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Thread: Seed Mode

  1. #21

    Seed Mode

    Originally posted by: splash
    @Niteshade Blue Cosmos created coordinators? What!!! i never knew that?
    lol you make me laugh yes they did

  2. #22
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    What the fuck are you guys talking about... George Glenn was the one who revealed the coordinator technology, and he was by no means either a Blue Cosmos or a racist. In fact, it's rumored that Blue Cosmos assassinated him.

    Why would Blue Cosmos create something just to destroy it? It's an organization that is against manipulating genes, which on a greater scale has given birth to blatant racism.

    Also, from the official english Gundam site for Seed:


    George Glenn's Confession. As George Glenn departs for Jupiter aboard the Tsiolkovsky, he reveals the existence of Coordinators, and releases the necessary genetic engineering techniques onto the worldwide network. The world is thrown into chaos by these events.

    In the name of environmental protection, the pressure group Blue Cosmos declares itself adamantly opposed to Coordinator technology.


    Get your facts straight, kids...

  3. #23
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    What if Niteshade is right?

    What if Blue Cosmos (or more likely Logos) created the technology and amassed the knowledge needed to produce Coordinators, but then began to fear what they had created and then shunned it? I mean, think about it, who else had the resources and connections to engineer a project like the 1st Coordinator? I can actually see Logos starting Coordinators off, but then becoming dominated by Blue Cosmos radicals who are afraid of losing their cushy positions in society to better Coordinators?

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #24
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    If that's a random theory, then it's well thought out. But if you're trying to state a fact, you're wrong.

  5. #25

    Seed Mode

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    What if Niteshade is right?

    What if Blue Cosmos (or more likely Logos) created the technology and amassed the knowledge needed to produce Coordinators, but then began to fear what they had created and then shunned it? I mean, think about it, who else had the resources and connections to engineer a project like the 1st Coordinator? I can actually see Logos starting Coordinators off, but then becoming dominated by Blue Cosmos radicals who are afraid of losing their cushy positions in society to better Coordinators?
    Which is why Logos created the Druggies to defeat Coordinators?. Its plausible at least...

  6. #26

    Seed Mode

    To be specifically honest, the Wikipedia definition sort of has me confused. It states that Seed mode can be obtained through situations where someone battles with a particular resolve.

    Now the definition itself is right in my opinion, but it leaves a huge question mark on certain cracaters. Rey for example. He has ALWAYS had a particular resolve and in my opinion, is just as calm as Kira is. Don't you think Rey should have gone SEED mode as well? Now before I asked this, I realized that Rey is a Newtype, but Kira, in a sense, is becoming a Newtype as well since he has the ability to sense other Newtypes.

    And what about Dullindal? It states in the definition that Lacus entered SEED mode after a long philosophical conversation by herself about nature and death. As we know, Dullindal also had the same experience when he played his chess set on one of the episodes were he was remembering his past and applying the ideals he's learned in the present war.

    I ALSO never really noticed that there were two types of SEED modes. What ALSO shocked me more was that Athrun was able to get one of the SEED modes BEFORE Kira did, which I give him props to.

    Indeed, SEED mode is too confusing, because there really is no one perfect definition for it. If anyone could do it when the situation arises, then practically by now everyone can do it. You have to remember that it's not always Athrun, Kira, and Shinn that could be having these dramatic moments. in fact, someone else can probably have it as well. Honestly, I'd REALLY LOVE to see some random pilot on an Astray go SEED mode. That would be SOOOO cool! lol

  7. #27
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    i think it is pretty obvious from the show that BLue Cosmos DID NOT create coordinators and in fact i think this argument should end because it is a stupid one that just started because a new forum member probably wasnt thinking straight when he/she was typing his/her post

  8. #28
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
    To be specifically honest, the Wikipedia definition sort of has me confused. It states that Seed mode can be obtained through situations where someone battles with a particular resolve.

    Now the definition itself is right in my opinion, but it leaves a huge question mark on certain cracaters. Rey for example. He has ALWAYS had a particular resolve and in my opinion, is just as calm as Kira is. Don't you think Rey should have gone SEED mode as well? Now before I asked this, I realized that Rey is a Newtype, but Kira, in a sense, is becoming a Newtype as well since he has the ability to sense other Newtypes.

    And what about Dullindal? It states in the definition that Lacus entered SEED mode after a long philosophical conversation by herself about nature and death. As we know, Dullindal also had the same experience when he played his chess set on one of the episodes were he was remembering his past and applying the ideals he's learned in the present war.

    I ALSO never really noticed that there were two types of SEED modes. What ALSO shocked me more was that Athrun was able to get one of the SEED modes BEFORE Kira did, which I give him props to.

    Indeed, SEED mode is too confusing, because there really is no one perfect definition for it. If anyone could do it when the situation arises, then practically by now everyone can do it. You have to remember that it's not always Athrun, Kira, and Shinn that could be having these dramatic moments. in fact, someone else can probably have it as well. Honestly, I'd REALLY LOVE to see some random pilot on an Astray go SEED mode. That would be SOOOO cool! lol
    That definition is flawed in my opinion. It is true but it is only half of it. As i said in my first post in this thread SEED mode is the next step in human evolution so anyone can obtain the power to go SEED but these people need a resolve to be able to go SEED. It is possible that neither Dullindal nor Rey posess the SEED and that is the reason they haven't gone SEED. It isn't exactly a common trait.

    As fr there being 2 types of SEED mode that is incorrect. There is only one SEED mode which you usually first get when you are emotionally pressured, in time you can learn how to turn it on and off by will.

    As for Athrun going SEED before Kira can you give me a reference to where Athrun goes SEED first? I remember Kira going SEED when he has to protect the AA from Blitz and does so with a Knee kick to Blitz's chest in ep 11 i think.

  9. #29

    Seed Mode

    Just a few points.

    - The differences in SEED mode animation don't nessicarily denote an entirely different type of SEED, I'm more inclined to believe that they just sped up the (very slow) animation form the original SEED activation to get it over and done with. Who maintains Wikipedia anyway? I thought it relied on submissions from readers.

    - Lacus going SEED? I remeber the theory and I thought it was pretty weird that she got the eyes but had no animation. But would would be the point? She just sits in the chair and watches everything happening, the only order she's ever given was acctually a request to get Eternal launched. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    - Blue Cosmos was ORIGNALY a very small religious group that was opposed to various things, the Coordinators beign one of them. Eventually it's ranks became populated with fanatics against the Coordinators and people just started using it as an excuse, sort of like a banner of war. Oh, and Blue Cosmos had nothing to do with the creation of George Glenn, they were a religion against that sort of thing.

    - As for the requirements for SEED mode, Wkipedia is right to some regaurd. 'Seed mode can be obtained through situations where someone battles with a particular resolve'. Powerful, desperate desires seem to activate SEED mode, as everyone who has ever attained SEED mode has been fighting against overwhelming odds in order to protect their beliefs. Rey has never been desperate about anything, so he can't do SEED. Though why Kira later gains the ability to use SEED whever he desires is still unexplained.

  10. #30

    Seed Mode

    You missed my reasoning when i said Athrun got SEED first. I said I thought there were two types of SEED modes, and Athrun was able to activate the second SEED mode. The definition said that Shinn and Athrun were able to get the second type of SEED mode and Kira soon followed, so I gave Athrun props for getting to that point first.

  11. #31

    Seed Mode

    i don't think shinn ever activated the second seed mode. according to wikipedia, the first seed mode is shown with a the seed shattering and the second with a seed exploding with a vertical nova. i've only seen shinn's seed shatter.

  12. #32
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    There are no different seed modes, Wikipedia is wrong (as usual).

    About Lacus going Seed: She was hardly really in Seed mode, I think she probably looked extra determined for the occasion (endbattle and all). I mean, we didn't even see the Seed explosion.

    What's really strange is Cagalli going Seed. That was totally random and only happened once, and caused the whole "can naturals go seed?" debate. So fucked up.

  13. #33

    Seed Mode

    ..... or it can just be that Cagalli has slight coordinator tendencies. She IS Kira's brother, right?

  14. #34
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    Yeah, but she wasn't genetically enhanced like Kira was. Leading people to believe that the Seed thing isn't even related to being a Coordinator. This whole thing could be solved if the manuscript writers stopped checking each others' asses out, and started writing some damn explanations to the stupid random shit happening in this show.

  15. #35

    Seed Mode

    Yep. *I* think everything would be solved if they found out Cagalli's just some sort of half-coordinator. :3

    ... but they don't seem to like explaining things to well. It's like they want to leave some bits out for some other scriptwriters to mess up. :\

  16. #36

    Seed Mode

    Or she could be a coordinator and not know about it.

  17. #37
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
    You missed my reasoning when i said Athrun got SEED first. I said I thought there were two types of SEED modes, and Athrun was able to activate the second SEED mode. The definition said that Shinn and Athrun were able to get the second type of SEED mode and Kira soon followed, so I gave Athrun props for getting to that point first.
    What? Athrun and Shinn hasn't gone SEED before Kira. Kira did it early in SEED and Athrun later. Shinn wasn't even in SEED so there are no way he could have gone SEED before Kira. There are not 2 diffrent types of SEED mode, try to read some of the replies here instead of just writing your own. Wikipedia sucks.

  18. #38
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    OK, now people are saying that there are 2 different types of SEED modes?!?

    When are they displayed, what are the differences between them, and how do we know who was able to get to that second level first?

    Please clarify, you're rotting my mind with your empty banter.

    Oh, and I was just giving some spotlight to the Logos/Blue Cosmos created Coordinators, but then realized what a threat they could be and tried to destroy them, creating the EAF druggies as a countermeasure. It just sounded like one of the crazy conspiracy theories that has a chance of winding up true in anime.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  19. #39

    Seed Mode

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    OK, now people are saying that there are 2 different types of SEED modes?!?

    When are they displayed, what are the differences between them, and how do we know who was able to get to that second level first?

    Please clarify, you're rotting my mind with your empty banter.

    Oh, and I was just giving some spotlight to the Logos/Blue Cosmos created Coordinators, but then realized what a threat they could be and tried to destroy them, creating the EAF druggies as a countermeasure. It just sounded like one of the crazy conspiracy theories that has a chance of winding up true in anime.

    as you can see this one scatters some light stuff around, there is no vertical red line
    this is seed mode obtained by anger or something, kira used it in all his battles with the strike
    shinn always uses this type of seed mode
    athrun never used this

    as you can see there is a red vertical line when it explodes
    this is seed mode obtained when you have a strong desire to do something and completely focused on a resolve, this seed mode is said to be activated anytime you want when you have those feelings
    kira obtained this after he got freedom
    athrun always used this even on his first seed mode
    shinn has never used this type yet

    all this info i got from wikipedia, i just typed it in my own words

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  20. #40
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Seed Mode

    They simply re-did the animation for it. No big deal. There is only one kind of SEED mode.

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