Lovely how now suddenly everything is okay with Neo/Mwu/whatever. Let's just forget the fact that he abused children and used them as war machines under Djibril and turn him into a flawless hero once more, one who will obviously die in the most heroic way possible in a few eps as he finally remembers everything.
I mean, I find it hard that a man who had no hesitation to break a vow and then send a young girl with the mentality of a five year to decimate a city and slaughter innocents would suddenly turn into a self-sacrificing superman simply because his body remembered her. Shit, it couldn't have been that good could it?
Anyway, I'm not too happy with this.
The fights were however very nice. I absolutely loved the music which kicked in when Shinn and Rey fought against Kira. And Lacus still sucks. Who wants to drop a zaku on her?