Whats up with the wings all the peoplee have on Skypie, do they make them fly or something?
Whats up with the wings all the peoplee have on Skypie, do they make them fly or something?
The fish evolved to become flat, other crustaceans become balloon-like....
yet you can't accept a minor difference like small wings for the humans living in skypeia? Even if they can't fly with them, it can always be there to increase air resistance to negate some of their downward force caused by gravity, giving them a lighter stepping [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
he'd fit in pretty well in LAOriginally posted by: Jadugar
Absolutely right.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Or the village
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Of the examples you mentioned Ass-ertn, none of them grew new body parts... they simply changed their shapes somewhat... So your reasoning is not substantial evidence to make me believe that humans can simply grow wings in Skypea...
Thats just the way Oda portrayed them. IMO is pretty obvious he is making reference of heaven with having a island in the SKY with an all knowing GOD. So who are the residents in heaven? Angels. And angels have wings so the residents of skypeia, with the reference of heaven were drawn with wings.
But if you want more of like a scientific explanation then I have to say evolution. We all know that evolution is the process that animals and humans underwent physical changes so they could adapt to their new surroundings. The Skypeia residents evolved like the sky fish so they could live in those conditions.
I mainly go with number 1.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
The fish evolved to become flat, other crustaceans become balloon-like....
yet you can't accept a minor difference like small wings for the humans living in skypeia? Even if they can't fly with them, it can always be there to increase air resistance to negate some of their downward force caused by gravity, giving them a lighter stepping [
Where have I said that I dont accept a minor difference like samll wings.
My question was why. Why do they have them?
Your answer should have been because of the evolution. Full stop, not <u>why cant yoy accept them.</u>
I asked the question because Oda explained this dail and the other, how there are two different kind of clouds and never mentioned their "wings". Even Luffy and crew didnt asked them about it. Maybe Oda will explain it.
Or Like Deblas said he wanted to portray them as angel, just like in heaven.
As it is harder to breath in Skypiea, the people should have evolved their respiratory system ( breathing), nose.
As for the downforce their heads should have been different.
Wings will only increase their weight and their gravity pull which doesnt help them much
Be more useful AssertnFailure, you call yourself a Sanin.
i don't relly care about that. I'm more conserned with that "Heso" thing. What the hell is that? It can't be hello because they say both.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
It could be their native slang like "whats up".
Heso means "bellybutton" in japanese.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Seriously. Thats why Luffy and the crew where like "what the hell are these guys saying"? everytime they greeted with Heso.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
K-F should have translated it like that.
"Bellybutton. Good Afternoon."
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Thats not much of a greeting, how is your bellybutton. I know maybe their bellybuttons have evolved. What do you think AssertnFailure (Expert on Evolution, Mr Darwin).
What's "Ciao" mean? You do know that other, *real* languages have words that mean both "Hello" and "Goodbye" right?
Originally posted by: vegita625
What's "Ciao" mean? You do know that other, *real* languages have words that mean both "Hello" and "Goodbye" right?
What? come again.
He's giving an example. "Ciao"(pronounced "chow") is Italian, used as a greeting or a "see ya later" type thing.
WhimsyMy question was why. Why do they have them?
I think Eneru was a much better name than Enel.
I know what "chow" means but what is talking about the one word having the same meaning as both "Hello" and "Goodbye".Originally posted by: DarthEnder
He's giving an example. "Ciao"(pronounced "chow") is Italian, used as a greeting or a "see ya later" type thing.