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Thread: NEW Gundam Ace Power Rankings

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  1. #1

    NEW Gundam Ace Power Rankings

    /Cry Loran from Turn A is no longer on the list

    Sochie isn't either...
    Well at least Diana is still in the top 30 females.

    Anywho, Loran should be #1 because I swear Kira right now is what Loran was. Heck Loran's Gundam was more overpowered than Freedom, but Im not going to go in on why because that spoils the greatness that is Turn A's story.

    EDIT: BTW I can undestand all the Seed characters, but really a few of the MSG Original characters and Zeta Characters really need to be higher...those two series were far better than SEED/DESTINY(which draw roots from the original series and Zeta...though Destiny is a joke now)

  2. #2

    NEW Gundam Ace Power Rankings

    you know, I have nothing against Loran (Laura) but I just found Turn A to be SOOO took a while for it to develop for me. The action was dull, although i did enjoy the overpowering of the Turn A and the Turn X....maybe it's just me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    NEW Gundam Ace Power Rankings

    Originally posted by: Strike Freedom
    you know, I have nothing against Loran (Laura) but I just found Turn A to be SOOO took a while for it to develop for me. The action was dull, although i did enjoy the overpowering of the Turn A and the Turn X....maybe it's just me [img][/img]
    Honestly, I like it starting off slow. It really gives it flavor as the war starts escalating. The action was a bit dull(though it got better the more the story progressed), but the main aspect of it was its story and character development(mainly Kihel and Diana's development). Honestly, I rank it up there as one of my favorite anime. BTW for a while there it didnt feel like a Gundam series, which may have been a blessing for it.

    Zeta on the other hand was superb on all aspects. Im just sad ZZ started off so horribly(Why the hell would anyone start off a sequal to a series, that ending was so dark, with such a lighthearted story. BTW, the end of ZZ isn't too bad, but the begining ruins everything Zeta set up. Plus the humor is ZZ trys to be funny but isnt.

  4. #4

    NEW Gundam Ace Power Rankings

    I agree with you on all points yumil [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    NEW Gundam Ace Power Rankings

    along the same lines as the Char/Quattro thing, what about Athrun Zala/Alex Dino?

    lol ZZ Gundam. Anybody else remember the intro song? ANIME JA NAI! *robot voice* ANIME JA NAI!

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