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Thread: Mut is Banned

  1. #81
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
    Dude, I don't post that much and once I was flamed by you. Even though you may have contributed a lot to Gotwoot, it does not give you a right to be a jackass by calling everyone useless or dickfucks or watever. All I'm saying is, is that you talk so much about the forum members that do nothing but post. Well, without all these forum members, there wouldn't be a so-called COMMUNITY. And also, some members don't want to do anything in these forums but read and discuss anime. Sometimes they are new and they said something that probably was a mistake to every member in Gotwoot.

    And also.....NO OFFENSE in any way. I just also want to say thanks a lot for what you've contributed.

    Frankly, yes, him contributing more than others does give him a right to look down on people who do nothing but write out semi-literate shitposts.

  2. #82

    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    The point of me listing all this isn't to prove what I did, but to show that I put in all that effort to contribute to improve the forum community when everyone else did jack shit. What did you guys do? Let me call out people specifically, who I believe are almost completely useless to our community. In no particular order: Knives122, Xollence, Deblas, dark maginn, basey44, aznroyale, honoko, BOARD_of_command, turkish, masamuneehs, nests, PSJ, Nai, The Next Hokage, Neko Haruko, and plenty of others. What really have you done to show that you're not any different than every other forum member? The only correct answer to that question is: absolutely nothing.
    while yes me and many others dont really contribute much or anything to this forum and you have and do, you cant really do what you did and expect nothing to happen to you. im not sure if everyone saw what you did, but i was on at the time and you just know somethings gonna happen to you when you create a thread in all forum sections saying shit post or thread or watever it was. other than that i got nothing else to say except welcome back, it was a bit more boring without ya

  3. #83
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    Hell. I know I'm a member of Gotwoot only. I never thought of myself as something special cause it's true I never done anything to contribute to the forums. Of course I'm useless. I don't know jackshit of making websites, using photoshop, contests or anything that makes the web fun. But I do think of myself as an average poster.

    True. I voted yes on both accounts and I'm not going to deny it. You've done many good things with this forum but until they slap an ADMIN title on you. The rules will apply to you just like everyone else.

    Was I glad that your where tempban?
    Yes. My reason is a personality bias. You're a jackass with an attitude problem. That has been my problem since post 1. Contributing to the forums doesn't give you the right to flame everyone when its not needed. I didn't want you permaban though. Just Temp so you can cool off.

    Was your ban justified?
    You broke the rules, ignored the warnings, and got a tempban. You got what you deserved.

    Though I can't say some of your flames weren't fair. I did shitpost alot back then and my grammar was pretty bad. Even though it annoyed the hell out of me, I did improve. So I guess bastard.

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  4. #84
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    Again, I'm not trying to brag about the things I've done here. What I did doesn't matter. The only important thing is that I've been pretty much the only who actually gave a shit about this place, and you guys want me gone because you're all a bunch of pussies. I'm just defending myself because you dickfucks think you've earned the right to even be considered for more than just a "member". Give me a fucking break, you guys could add up all of the "effort" you put into improving the forums and it would still look like you guys did nothing but shit on them.
    Most of the people that voted yes probably didn't want you gone, they just thought it was justified that you got temp banned. That was the poll.

    And for the ones that voted yes to the first question, they might just think you deserved a brief timeout and cool off.
    I agree w/ Board on this one. The general sentiment for the polls here wasn't that we wanted you banned from the forums permanently.

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    Let me call out people specifically, who I believe are almost completely useless to our community. In no particular order: Knives122, Xollence, Deblas, dark maginn, basey44, aznroyale, honoko, BOARD_of_command, turkish, masamuneehs, nests, PSJ, Nai, The Next Hokage, Neko Haruko, and plenty of others.
    Again, whatever you have to say against me doesn't really faze me but honestly, i know that i'm just here posting because i just wanna talk about anime/manga in this (thanks to you, apparently) very well organized forum. I'm sure there are a lot of people in this group you've called out who do the same. What else do you expect us to do? I know I joined because I wanted to post. Why should you care about my "uselessness" to the forums?

    Besides, I remember your thread about encouraging all the lurkers to come out and make accounts and join the community. What, now that they came out you don't want them anymore? And you lashing out and accusing dozens of people who really have nothing to do with you and going off on this whole tangent about being "useful" just makes you look like an ass.

    Just look at what your post did in this thread. It totally just changed the direction of the topic.

  5. #85
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    Ah i was in that list. I'm not suprised though and it's true i don't contribute alot to the forums, close to nothing maybe but i don't feel it is necessary to do anything specific as alot of people already are doing alot of things. There is nothing i want to change either. Mut, you contribute alot and if you think you should have special privileges because of that then fine but let the mods deal with people breaking the rules. I still think your ban was justified and i was glad that you got banned, it shows that "special" people can't break the rules and get away with it.

  6. #86
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    My thoughts: Doesn't active participation (qualitative not quantitative) count as contribution to the forum?
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  7. #87
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    For the average poster, yes. But Mut is talking about admin status. Reading Mut's post gives me the idea that he feels he's an admin or at least gained some privileges in which in fact, he's not and didn't.

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  8. #88
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Mut is Banned

    well the bottom line is he broke the rules and got what he deserved(just like I do when I "go off" on the forums, and I accepted it and went away for a five days). It doesnt matter if you donated 1,000,000 dollars to the site or you're a mod the rules are the rules and if you break them you have to deal with the consequences.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  9. #89
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    i dunno.....we might have to give special privileges to people who donate 1,000,000 dollars
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #90
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    $1 000 000 usd

  11. #91
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    well the bottom line is he broke the rules and got what he deserved(just like I do when I "go off" on the forums, and I accepted it and went away for a five days). It doesnt matter if you donated 1,000,000 dollars to the site or you're a mod the rules are the rules and if you break them you have to deal with the consequences.

    The point he was making was that Assertn, a mod, trolled his thread and implicitly approved of posts like the one that earned his ban.

  12. #92
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Mut is Banned

    Ok, lets be honest, if someone donated a good amount of money that WOULD curry some favorable status and exemption from rules. $ is king, amen.

    I also believe that people without skills in subbing, photoshop, etc. can make great contributions to the forums. I personally try to (and you all probably know this from reading my posts) point out the details and inconsistencies in a show while trying to look at its choreography, music, sequencing and other technical aspects. I also try to have a good discussion about shows, even when my opinion conflicts with others, that creates further discussion and is not bone-headed You're Wrong, I'm Right arguing.

    I also feel that people who post links to new releases, provide info on fansubbing groups' speed, quality, current status etc. and talk about new shows, old shows that many people aren't aware of or other underappreciated anime are helping the GW community.

    Nobody is above the rules. I am not an admin, but I believe even they should obey the rules if they want us to do the same.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #93
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    Seriously, shut the fuck up about what happened with my banning because none of you still have any idea what really happened. Stop making shit up and and using it to conveniently support your argument. And no, I'm going to explain what happened either.

    Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
    Dude, I don't post that much and once I was flamed by you. Even though you may have contributed a lot to Gotwoot, it does not give you a right to be a jackass by calling everyone useless or dickfucks or watever. All I'm saying is, is that you talk so much about the forum members that do nothing but post. Well, without all these forum members, there wouldn't be a so-called COMMUNITY. And also, some members don't want to do anything in these forums but read and discuss anime. Sometimes they are new and they said something that probably was a mistake to every member in Gotwoot.

    And also.....NO OFFENSE in any way. I just also want to say thanks a lot for what you've contributed.
    I just went through your post history. They're awful and I don't even know who you are.

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Most of the people that voted yes probably didn't want you gone, they just thought it was justified that you got temp banned. That was the poll.

    And for the ones that voted yes to the first question, they might just think you deserved a brief timeout and cool off.
    What the hell is the differene between being glad that someone is gone and and wanting someone gone? Being glad is just an emotional consequence after having something you want done happen. If you look at the list, the people I only named were people who voted Yes for the first option (being glad that I'm gone). I could really care less if you think the ban was justified or not since none of you have any idea what the hell you're talking about.

    Originally posted by: Honoko
    I agree w/ Board on this one. The general sentiment for the polls here wasn't that we wanted you banned from the forums permanently.
    Yeah, except half the people didn't know that I was only banned temporarily.

    Again, whatever you have to say against me doesn't really faze me but honestly, i know that i'm just here posting because i just wanna talk about anime/manga in this (thanks to you, apparently) very well organized forum. I'm sure there are a lot of people in this group you've called out who do the same. What else do you expect us to do? I know I joined because I wanted to post. Why should you care about my "uselessness" to the forums?
    Who the fuck do you think got this forum "very well organized"? What, you think it was Jesus?

    Besides, I remember your thread about encouraging all the lurkers to come out and make accounts and join the community. What, now that they came out you don't want them anymore? And you lashing out and accusing dozens of people who really have nothing to do with you and going off on this whole tangent about being "useful" just makes you look like an ass.

    Just look at what your post did in this thread. It totally just changed the direction of the topic.
    Wait, how did I make myself look like an ass, when plenty of people are posting to stone me in public because I'm unable to respond back? You guys kept your mouth shut about a lot of things until you found out that I was banned and thus unable to respond or explain any of my actions. The only real asses are you cowards who only grow balls when others have their backs turned.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #94
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Mut is Banned

    No, this forum needs Mut.

    Yes, his ban was justified. What he did rendered a ban. HOWEVER, Mut had a reason to do it, and I think it's unfair to group him up as a basic member when it comes to those things. Okay now I'm practically saying that "since Mut is a veteran, he can do things that the rest of you can't". But so what? It might be "wrong", but that's how I see things. We (people like Mut and me) have been around longer. We have done things for the forums. Contributed. We DESERVE to do things that the rest of you don't. We all know that Mut isn't a stupid spammer at heart. He's Mut, and banning him for being Mut is just silly. That's how I see things.

    Edit: Glad you found my spoof of you funny, Bud [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  15. #95

    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: Y
    The point he was making was that Assertn, a mod, trolled his thread and implicitly approved of posts like the one that earned his ban.
    So Assertn's one of those phantom mods?...or was this already established somewhere earlier and I just missed it?
    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    You guys kept your mouth shut about a lot of things until you found out that I was banned and thus unable to respond or explain any of my actions. The only real asses are you cowards who only grow balls when others have their backs turned.
    Or maybe most of the people here really have nothing to say about you. Sure, you say things that would be commonly frowned upon by a lot of people, but it's a forum and those things happen. I really doubt a lot of people really would stab you with your back turned. Now that something has happened, people can actually find something to say about you (or your situation) now.

  16. #96
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Ah i was in that list. I'm not suprised though and it's true i don't contribute alot to the forums, close to nothing maybe but i don't feel it is necessary to do anything specific as alot of people already are doing alot of things. There is nothing i want to change either. Mut, you contribute alot and if you think you should have special privileges because of that then fine but let the mods deal with people breaking the rules. I still think your ban was justified and i was glad that you got banned, it shows that "special" people can't break the rules and get away with it.
    If I wasn't such a nice guy and once thought you that deserved special treament because you're a veteran member, I would've banned your fucking ass for being such a stupid spammer. There were plenty of times when I went over your posts contemplating whether or not you should be gone from the forums when I was a mod, especially during the time you spammed your way to Sannin. You should be sucking my dick right now.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  17. #97
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    No, this forum needs Mut.

    Yes, his ban was justified. What he did rendered a ban. HOWEVER, Mut had a reason to do it, and I think it's unfair to group him up as a basic member when it comes to those things. Okay now I'm practically saying that "since Mut is a veteran, he can do things that the rest of you can't". But so what? It might be "wrong", but that's how I see things. We (people like Mut and me) have been around longer. We have done things for the forums. Contributed. We DESERVE to do things that the rest of you don't. We all know that Mut isn't a stupid spammer at heart. He's Mut, and banning him for being Mut is just silly. That's how I see things.
    Ahh. The old Veteran vs. Non-Veteran fight. All to common. While using the old "I've been here the longest so that makes it eligible" excuse, the veterans feel they should have special previleges to bypass any regulations and to recognize themselves as being above others while the non-veterans feel it's unfair to give them any special treatment just because they've been here the longest. And because the veterans have already formed a close relationship between each other, they stick together and close their doors for the newbies and label them as below them. It's only natural to defend Veterans with Veterans and Non-Veterans with Non-Veterans.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  18. #98

    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: Y
    Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
    Dude, I don't post that much and once I was flamed by you. Even though you may have contributed a lot to Gotwoot, it does not give you a right to be a jackass by calling everyone useless or dickfucks or watever. All I'm saying is, is that you talk so much about the forum members that do nothing but post. Well, without all these forum members, there wouldn't be a so-called COMMUNITY. And also, some members don't want to do anything in these forums but read and discuss anime. Sometimes they are new and they said something that probably was a mistake to every member in Gotwoot.

    And also.....NO OFFENSE in any way. I just also want to say thanks a lot for what you've contributed.

    Frankly, yes, him contributing more than others does give him a right to look down on people who do nothing but write out semi-literate shitposts.

    Of course he has a right to look down on people, but it doesn't give him a right to call people names or anything.

    Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
    Dude, I don't post that much and once I was flamed by you. Even though you may have contributed a lot to Gotwoot, it does not give you a right to be a jackass by calling everyone useless or dickfucks or watever. All I'm saying is, is that you talk so much about the forum members that do nothing but post. Well, without all these forum members, there wouldn't be a so-called COMMUNITY. And also, some members don't want to do anything in these forums but read and discuss anime. Sometimes they are new and they said something that probably was a mistake to every member in Gotwoot.

    And also.....NO OFFENSE in any way. I just also want to say thanks a lot for what you've contributed.

    I just went through your post history. They're awful and I don't even know who you are.

    And my point exactly, you don't even know who I am so it doesn't give you a right to say my posts were awful when not ALL of them were. It also doesn't give you a right to call me names because of my opinions. I doubt you seriously went through ALL my posts, or else you wouldn't be able to say what you said about all MY POSTS.

  19. #99

    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
    Originally posted by: Y
    Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
    Dude, I don't post that much and once I was flamed by you. Even though you may have contributed a lot to Gotwoot, it does not give you a right to be a jackass by calling everyone useless or dickfucks or watever. All I'm saying is, is that you talk so much about the forum members that do nothing but post. Well, without all these forum members, there wouldn't be a so-called COMMUNITY. And also, some members don't want to do anything in these forums but read and discuss anime. Sometimes they are new and they said something that probably was a mistake to every member in Gotwoot.

    And also.....NO OFFENSE in any way. I just also want to say thanks a lot for what you've contributed.

    Frankly, yes, him contributing more than others does give him a right to look down on people who do nothing but write out semi-literate shitposts.

    Of course he has a right to look down on people, but it doesn't give him a right to call people names or anything.

    Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
    Dude, I don't post that much and once I was flamed by you. Even though you may have contributed a lot to Gotwoot, it does not give you a right to be a jackass by calling everyone useless or dickfucks or watever. All I'm saying is, is that you talk so much about the forum members that do nothing but post. Well, without all these forum members, there wouldn't be a so-called COMMUNITY. And also, some members don't want to do anything in these forums but read and discuss anime. Sometimes they are new and they said something that probably was a mistake to every member in Gotwoot.

    And also.....NO OFFENSE in any way. I just also want to say thanks a lot for what you've contributed.

    quote: by Mut ---- I just went through your post history. They're awful and I don't even know who you are.

    And my point exactly, you don't even know who I am so it doesn't give you a right to say my posts were awful when not ALL of them were. It also doesn't give you a right to call me names because of my opinions. I doubt you seriously went through ALL my posts, or else you wouldn't be able to say what you said about all MY POSTS.

    I don't know how to quote multiple times....sorry about the double, dunno how to fix it.

  20. #100
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    Mut is Banned

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    No, this forum needs Mut.

    Yes, his ban was justified. What he did rendered a ban. HOWEVER, Mut had a reason to do it, and I think it's unfair to group him up as a basic member when it comes to those things. Okay now I'm practically saying that "since Mut is a veteran, he can do things that the rest of you can't". But so what? It might be "wrong", but that's how I see things. We (people like Mut and me) have been around longer. We have done things for the forums. Contributed. We DESERVE to do things that the rest of you don't. We all know that Mut isn't a stupid spammer at heart. He's Mut, and banning him for being Mut is just silly. That's how I see things.
    Ahh. The old Veteran vs. Non-Veteran fight. All to common. While using the old "I've been here the longest so that makes it eligible" excuse, the veterans feel they should have special previleges to bypass any regulations and to recognize themselves as being above others while the non-veterans feel it's unfair to give them any special treatment just because they've been here the longest. And because the veterans have already formed a close relationship between each other, they stick together and close their doors for the newbies and label them as below them. It's only natural to defend Veterans with Veterans and Non-Veterans with Non-Veterans.
    Ehh... okay? Re-read my post. And don't categorize what I write.
    Nowhere did I state that we bypass all regulations.

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