Is this the new official OP?
I have the SaiyaMan RAW, btw
Is this the new official OP?
I have the SaiyaMan RAW, btw
No- not official just something Saiyaman edited.
This story is starting to become all.... what's that one book, "Brave New World"-esque
Destiny Plan = Brave New World (sorta) lolololoL!!!
I just saw the RAW from S^M and I must say the Intro song is MUCH better than the WOW. The episode itself served as a good warm up into the next couple of episodes. I know now, looking back at the SEED episodes yesterday, that Shinn is going to change sides but I believe he'll do it in the last episode. He'll probably die trying to defend what is right, and find out what he needs to protect and all that good mumbo jumbo.
I really feel Kira and Athuran are going to bite the dust, it's just something that I feel with the build up (hope I'm wrong and it's only Shinn).
Yzak and Deakra back really made the episode enjoyable but I wanted more screen time from them, along with more action.
A quick RIP for all those on PLANT in the colonies that were destroyed. Just a question though, did all of PLANT's colonies get destroyed or just a few??? It looked like they were all wiped out!
I'm really expecting a grand finale, no hold back (in terms of no kill policy for Kira and Athuran). Well, hope someone can answer my question please, and am looking forward to other opinions and comments! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Eh, that's the thing about this series now. Nothing is "good" anymore in my view.He'll probably die trying to defend what is right, and find out what he needs to protect and all that good mumbo jumbo.
ZAFT- (Dullandal) - w00t let's create a world through genetic modification in which everyone's life is already decided at birth!!! That way no one will start war; or in that case, even insinuate on having war. Oh ya, did I forget to mention that my genetics predetermined at birth that I'm going to be ruler? HAH.
Orb//Lacus - Hell no, I want to keep my rights and freedom even though it will cause future bloodshed. It's not worth our future to give up our freedom for a world without war. - We'll somehow find another way ...etc.etc.
LOGOS//Earth Alliance - PWN EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIEDIEDIE - Sorta... I guess... they don't really have anything their fighting for other than, uh, not getting arrested and killing coordinators...
Ok... well.... I guess for me .... LOGOS really is the bad guy - ZAFT and Lacus are sort of like... uhhh both "good" in a way... depending on how you look at it, I guess.
Deakra's ZGMF-1001 ZAKU Phantom (black) that so freaking cool..... luv it....
Originally posted by: zn|¹
No- not official just something Saiyaman edited.
This story is starting to become all.... what's that one book "Brave New World"-esque
Destiny Plan = Brave New World (sorta) lolololoL!!!
I fully agree with you, i mean wtf, will the writers resort to ripping stuff of novels to make this more interesting, come on. The concept of the Destiny Plan is very very similar to the notion in Huxley's "Brave New World", the whole predestination of life and fitting into social roles thing
what they hey i got the S^M raw but i cant hear squat?
Thats because its an MKV file if I'm not mistaken. To be able to watch it with your media player you need to download some codecs but it can be pretty messy sometimes. I suggest you take the easy way out and just download the VLC player.Originally posted by: Uchiha_AZN
what they hey i got the S^M raw but i cant hear squat?
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
LoLZ its quiet sad to see Yzak and dearka good skill is wasted in a ZAku
Bllody hell,i'm not hearing anything hear either
Addicted to Gunpla right now...
Does anyone thinks that ZAFT may have a "secret" Destroy gundam as well? Coz in the opening it showed Rey and Shinn with Destroy, and it seems that they're both fighting it, as we saw in ep 38. But most ppl said that they would fight each other, perhaps Shinn defected? I dont know. The idea just came up to my mind, ZAFT may have Destroy as well, since I think Dullindal has seen its blueprint, he may have built it, or shared it with Djibril. Just guessing, no need to aim some guns at me...^^
Black MSs are so sexy! And that Requiem is essentially a combo of GENESIS and Forbidden's Geschmeidig Panzer.Why did Yzak and Dearka get so little screen time?I wish they canned Rey's part.I'm sick of hearing him spreading lies and manipulating the people around him
Addicted to Gunpla right now...
Read my post above Millenium-Boyz.Originally posted by: Chris_Xion
Bllody hell,i'm not hearing anything hear either
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Destroys are acctually really good. They own EVERYTHING except Gundams. Keep in mind up until towards the end of this episode all of the Gundams are on Earth. Those Destroys could probably take out ZAFT's entire space fleet if the Minerva doesn't show up in time (which it will).Originally posted by: Freki
wow...just when Djibril gets a working doomsday weapon the preview for next weeks episode showed Destroys in space, oh well I guess Djibril really wants to lose.
I don't like Destroys at all... cause they just stand their like a dumb statue..... yet the weapon's all good, but so... remember thos 5 Destroys before... Shin & Rey kickin their ass just kick trainning....
Just kind of curious, since Dearka was a former Zaft special task force member, I'd thought he'd get a better highly customed MS.
haha exactly it isn't like it will be Destroys against grunts for an episode, the Destoys will be against the same Gundams at Heaven's Base except now Rey is gonna be able to use his DRAGOON system, and besides even if Minerva takes its time getting there, I hope they did not have Yzak and Deakra reintroduced just to get beat up by Destroys till Shinn saves them. I just hope the Destroys have some sort of weaponry that couldn't be used on Earth to make them more formiddable before they get destroyed.Originally posted by: Curium
Destroys are acctually really good. They own EVERYTHING except Gundams. Keep in mind up until towards the end of this episode all of the Gundams are on Earth. Those Destroys could probably take out ZAFT's entire space fleet if the Minerva doesn't show up in time (which it will).Originally posted by: Freki
wow...just when Djibril gets a working doomsday weapon the preview for next weeks episode showed Destroys in space, oh well I guess Djibril really wants to lose.
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