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Thread: Episode 149 discussion

  1. #81

    Episode 149 discussion

    This episode was pretty cool other than the fact hinata got kiddnapped

  2. #82

    Episode 149 discussion

    Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
    Originally posted by: UberSuperHACKER
    Um .... Why would temperature dropping help The Byakuguan again?..... I mean I think its just something random the wirters decided.... Since I didn;t know it had antyhing to do with temperature to begin with..
    I'm thinking she can sense their body heat better when the surrounding air's temperature is much different.

    Anyway an unusual amount of idiots posted in the release thread this week, WTF?
    I would Figure bugs alive = they gots chakara... Air.. not alive.. Dosent have chakara.... so I dunno how temperature should help Byakuguan SEE better.

    I hope your not talkin about me being an idot.... becuase if you are... should learn WTF IR (Infread Red) waves are.. and how they work....Becuase what your saying is EXACTLY what I said.... Except I simply questioned that it worked like IR... I figured it was more like sensing chakara... Becuase if Byakuguan = IR goggles.. THEN wtf is special about that? The Temperature thing implies that the MAIN ability of bakuagan relates to temperature.....

    Neji seemed to use it to read the emotions of his opponents and see the Tenkitzu (spelling...totally wrong probally... those chakara points he smacks with his devine ass whoopin techniques)... So it seems like bakaguan can see chakra. A good example of this is the dchinnin exam and his fight vs naruto. NOt once was Neji like.... Hmmm Naruto.. your body temperture seems low.. you must be runing low on the chakra.

  3. #83
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    Still in fillers? See ya.

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  4. #84
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    Comparitively AWSOME fillers.

  5. #85

    Episode 149 discussion

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    Comparitively AWSOME fillers.
    Yeah, I know you like Shino. I actually like him too but it will still end up being a crappy filler.. sorry... I hope I am wrong though.

  6. #86
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    Your right...they'll manage to fuck it up before its over....SOMEHOW.

  7. #87
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    I hope the next episode shows Hinata's new move.
    I'm getting ancy about it.

    (not really)

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  8. #88

    Episode 149 discussion

    for some reason, i can't find a ep 149 release info...ah wells, anyways:

    AonE 149
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  9. #89
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    Sweet, new AonE stuff [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  10. #90

    Episode 149 discussion

    yay for AonE 3 episodes on the same day i'm all excited 8)

  11. #91

    Episode 149 discussion

    too bad there are timing issues with some parts of the episode...especially with the ending.

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