Am i the only one that thinks hes annoying? I HATE HIM! Hes useless!
Am i the only one that thinks hes annoying? I HATE HIM! Hes useless!
I dont find him funny at all, hes ugly....agreed he can do somethings like make weapons and lie but wtf is he sposed to do with a slingshot...cmon!
ussopp rules
dont hate on him, hes more popular than you
When he first joined the crew I didn't like him much, after about a couple eps he became too funny to not like.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Dude, Ussop is awsome, and if you think he's worthless, then you are need to watch One Piece A LOT more.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
what im thinking is, how many episodes of one piece have you watched or how far have you read in the manga?
Ussop is not useless at all
Yeah he's ugly, but so what, every show needs some ugly characters too.Originally posted by: Mobb
I dont find him funny at all, hes ugly....agreed he can do somethings like make weapons and lie but wtf is he sposed to do with a slingshot...cmon!
Notable stuff that Usopp has done:
- Designed the flag (that's respect)
- Repaired the ship a gazillion times (how would they sail without that?)
- Made Nami a weapon (she'd be dead without it)
- Lots of awesome shots with cannons & other weapons (has turned the tide several times)
- Won fights (VS Chuu, Arlong's henchman, & that mole bitch & her fat friend during Alabasta)
List goes on
someone needs to give that boy a gun
then he'll be stronger than sanji and zoro
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
anybody who hates usopp should just stop watching one piece, one of the best characters for his comedic value
i agree w/ tensai w/ asking how far are you into the manga or anime. honestly, i didn't like ussop at first but he's grown on me. luffy's crew w/o ussop would be unthinkable at this point =P
I didn't like Ussop at first. But after awhile he grew on me. He was just so freakin funny[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
But at the Water7 arc he did something that made me hate him again.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img] But then he did something at the Puffing Tom arc that made me like him again.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Manga readers know what Im talking about. Ussop is a king in the current arc.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Deblas, your right on all acounts. This just proves that no one can hate Ussop forever.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
How the fuck do u go about saying such useless things about the great CAPTAIN USSOP.Originally posted by: Mobb
Am i the only one that thinks hes annoying? I HATE HIM! Hes useless!
He is one of the funniest guys ever. Him, Luffy and Chopper are like three stoges. Sure he is ugly but he beautiful inside. You failed to realised that.
He might not be brave but he has courage. He is at the total end of the strongest guys's spectrum compared to Zorro and Sanji but he ceratinly serves his purpose for the team. Luffy sure didnt pick him for nothing.
He is a great craftsman. His five ton hammer ( Arabista arc) made me laugh so much.
Here we go. One more time.
I guess u guys r right!
Now someone help me get a avatar and a picture for my sig on here!
Now who is useless now buddy.Originally posted by: Mobb
I guess u guys r right!
Now someone help me get a avatar and a picture for my sig on here!
Ussop makes my cry he is so damn funny. His voice is a bit irritating but it is much better than the american version.
Sig made by Lucifus
Not to give the manga away, but it's always been known that Ussop's accuracy is supreme. He'll be the ships weapons officer. His usage of the cannon is superb bar none.
I think Ussop would be the crew's long range sniper. Give him a gun, and bullets made out of sea stones, none can touch!!!!
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
usopp is one of the best characters in the show.
Though he seems rather useless. I think he's a vital core of the group. Which I find amazing. IT's great to know that everybody has their place and purpose. I was rather sad the Princess didn't stay on their ship. But she was rather useless, more so than Ussopp. What the hell would she do on the ship? Mop the floor?
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii