2. DISQUALIFIED (exceeded the size limit)
Good luck to everyone.
2. DISQUALIFIED (exceeded the size limit)
Good luck to everyone.
That Sentry sig kicks ass.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
I cant decide bitween the first and the second one. Captain America looks cool though. If the shield at the back would have been more defused in the wall and looked like the part of the wall, it would have been a perfect sig.
My vote : 1 sig.
Jesus, how do you manage to spell Captain America wrong?
I voted for 5. Because Gambit rules, and so does grids.
i also voted for the gambit he looks like such a badass there wish i looked tht kool (puts a bag over my head)
I'm official.
Are we posting this in the Naruto section like last time? People should really vote based on design not the character.
Sig made by Lucifus
I love the background on Sentry. Vote goes to #2.
Well it was between 2 and 6.. But 2 is so gigantic that it loses by default.. So winner is nr.6 (yay for small sigs)..
Also the Gambit sig would have been nicer if it had 1 or 2 cards in it.. like the ace of spades.. Gambit has that awesome look that could make it a winner..
Sorry I couldn't participate in this round guys, been busy getting ready for college and stuff.
I voted for #3. The brushing job on it was superb. But everyones sig rocks to. Great job everyone!
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
Are you voting for the character or the sig?Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
lol spiderman is popular hehe
Im pretty sure you're voting for which sig you think looks the best...the character just goes with the theme [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
sentry for sure.. dunno what commic he comes from though.
Had I seen that captain america was spelled wrong I would not have voted for it.. but its appearance is nice.. so I did vote number 1 -.-
no. 2 for me...i like the background.
<3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.
Not going to vote I think..sure all are great..but they kinda all have the same style...all sigs nowadays do use the same kind of brushes....so no vote from me..
sig #2 gets my vote.
they're all really good sigs.
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
If your not going to vote, go shit post elsewhere.
Sig made by Lucifus