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Thread: Episode 149 discussion

  1. #1

    Episode 149 discussion

    talk up

  2. #2
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    I love this arc.

    Elephant beetles. Who thinks that shit up man.

    To bad Hinata had to go and get herself Sakura'd...

  3. #3

    Episode 149 discussion

    The only thing that I really don't understand about this episode is why, when all of them (except Naruto of course) knew that they were being watched, did they allow themselves to be separated long enough for Hinata to be kidnapped and held for ransom? I guess the writers wanted to have a little more drama since they have to make it last a few episodes... so they put Hinata in a "sticky" situation. Here she prooves here usefulness by finding the Bikouchuu with her Byakugan, then gets in a situation where she needs to be rescued. (Nice one on the "Sakura'd" thing, DarthEnder.) Other than that, I thought it was a decent episode. At least there's the usual humor from Naruto's antics with the roaches and the giant Bikouchuu look-alike.

    Well, then again, there's the matter of a drunk Tsunade who foolishly ignores a warning about unrest in a clan that uses insects... I wonder how she's going to react once she sobers up and realizes what an idiot she is. I think it's pretty safe to say that Orochimaru is involved in this in one way or another, especially after the revelation that finding this bug is essential to the "restoration of the Kamizurui Clan". It sounds just like the mission to the Sound country with Sasame and her brother when Naruto, Sakura, and Jiraiya when scouting for Orochimaru's hideout. It's another empty promise for power to manipulate people into doing what he wants. Maybe he fled to the Earth country and deceived the Kamizurui to set up his new base of operations there after he realized he was being tracked and abandoned the old hideout.

    I don't follow the manga, so I don't know if any of this fits in with the main story or if it's all still filler. Someone please feel free to comment if you know.

  4. #4

    Episode 149 discussion

    I stopped after the naruto vs sasuke chapter (manga) ..god..wish I never had..
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  5. #5

    Episode 149 discussion

    Well, then again, there's the matter of a drunk Tsunade who foolishly ignores a warning about unrest in a clan that uses insects...I wonder how she's going to react once she sobers up and realizes what an idiot she is
    maybe she's already predicted how badly Aburame Shino's team's gonna easily mess that fallen clan up in any scenario. And as for the preparedness of the team itself, while Hinata certainly wasn't strong enough to fend for herself, Shino might have known that in any possible confrontation the enemy would have more use keeping a weak teammate alive as a trap lure rather than kill that teammate off knowing the jackpot was really Shino himself.

    Or I could just be taking this too seriously.

    whatever the case, i liked how creative they were in explaining that rain would cause the flora temperature to drop but the fauna body temperatures to remain constant, to help the Byakugan differentiate. In fact, the only thing that dissappointed me in this episode was the lack of pedophilic nud......I mean Hinata's gracefully elaborate dancing by the waterfall. yea.

  6. #6

    Episode 149 discussion

    Um .... Why would temperature dropping help The Byakuguan again?..... I mean I think its just something random the wirters decided.... Since I didn;t know it had antyhing to do with temperature to begin with.. Maby its like IR goggles the army has.. heh.. eh what ever....

    Hinata seems to be able to find waterfalls to train at... no matter where she is...I guess she uses her Byakuagan to find them....and since they are running water.. they must have a lower temperature... which helps her find them.. so she can train at them....

    The Scene where the bug girl (with the largest forhead ever) says "wow she came all the way out here to train.. she must be serious...." .....That was really .....worthless

    I have offically given up watching this show untill all the filler dookie is over (yes I will watch them... But just back to back someday... fastfowarding through alot of the ..... "extra bulk")

    Shinos Bug summoning technique... kinda sucked.. I mean basically its like all the bugs on the tree walk towards him so he dosent have to go to them... I mean If he could do it over a large range ... it would be something decent... But Instead it would be like Kiba using a "Akamaru summoning technique" that called akamaru over when he was 20 ft would sound something like "Here boy ::whisstle whistle whisstle:: Here Boy"but If Kiba wanted to first he could waste some Chakara and make the shape of a bone on the ground too while he was at it.. like that lame bug web shino made

  7. #7

    Episode 149 discussion

    I'm really surprised that Hinata didn't faint again after that huge bear hug Naruto gave her. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Jeff, You have a point about Tsunade maybe thinking they wouldn't be a match for this team, but I still think she was too drunk to think straight enough to make any real assessment of the situation. As for Shino maybe knowing that Hinata would only be used as bait if anything happened to her, I think that's just a bit of a stretch. You just don't put your teammates in danger intentionally. We know they're going to get out of this somehow, but look at the disadvantage they're in when they could have faced them 4 on 3 instead of having one member down. If they had stuck together, knowing the danger that awaited them, any confrontation would have had to be direct instead of this sneaky hostage deal.

  8. #8
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    it was a good episode (im not gonna write a long post like u guys) Hinata got better Naruto was a retard and kiba and shino shouldnt of left hinata with naruto (ithought Shino was smarter than that) but yeah good ep waitin for the next one

    I'm official.

  9. #9

    Episode 149 discussion

    I think this has been about the 10th Episode in a row that I:

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  10. #10

    Episode 149 discussion

    I liked it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    the reason she got seperated was:

    1. Shino and Kiba thought she was with naruto
    2. Naruto didn't know of the enemies so he didn't worry about staying in groups.
    3. Hinata was too freaked out by narutos bear hug and had to get away from him for a while to avoid embarassing herself. She was too distracted to think about staying in a group.

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    I'm assuming we haven't seen her new move that's struck up so much controversy?

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  12. #12

    Episode 149 discussion

    Originally posted by: xanbcoo
    I'm assuming we haven't seen her new move that's struck up so much controversy?
    Correct, Hinata was attacked by "fake" bees and when she killed them they exploded, covering her with superglue honey, then she got knocked out by getting stung by a real be from the enemy that fought using bugs, so she was disabled and could not fight.

    But she did do a cool trick where she deflected 2 kunai thrown at her with 2 fingers.

    P.S. incase you were wondering, they found the Bikochuu (because of Hinatas byakugan) and the enemies want to trade hinata for the bikochuu.

  13. #13
    ANBU Captain Zinobi's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    we saw hinatas new move she twirls around on one foot naked on water

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  14. #14

    Episode 149 discussion

    What struck me as odd was that Hinata couldn't leap to the side when being swarmed.

  15. #15

    Episode 149 discussion

    "that was a real bee" faint after being stung by a real bee? They should have said "that was a super genetically enhanced bee with sleeping potion in its venom"..anyways..great episode..I really forgot what "classic Naruto" is like so compared to the crap we've been fed..this is turning out to be decent..that lady has a HUGE forehead..if she turns into a bee..using the kool-aid super potion like Mizuki did..then I'm going to stop watching Naruto...but overall..great and funny episode..although Kiba was kinda useless..don't get why he would let Akamaru sniff around..they didn't have the scent of the pikachu...buh yah..liked the episode..awaiting more..

  16. #16

    Episode 149 discussion

    ok episode, acceptable anyway. The use of OST was horrible, bringing it down, especially compared to how much I liked 148. At least those 3 ninjas didn't just come straight out and start a fight like in the orochimaru castle arc. They look like they could actually have decent ninja techniques too, the bee thing was great.

  17. #17

    Episode 149 discussion

    hi all,
    till now i m used only to read your very interesting discussions about the episodes
    and had nothing additional to say, cause everything was said and i too was comfortable with the episodes.
    but since the fillers started i cannot resist my impression that naruto slowly but surely is turning into a really bad anime.

    looking at the recent episode, naruto looks like as he has everything forgot about what he learned (make the most of a situation.. etc).
    1. in almost every episode he uses his kage bunshin no jutsu to fool around, but not in this one. although it would be the best strategy to find the bug [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img].
    2. next point, after the really big highlight, where hinata dodged the kunai raid (at this point i started for a second to hope that naruto will turn again to a great anime ). but why she screwed up to defend against the next attack (btw the insects looked like wasps and not like bees) like she did in the last episode at the training with her byakugan (and defeated an attack with about 20 kunai's from two directions).
    3. as already mentioned, why does the body temperatur of cold-blooded animals/insects is still staying constant at temerature drop?

    btw sorry for my bad english..

  18. #18
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    Hm, what made me wonder is....they showed Shino´s eyes!
    Hey, when im remembering correct, Shino´s eyes have shown never before...and i know, that they were many speculations about them, such as "Shino has no eyes, bugs are coming out from them" and so on.

    Or could we see his eyes former?
    Please, when?

    Because if i am right...would be totally funny, if the animators did uber-shit with this scene, when later on Kishimoto really brings on something like Shino having no eyes ^^

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  19. #19

    Episode 149 discussion

    yes we've never seen his eyes

  20. #20
    Genin Shinda's Avatar
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    Episode 149 discussion

    his eyes look pretty normal, don't they?
    but then again.. it is a filler, so it's like the same with hinata's move... now and never again
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