Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
Originally posted by: PSJ
In the original SEED series both Athrun and Kira could do it in a controlled manner and there was simply one animation so this new animation is simply a re-animation of entering SEED. It may mean that they have mastered SEED mode on a diffrent level than Shinn but it is still no indication to that there are 2 diffrent SEED modes.
not true, all of kira's seed modes had the same animation as shinn's until after he got freedom, after that his seed mode animation became like athrun's
actually there are 3 animations for entering seed. first there's the one that kira had before he got freedom. then there's the one that kira and asuran currently have. and finally there's the 3rd which has only been shown for shinn.

Edit: Terra, some of us just so happen to be very stubborn. and if they ever do explain about seed mode, some people will feel dumb and others won't while some won't even care.