Must be another surprise release since it wasn't announced earlier.[K-F
Must be another surprise release since it wasn't announced earlier.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
The links not working.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
TORRENT : One Piece 158 Torrent
Was a good episode... next episode should be a lot of fun.
Edit:This episode was great. It's awsome how God is some knight on a getto-ass pegasus. LOL.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
Bot triggers for those interested:
[01:14] <@dythim> TRIGGERS : /ctcp k-f|shanks xdcc send #1 /msg [SG]Jerry xdcc send #5 /msg K-F|Jango xdcc send #1 /msg KoolAidTsunami xdcc send #23 /msg K-F|Eneru xdcc send #1 /msg K-F|Apis xdcc send #158 /msg K-F|Smoker xdcc send #158
Were not sure that he is god. I personally don't think he is, because otherwise he wouldn't offer to help out the crew for free like he did and charge them each subsequent time when god obviously hates criminals. Makes no sense to me that the knight would be god, but I guess we will find out sooner or later.
Sig made by Lucifus
God has to make a living too. The ion cannon was even cooler this week then it was the last time.Originally posted by: Foomanchew24
Were not sure that he is god. I personally don't think he is, because otherwise he wouldn't offer to help out the crew for free like he did and charge them each subsequent time when god obviously hates criminals. Makes no sense to me that the knight would be god, but I guess we will find out sooner or later.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
Only plausable answer is that there are more than one God... they are polytheist [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
i would just assume that "God" in their world is more of just a ruler.
I mean, obviously you can't literally refer to some knight on a pegasus as a creator of any sort
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i would just assume that "God" in their world is more of just a ruler.
I mean, obviously you can't literally refer to some knight on a pegasus as a creator of any sort
My theory is that the knight is the real god (ruler or whatever) and Enel just overthrew him.
For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.
I will back Phoenix on this one. How else would you explain him saving Luffy and Conis from Enel's Attack?Wouldnt that make him stronger than Enel or equal?My theory is that the knight is the real god (ruler or whatever) and Enel just overthrew him.
Piero is really fast and was able to dodge the attack in time. Nothing else.Originally posted by: Jadugar
I will back Phoenix on this one. How else would you explain him saving Luffy and Conis from Enel's Attack?Wouldnt that make him stronger than Enel or equal?My theory is that the knight is the real god (ruler or whatever) and Enel just overthrew him.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
He might have been banished and living in the outskirts of Skypiea.If he was stronger than Enel then he wouldn't have been overthrown
Also we are forgetting about the surfer who attacked Luffy and crew when they first entered Skypiea for the first time. Is he strong enough? Whats his story?
This was great. Part of me thinks the pacing is awful though, because I want stuff to progress more, but then again they did take their sweet time with this arc. And it's still fun to watch of course.
I really like the new ending, by the way.
It also seems like the beginning narrator has returned from his siesta which he has had since Alabasta.
Is this arc real slow or the animators are taking their time to explain everything on Skypiea? So Conis has come out clean. The Almighty God Enel has shown himself. Not much of a god if his attacks can be dodged by some knight on a ugly looking horse that can fly.
Strange thing, Conis calls him a god as well. Maybe he was their former god. He has to be because the current god Enel is going down now that he has messed with Strawhat Pirates and someone has to take the role of the god. So that knight would be the obvious choice after Luffy and crew finish with Enel.
Awesome episode. Sanji and Ussop kicking Luffy senseless was hilarious. No chopper, Nami and Zorro, I am missing them already.
The Skypiea arc does take a while, imo, I watched the speed subs and was wondering how long it would take to do this and that, but the arc is full of awesome stuff and even if it moves slowly, with the exception of one or two fights getting drawn out, it's a very awesome arc.Originally posted by: Jadugar
Is this arc real slow or the animators are taking their time to explain everything on Skypiea? So Conis has come out clean. The Almighty God Enel has shown himself. Not much of a god if his attacks can be dodged by some knight on a ugly looking horse that can fly.
Strange thing, Conis calls him a god as well. Maybe he was their former god. He has to be because the current god Enel is going down now that he has messed with Strawhat Pirates and someone has to take the role of the god. So that knight would be the obvious choice after Luffy and crew finish with Enel.
Awesome episode. Sanji and Ussop kicking Luffy senseless was hilarious. No chopper, Nami and Zorro, I am missing them already.
Whats up with the wings all the peoplee have on Skypie, do they make them fly or something?
If he was stronger than Enel then he wouldn't have been overthrown
Of the examples you mentioned Ass-ertn, none of them grew new body parts... they simply changed their shapes somewhat... So your reasoning is not substantial evidence to make me believe that humans can simply grow wings in Skypea...