Originally posted by: masamuneehs
To throw in on this argument: I almost never agree with DDBen. And this argument is no exception. Your last couple posts were almost impossible to read DDBen and that truly weakens your argument into a mere rambling.
SF is a very powerful suit. Destiny is a very powerful suit. The new Justice is a very powerful suit.
All three pilots have their perks and negatives, with the only exception being Kira's edge as "the Ultimate Coordinator". Sometimes Shinn's anger helps him, but it did not against Athrun in episode 43. Sometimes Kira's unwillingness to kill hurts him, like when Freedom was taken down. Sometimes Athrun's indecision hurts him or puts him in a bad position. I believe its more about the pilots than the MS, and for all of Seed Kira has been pegged as the epitome, the #1 ace, the best. That's why he'll always win, no other reason than for convienence of the plotline and to maybe make a third series out of Seed. (and to sell more model kits)
But in comparing the Gundams we can't say which is better based on the few bits and pieces of combat we've seen so far. Destiny seems the fastest. SF has that insufferable "ICanShootAMillionGruntSuitsAtTheSameTime!" ability and Justice's abundance of Sabres makes it wicked in melee. Contrary to popular belief, Gundam is NOT about dueling between pilots, but about fighting and winning a war. Different Gundams will be better than others at different times, depending on the situation in battle.
Oh, and to give a general answer to this whole topic. Gundams = Hype YES! SO much hype! Do the Gundams live up to it? Well they certainly look pretty and have some nifty features in Seed & Destiny, but I'll say I don't really like the overpowering nature that they've come to possess. In the original Mobile Suit Gundam the Gundam kicked ass, but it struggled mightilly against four or more grunt enemies. Now we have Gundams that can take down retardedly big Mobile Armors, shoot down over two dozen units in the blink of an eye, have Phase Shift armor that renders bullets and explosives almost useless, and Beam Shields that can deflect OR ABSORB gigantic, dead-on beams. The only thing that still seems to work are sabres and melee weapons.
Am I the only one who has a problem with this?