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Thread: phase 43 discussion

  1. #81

    phase 43 discussion

    pfftt who closed shinn hater's topic ?

    isnt posting crap about shinn the purpose? (even though most posts were crap, it was still logical regarding how shinn is)

    well add another one for shinn refusing to listen and think again, he's prolly gonna deny that real lacus

  2. #82

    phase 43 discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    *Shinn slashes Kira's cockpit*

    People: OMFG CHEATING !!!!! KIRA WOULD HAVE WON THAT SHIT IF *insert a million stupid reasons here*

    *Shinn slashes Athrun's cockpit*


    *Athrun & Kira barely touches the Destiny gundam*



    I just summarized 95% of the Seed fans. Feel your own suckage.
    i couldn't help but laugh when i read this, it's just so true

    anyways, watched the raw and am waiting for Haro to release (i just hope it comes out sooner then last week)
    but from what i think i understand from this episode it's going to clear up some things, Athrun's speech/monologue left Shinn baffled for a moment, while Lacus slapped Dullindal in the face (so to speak)
    and Neo just has to say it out loud that he is Mwu and then i'll believe it, the flashback pretty much made it clear even to a stubborn disbeliever like myself
    from now on things will start to heat and speed up, pretty much the same like with Seed

    but Terra, i do find it odd that you like Meer but not Lacus, since there's not that much difference [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  3. #83
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    phase 43 discussion

    Meer seems like a demented hore, so I don't see why anyone likes her.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  4. #84

    phase 43 discussion

    "*Athrun & Kira barely touches the Destiny gundam*"

    Kira wasnt fighting destiny, that was impulse, and it lost limbs and shit and had to ask meyrin for the other equips, and after it defeated freedom, it came back in pieces and beyond repair but yea in the end shinn won no doubt

    bout athrun yea he didnt do crap to destiny while on a gouf, but then again shinn didnt finish him

  5. #85

    phase 43 discussion

    Originally posted by: MrTicTac
    "*Athrun & Kira barely touches the Destiny gundam*"

    Kira wasnt fighting destiny, that was impulse, and it lost limbs and shit and had to ask meyrin for the other equips, and after it defeated freedom, it came back in pieces and beyond repair but yea in the end shinn won no doubt

    bout athrun yea he didnt do crap to destiny while on a gouf, but then again shinn didnt finish him
    i think it's safe to assume he was talking about the latest episode don't you think?
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  6. #86

    phase 43 discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    xat is wrong, in fact the currect number is 72.53%. I have personally calculated it all.
    Well I did say around 75% -- either way, it's certainly more than 50%. ^_~

  7. #87
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    phase 43 discussion

    @Motteh: I think the sole reason I prefer Meer is the adventage her physical appearance has over Lacus. And she also wields the clothing to perfectly exploit it.
    Oh and she doesn't get much screentime either. Just enough for me to drool. Also I don't think Meer & Lacus are all that similar, at least not on the personal plane.
    Meer is a lot more down to earth (unless counting the fact that she's trying to be someone else) while Lacus has that "I am high and mighty, important, don't touch me you filthy commoner" thing going on.

    I hate Lacus

  8. #88
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    phase 43 discussion

    Drop the discussion about Shinn defeating both Athrun and Kira. He did it and should get all the credit. Gotta be tough to see both Freedom and Athrun to come back from death in such a short while though.

    The episode was awesome. Now its pertty clear that Neo is Mwu eh? After that flashback you can't really think otherwise, i will wait for the subbed version to hear what he said in his speech, i couldn't make out him saying "Mwu" though.

    Athrun fighting seemed pretty stupid in my opinion, he could barely walk yet he fought evenly with Shinn. To me that is wierd as you need to be in top shape to pilot a suit that good yet he does it when he can barely stand or talk. It was still kickass though since Justice is one of the coolest Gundams ever.

    Lacus showing herself was pretty good, i wonder what Dullindal will do now he was like "wtf? I never suspected this" when she showed up.

    It looks like Destiny takes of right here great to have eps like this in the end.

  9. #89

    phase 43 discussion

    @Terra: you have all the right to hate Lacus, i don't assault you on that
    personally i don't prefer either, i'd go with Lunamaria myself [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    and it's true that Meer doesn't get that much screentime, even Fllay (whom almost everyone hates)
    got much more screentime up untill now, and it wasn't that much more significant what she did

    @PSJ: i liked the difference in expression on Dullindal's face when you see Cagalli holding her speech and then when the Lacus takes over from Meer
    and about Neo/Mwu, i'm stubborn till the end and want him to say he's Mwu before i'll admit it
    but you're right, the flashback leaves very little (if not not any at all) room for something else
    that summed up with his other "Mwu-like characteristics", like "i am the man who makes the impossible possible"
    and a less stubborn soab would admit he is him

    btw: like your sig
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  10. #90
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    phase 43 discussion

    I love Lacus. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    For the way she talks and her clothes. Sure Meer is sexier, but she's still a psychotic bimbo.

    Anyway great episode. Shinn's going to have a mental crisis soon, and starting to feel the lack of confidence. After all, two pilots survived a sword to the cock pit type of explosion. Athrun's finally back to his old self, and Cagali's taking control of ORB again. Can't wait for the next episode and I hope they don't rush things like back in Seed.

    Edit: Yeah just wanted to add that the music that played during the Kira vs Rey and Shinn fight was fantastic.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  11. #91

    phase 43 discussion

    If Dullindal didn't anticipate this he is not as brilliant a mastermind as I have believed him to be. if he was behind Lacus assassination he musta figured something went wrong when no one reterned from killing her, and if he wasn't then he had no reason to doubt she was alive. A logical conclusion would be she is still alive in either case and he would have to deal with her eventually, I mean he had to expect the other sides Queen to eventually make a move on his chessboard. In the hopes that he is a final bad guy worthy of putting all the events of destiny in motion I am hoping thathe does have some plan already set up for this situation.

    While the odds are that Mwu is Neo I refuse to accept it until I get some kind of damn explanation for how he survived in space, until that day I invite the writers to go fuck themselves.

  12. #92
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    phase 43 discussion

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  13. #93

    phase 43 discussion

    I liked how Shinn was like "WTF?!" when he saw Athuran. Athuran being severly injured after the MS battle was good, it served as a reminder that the "Super Pilots" are still mortal people. Neo is obviously having flashbacks as Mwu, and is starting to express some symptons as being Mwu, but his memory hasn't fully been regained yet, so he's still Neo for the time being. Lacus' intervention at the very end was funny, becuase the Chairman that always has everything planned out was taken out by surprise. I found it funny when he was taken in surprise and said, "Why is she in orb?!" Also did anyone notice that Rey was angrier than he ever has been in the series when he was fighting Freedom and later when Athuran showed up in Justice?

  14. #94

    phase 43 discussion

    @Freki: the last thing he knew was that she was in space, he did not foresee her (early) return to Earth/Orb
    that doesn't mean he's not a brilliant mastermind in any way, since even the most well thought out plan to, let's say, water your garden could theoretically be undermined by a tornado (to be extreme, and in truth it's not a very good example but i hope you get my point)
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  15. #95
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    phase 43 discussion

    Originally posted by: Sano
    Also did anyone notice that Rey was angrier than he ever has been in the series when he was fighting Freedom and later when Athuran showed up in Justice?
    Well yeah. They're supposed to be dead and out of the way of Gil. He's such a fangirl.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  16. #96

    phase 43 discussion

    What I like is that Kira is now not the only one who can go SEED seemingly at will/when the circumstances call for it.

  17. #97

    phase 43 discussion

    I really find it hard to believe that he would not be prepared for this, he seems to have thought about pretty much everything up to this point and given the fact that the 2 sided together during the last war her eventually showing up again in ORB isn't that surprising. Also she coulda interrupted Meer from anywhere prolly, so where she was and whether it was an early return there doesn't matter. If she had been in space they woulda had her interrupting from space and Dullindal being surprised. The more surprising thing to me is that Lacus kept her mouth shut for this long, not that she finally said something. Besides I don't mean that he had to know that this second she would appear but he has to been expecting it for awhile.

  18. #98
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    phase 43 discussion

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Originally posted by: Sano
    Also did anyone notice that Rey was angrier than he ever has been in the series when he was fighting Freedom and later when Athuran showed up in Justice?
    Well yeah. They're supposed to be dead and out of the way of Gil. He's such a fangirl.
    Also, Freedom caused the death of Rau.


    I saw the ep with subs now and the dialogue between Ramius & Mwu was about what I thought it would be. It was a very generic conversation given the circumstances. You'll see what I mean. But yeah, I guess it was cool.

    I also sincerily hope that we'll get less of these "last minute savings" now. I am so fucking tired of people showing up at the EXACT right moment all the time. That's a true sign of bad writing. Kira, Athrun and hell everybody just appears when it's the most fitting. *yawn* And to think that Kira would have been blown up by Shinn if Athrun didn't arrive when he did. And as people have said, he somehow fights like an ace even though he's half decapitated.


  19. #99

    phase 43 discussion

    Originally posted by: Freki
    I really find it hard to believe that he would not be prepared for this, he seems to have thought about pretty much everything up to this point and given the fact that the 2 sided together during the last war her eventually showing up again in ORB isn't that surprising. Also she coulda interrupted Meer from anywhere prolly, so where she was and whether it was an early return there doesn't matter. If she had been in space they woulda had her interrupting from space and Dullindal being surprised. The more surprising thing to me is that Lacus kept her mouth shut for this long, not that she finally said something. Besides I don't mean that he had to know that this second she would appear but he has to been expecting it for awhile.
    but if you put it that way i can put against it the theory that he might have suspected her interveining but that the thing that surprised him was that she was in Orb
    but really, this can go on forever since you don't seem to get my point that no plan is failsafe
    there are always things that go wrong or slightly different then you expected and thus rendering the latter part of your plan useless, i mean, what if Djibril would've surrendered instead of fled? what then i ask you?
    there's no way of knowing that because it didn't happen that way and because up untill episode 43 everything seemed to go according to plan
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  20. #100
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    phase 43 discussion

    Originally posted by: xat
    What I like is that Kira is now not the only one who can go SEED seemingly at will/when the circumstances call for it.
    Both Kira and Athrun could do this in SEED already.

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