more time:


    Oh and also

  20. #160

    Phase 45 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Wow, I never noticed that the rank is above Ramius'.

    So now Kira is invincible, has a ridiculous gundam with DRAGOON, is a newtype, owns everything... and is ABOVE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN IN RANK?

    It's time for the magic words! Ready kids? Sing along now!


    One more time:


    Oh and also

    Hehe omg

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