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Thread: phase 45 preview

  1. #21

    phase 45 preview

    Originally posted by: aznimperialx
    Well its true that you really cant blame luna. It was her only second time in the impluse and she is used to far-range attacks. She only had a crappy beam rifle. Maybe shes still trying to adjust with impluse?
    That reminds me, in episode 45 it shows Luna is using the way under-used Blast Impulse, but she is using the regular beam rifle. Why bother with that when you've got other larger guns? I doubt she is trying for precision aiming.

    Oh, and I posted this in the episode 44 discussion, but it can't hurt to post again.

    Impulse's new bumper sticker

    "Bumper Sticker - To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target."

  2. #22

    phase 45 preview

    If you guys are gonna complain about Luna'a shooting then why don't we also bring up how Djibril arrived at the backside of moon in less than 3 hours prior to Luna's bad shooting. He evaded the ENTIRE Zaft Armada.

    She probably missed because of Rey and what he said before him and Shinn launched. Being marked as a hinderence, the only pilot on the Minerva who isn't a member of Faith, the emotional stress of believing that her sister was killed, getting emotional relief from Shinn, being in the impulse for only the second time, and finally having the responsibilty of shooting down Djibril while going against Fukada's will with only a 5 second window is a WHOLE LOT of pressure. Hell, I'm surprised that she didn't crack after he got away.

  3. #23
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    phase 45 preview

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    who the hell goes to the person who "killed" her sister for emotional comfort?

    "OOOH SHINN please fuck me you killed my sister, its the least you could do!"
    Luckily, Luna is mature enough to understand that Shinn didn't want to kill Meyrin.

    And they still aren't fucking. They kissed each other. Once.

    A lot of you people say that the whole scene was "unbelievable". It's in fact the contrary, any person who has experienced severe trauma, regret or sadness (all applicable words for the situation) will know how much the emotional support and desire to feel love from a fellow human means. Thus, I daresay that Shinn & Luna leaning on each other in the form of a kiss is by far one of the most human scenes in all of Seed.

  4. #24

    phase 45 preview

    I still think they screwed after the scene where she cried into his back. Shinn came back into his room completely exhausted at the end of the show. Something had to drain him of his energy. Me-thinks he got drained of something else too.

  5. #25

    phase 45 preview

    "OOOH SHINN please fuck me you killed my sister, its the least you could do!"

    Let's change that around, shall we?

    "OOOH KIRA please fuck me you killed my FATHER, its the least you could do!"



    It's best to realize that some people look more for emotional comfort that practical revenge. Shinn is a soldier. Athrun and Meyrin are considered "Traitors". Shinn is ordered to kill them. Shinn reluctantly does. Shinn is sorry. Luna goes in emtional shock for a few hours. Shin says sorry. They hug. Shinn cannot do anything else to console her than to make her feel good in a sensual level. Hook up.

    If you couldn't see that and were actually more enthralled by the "thing" that is Shinn x Stellar, which was filled with so much freakin substance, you, my friend, need to get out more.

    -My look at it-
    Stellar panics and says "I don't want to die!"
    Shinn suddenly becomes superman and decides "I will fight for you no matter what, even if I don't know one damn thing about you!"
    Stellar actually FORGETS who Shinn is in three seconds.
    Stellar stops being a drug addict, "Oh... Shinn... I remember you now."
    Shinn COMPLETELY doesn't care that she killed Heine (YOU BITC- I mean, aww..) and piloted a death machine and decides "I'll STILL protect the girl I don't know a damn thing about!"

    Oh yeah... reaaaaly romantic...

    On the other hand, Luna and Shinn have known each other almost their whole lives. The minute they hugged i said to myself, "Yup she's gonna get laid tonight."

    Why? Cause Fukuda is one hell of a drama queen.

    Shinn x Luna is good. It's a little too late for a lot of development, but good.

    And yes, Luna can't aim... You try shooting a rocket going 500+ MPH with a high tech battle suit that you just got a few days ago.



    Ja na.

  6. #26
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    phase 45 preview

    Terra said it already, they aren't fucking (yet). Lets stop saying they are and start complaining about the idea of them together.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  7. #27

    phase 45 preview

    Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
    "OOOH SHINN please fuck me you killed my sister, its the least you could do!"

    Let's change that around, shall we?

    "OOOH KIRA please fuck me you killed my FATHER, its the least you could do!"



    It's best to realize that some people look more for emotional comfort that practical revenge. Shinn is a soldier. Athrun and Meyrin are considered "Traitors". Shinn is ordered to kill them. Shinn reluctantly does. Shinn is sorry. Luna goes in emtional shock for a few hours. Shin says sorry. They hug. Shinn cannot do anything else to console her than to make her feel good in a sensual level. Hook up.

    If you couldn't see that and were actually more enthralled by the "thing" that is Shinn x Stellar, which was filled with so much freakin substance, you, my friend, need to get out more.

    -My look at it-
    Stellar panics and says "I don't want to die!"
    Shinn suddenly becomes superman and decides "I will fight for you no matter what, even if I don't know one damn thing about you!"
    Stellar actually FORGETS who Shinn is in three seconds.
    Stellar stops being a drug addict, "Oh... Shinn... I remember you now."
    Shinn COMPLETELY doesn't care that she killed Heine (YOU BITC- I mean, aww..) and piloted a death machine and decides "I'll STILL protect the girl I don't know a damn thing about!"

    Oh yeah... reaaaaly romantic...

    On the other hand, Luna and Shinn have known each other almost their whole lives. The minute they hugged i said to myself, "Yup she's gonna get laid tonight."

    Why? Cause Fukuda is one hell of a drama queen.

    Shinn x Luna is good. It's a little too late for a lot of development, but good.

    And yes, Luna can't aim... You try shooting a rocket going 500+ MPH with a high tech battle suit that you just got a few days ago.



    Ja na.

    exactly we cant shoot a friggin rocket cuz we are like students... u cant compare luna to us in combat ability. thats like comparing one thing that is completely different from another and then thinking one of them is amazing. like since i can write and my 2 year old sister cant, i must be amazing at writing. we have 0 skill at shooting in a gundam comparing her to us is just retarded. she has piolted mobile suits and has expierence. even if she just got it, its the same thing when it comes to aiming and its actually better than her zaku. she has no excuse. for example if you give us a gun and ask us to shoot a target we would probably miss. if you ask someone that is slightly better and they ALMOST hit, they still suck, just not as sucky as us. just because we miss and then they miss doesnt make them good..... u cant compare gundam piolts to friggin anime fans.

  8. #28
    ANBU Captain aznimperialx's Avatar
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    up your mutha's ass

    phase 45 preview

    OMG shut up everyone whos aruging about luna. Fukuda made luna miss so that lipstick guy can escape and make this big beam that will end the damn world. And then the gundams will kill him at the end, making the finale. If he was killed at esp. 43 Zaft and ORb would stop fighting and then the rest of the esps will jsut be more talking blah blah blah

  9. #29

    phase 45 preview

    im not gonna stop if ppl keep saying she has good aim cuz she missed. infact this is the first time i even responded to this topic

  10. #30
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    phase 45 preview

    Originally posted by: aznimperialx
    OMG shut up everyone whos aruging about luna. Fukuda made luna miss so that lipstick guy can escape and make this big beam that will end the damn world. And then the gundams will kill him at the end, making the finale. If he was killed at esp. 43 Zaft and ORb would stop fighting and then the rest of the esps will jsut be more talking blah blah blah

    See, people in forums understand those things, they just don't care. They'll whine and bitch untill thier blue in the face, even if the thing they're bitching about progressed the story.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  11. #31

    phase 45 preview

    Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
    "OOOH SHINN please fuck me you killed my sister, its the least you could do!"

    Let's change that around, shall we?

    "OOOH KIRA please fuck me you killed my FATHER, its the least you could do!"

    Except Kira DIDN'T KILL HER FATHER. He failed to protect him yes, but he didn't kill him. He was busy fighting one of the other Gundams (I can't remember which one) who had a better pilot then Kira was at that point. Flay initial reaction was not to jump in bed with Kira but to hate him. It was later when she had time to think she decided to manipulate him.

    Oh, and if you reply I probably won't read it, I don't really care, it's just that I don't think this is a fair compairison since the situation is not the same.

  12. #32

    phase 45 preview

    Originally posted by: Curium
    Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
    "OOOH SHINN please fuck me you killed my sister, its the least you could do!"

    Let's change that around, shall we?

    "OOOH KIRA please fuck me you killed my FATHER, its the least you could do!"

    Except Kira DIDN'T KILL HER FATHER. He failed to protect him yes, but he didn't kill him. He was busy fighting one of the other Gundams (I can't remember which one) who had a better pilot then Kira was at that point. Flay initial reaction was not to jump in bed with Kira but to hate him. It was later when she had time to think she decided to manipulate him.

    Oh, and if you reply I probably won't read it, I don't really care, it's just that I don't think this is a fair compairison since the situation is not the same.
    Kira was fighting Aegis [Athrun].

  13. #33

    phase 45 preview

    Still i insist, every time i watch Luna and Shinn kissing or being close, i feel sick.

  14. #34

    phase 45 preview

    i just don't understand why people would rather see shinn with stellar instead of luna. i mean luna's a normal, good looking girl who he actually knows something about besides her name. then there's stellar, who's alittle slow and retarded yet good looking and he knows nothing about her except her name and she's a drug addict.

    and for those of you who thinks she'd be crazy in bed. i bet it's the exact opposite. she'll be like "what's a penis and why do i have a hole between my legs???"

  15. #35
    Missing Nin
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    phase 45 preview

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Luckily, Luna is mature enough to understand that Shinn didn't want to kill Meyrin.

    And they still aren't fucking. They kissed each other. Once.

    A lot of you people say that the whole scene was "unbelievable". It's in fact the contrary, any person who has experienced severe trauma, regret or sadness (all applicable words for the situation) will know how much the emotional support and desire to feel love from a fellow human means. Thus, I daresay that Shinn & Luna leaning on each other in the form of a kiss is by far one of the most human scenes in all of Seed.
    Personally I hate the LunaXShinn relationship but everything Terra is saying is correct.

    My issue with it is on the basis that essentially upon destroying Freedom we have Shinn pretty much forget about Stellar. Upon Destroying the random Gouf with Athrun and Meyrin we have Luna suddenly looking to Shinn for emotional comfort. The only strange part is that Luna pretty much knew why Athrun was targeted in the first place and that he wasn't a traitor and thus the same would be true for her little sister. That is atleast if she recalls the conversation she was listening into between Athrun and Kira/Calgari.

    However in the end its a show and it must progress in a certain way in order for Fukuda to realise his overall vision of selling more models as such Athrun must pilot all Zaft Mecha he can get his hands on in the hopes that they can make another model which now instead of being a random grunt can have a main characters face stuck on the box. In pretty much the same way that Neo needed to have as many differn't MS/MA as possible.

  16. #36

    phase 45 preview

    I think many of you have noticed that this LunaXShinn thing will always have differing opinions, it's one of those arguments that are just divided among people. So let's just give it a break, like it or not they're together (for how long only God and Fukuda knows) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] I'm really neutral on their relationship!

  17. #37
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    phase 45 preview

    Originally posted by: splash
    stop blaming lunamaria ...
    the only reason she missed was because of FUKUDA. He is to blame for everything that goes wrong in this series. Fukuda wanted lunamaria to miss and DJibril to survive and fire requiem and destroy the plants. Fukuda is the reason so many innocent people were killed in the SEED universe with the press of just one button while characters like Athrun and Kira did not die after having their gundams impaled by Shinn. Kill Him and Blame Him

    ok on a serious note, i dont think Shinn has hooked up with Luna just yet. As Terra said, its more of an emotional comfort thing
    When then, is Fukada to credit for everything great in this show? Give him some credit guys. Sure you disagree with Kira-invincibility and Lacus-divinity but this person is the reason why we love Gundam Seed. All a matter of perspective but do look at it at my point of view.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  18. #38

    phase 45 preview

    i still think they did a rushed job of plot writing for destiny. Wish they had taken more if not the smae time when writing seed. I vote for all to kidnap Fukuda gag him and become the new plot writers for destiny. Hey we can even bring back Heiny .

    Major things I disgree with Heiny dieing so fast
    Kira keeps on coming back from the Dead
    Mwu should stay dead
    explain all this cloning crap who mamas whos mama ?
    Is kira an heir to orb since Cagali is his sister ?
    luna maria with shinn yes I killed your sister so ya lets hook up * _X
    The one sided hated the other kinda was done in seed.
    Explain crap more
    I think they spent more time developing gundam models for thsi series than the story which is sad

    Too many flashbacks
    A villian with purple lip stick

    I dunno i can go on on but yet I still watch.........

  19. #39
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    phase 45 preview

    Okey, lets just stop saying "Fukuda is to blame ofr what happened" That fucking kills the discussion and isn't smart or witty. It was fine when people said it once in a while as a joke but it has gotten a bit to much now, just like the Udon jokes a year or so ago.

  20. #40
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    phase 45 preview

    Yeah, when you think about it, using "it's Fukuda's fault" as an argument kinda nullifies all discussion because everything that happens is because of him.

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