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Thread: Does anyone have torrent links to Gantz and Berzerk?

  1. #1

    Does anyone have torrent links to Gantz and Berzerk?

    I've been trying to track down working torrent links for both gantz and berzerk but I've had no luck what so ever in finding them or getting them to work. If anyone out there could help me out it would be greatly apprechiated.

    Moved to Anime Downloads.

    GotWoot Moderator

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Does anyone have torrent links to Gantz and Berzerk?

    won't be hosted here. Both are long-since licensed. Berserk has R1 dvds out, and aone never subbed it.

    You might be able to find what you're looking for on baka-updates though.

  3. #3
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Does anyone have torrent links to Gantz and Berzerk?

    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    I've been trying to track down working torrent links for both gantz and berzerk but I've had no luck what so ever in finding them or getting them to work. If anyone out there could help me out it would be greatly apprechiated.

    Shouldn't you know to post this in the Anime Downloads forum by now?

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