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Thread: Seed Mode

  1. #41

    Seed Mode

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    They simply re-did the animation for it. No big deal. There is only one kind of SEED mode.
    I don't think so. If they re-did the animation, why does Shinn still use the old one?

    In any case, I think there's the Bezerker SEED mode, which Kira used in GS when he first could do it, and the only one Shinn has used so far.

    As stated before, Kira and Athrun have a more focused SEED mode.

    EDIT: Just watched both episode 42 and 43 of GSD. Athrun and Kira both have distinctly different SEED explosions than Shinn.

  2. #42
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    It is all the same until explained otherwise. SEED mode is simply the next step in hman evolution and does not have 2 steps.

  3. #43

    Seed Mode

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    It is all the same until explained otherwise. SEED mode is simply the next step in hman evolution and does not have 2 steps.

    And why CAN'T they have two steps? In evolution, we came from apes, but the apes weren't wiped out - some of them developed into orangutans, monkeys, and gorillas. This all happens generally at the same time, no?

  4. #44
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    It can't be that way because it is pure speculations. Try to stick to the few facts we have.

  5. #45

    Seed Mode

    iv actually seen seed mode used in the anime Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu, tho it was a spoof of it

  6. #46
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    @Chriscant :
    lol, yes but that doesnt really help explain what it is

    oh and what does it matter if Shinn hasnt obtained the focused SEED mode. He can still push Kira back with his berserker SEED. Actually i agree with PSJ in assuming that there is only one SEED mode. That second big explosion is probably only used with someone who is pissed off to add to dramatic effect. It is not a different SEED mode. Its just an alternate animation that the Fukuda probably thought suited shinn more.

  7. #47
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    Okay, I'm going to say this one more time. Everybody, read this closely...










  8. #48

    Seed Mode

    hmm...... i dunno.... the supposed different seed modes seem to affect them differently. the "berserker" seed mode that shinn always uses is self explanatory while kira and asuran seem to more calm and collected when they go into seed mode. it might just be different state of minds. now i'm not saying that there are different seed modes or that one is stronger than the other but perhaps there are just different ways of achieving it like through sheer rage or determination.

  9. #49
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    That is only because Shinn is more pissed off in nature. It's natural that different characters behave differently under such circumstances.

    Edit: Also, it has never been said that anger triggers Seed mode. The reason to why Kira & Athrun are more calm and collected are, again, that they just are that way personality wise. It might also be because they have more experience, who knows.

  10. #50

    Seed Mode

    Ah that's true but it also has never been said that anger won't trigger seed mode. (^_^)

  11. #51
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    I think it's rather safe to assume that Seed mode triggers when the person has an insane desire to do something (which mostly is either protect someone/something or to defeat someone).

    It just so happens that you are usually angered when you want to do something which you can't normally achieve, which triggers Plot Device mode.

  12. #52

    Seed Mode

    i'm going to still stick with wikipedia's info

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  13. #53
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    Yeah, that's great, stick with some info that a random person CONTRIBUTED instead of the OFFICIAL SOURCES.

  14. #54

    Seed Mode

    you gotta admit though, wikipedia does make some sense. besides, at this point there's no right or wrong answer because of the fact that it hasn't been explained in the show yet. and chances are, they won't even explain it at all.

  15. #55

    Seed Mode

    i'm just curious where the people that say that SEED is not divided into 2 diff. types are getting their info.

    Also, i believe its more hearsay but i do recall reading an article before that the producer of SEED dismissed "SEED Mode" as not a special ability but more of a visual representation of someone pushing themselves to the limit of their abilities for whatever reason. Again its only hearsay, so dont go ballistic.

    Likewise somewhere up there someone mentioned SEED-Mode as somekinda evolutionary thing...dude..that makes no friggin

  16. #56
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    The wikipedia info was contributed by someone who, like the majority of you, misunderstood Andy when he called Kira a Berserker. What he meant to say was that Kira was a type of combatant which can push his limits and blah blahlbalblahlahlahahlkdsokaokfsfsa in other words a user of what we call the Seed mode. Then some idiot thought that Andy meant that there is a second Seed mode, and then this idiot had some friends which were equally stupid and incapable of understanding the truth.

    Now, I am sure no-one here wants to be an idiot, so please just for the love of Yzak just accept the fact that there is only one "Seed mode", no more no less, and shut up about Wikipedia because it's WRONG.

  17. #57
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    Terra is right and you need to accept it. I have been saying it to from my first post in this thread. Now please stop being morons and accept that you arw wrong, there is no second SEED mode and there is nothing called the berserker mode.

  18. #58

    Seed Mode

    the fact of the matter is nothing has been explained in the anime yet so you can't say whose right or wrong. there MAY be 2 different types. or seed mode will eventually turn shinn into the hulk. who knows........ and whose to say that wikipedia is wrong?? we're all just taking guesses at this point. (^_^)

    Edit: and i'm not saying that there are 2 different seed modes. i'm just saying it's a possibility.

  19. #59

    Seed Mode

    While you can say there is only one type of seed more there is no indication to support whether there is one or two officially. If you bark saying your right well ur wrong till its said officially. We're only making educated guesses. Going from what the show has shown us there are two different aspects of entering seed. Some people can enter at will under controleld circumstances. When they do they seem to use a certain animation. If however the person goes into seed mode out of rage or anger uncontrolled they seem to have a different animation for going seed. The actions of those that enter seed mode this way tend to be more agressive and direct. The term Beserker most likely came from Andy's view of how Kira would suddenly go all beserker. And its true he didn't quite have control of going seed at that point. However later on he could enter seed in a more focused state.

    Whether some people like it or not there is no real evidence on the contrary to deny this. This has enough evidence to support as does the other viewpoint on it. We'll just have to wait and see if the SEED factor is explained in any further detail later on. As for the comments made about Wikipedia it is a submission based site. But that means other people who are more knowledgable can come in and update the site as well. Best practice is to find a second sort that supports what you may have read at wikipedia.

  20. #60
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    In the original SEED series both Athrun and Kira could do it in a controlled manner and there was simply one animation so this new animation is simply a re-animation of entering SEED. It may mean that they have mastered SEED mode on a diffrent level than Shinn but it is still no indication to that there are 2 diffrent SEED modes.

    It is the same as mastering any other skill, A beginner does it without much grace but he succeeds in it. A person that can do it on a higher level also does it more gracefully. Well not the best comparasion but you should be able to understand it.

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