Thanks for the notice!
Thanks for the notice!
this is going to be a good episode..., probably extend the series to 50++
can someone tell me how to make GIFs? i want to make one with athrun going seed mode
Ovan, The Rebirth
Another awesome episode,the song for the preview changed but still good.That was total ownage by Athrun,him going into SEED mode is more powerful than Shinn.And finally,Lacus can put Meer in her place!Yzak's team is going to lead or take part in the Moon battle,and looks like Djibril's Requiem is going to put ZAFT ina world of hurt.
Dullindal's plan is unravelling,no wonder he needed to personally get a Gundam and lead his troops....hehe
Addicted to Gunpla right now...
Just watched the raw. The Gouf coming straight out of the sky and landing like that seem like moments straight from Final Destination. Although that movie made no sense its scary as hell. I think the Orb soldiers were telling him saying something like "Watch out! Don't look up!"
@athrunownzall, try using phothoshop to covert your current file to a gif.. i think it will work. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
we get to see yzak again atlast, there are gonna be a lot of revelation next episode, it seems djibril has a new genesis type of weapon, and oh btw, athrun owned shin at last. he had redeem himself form shiin.. you're next rey!!
Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.
WTF!!! hiro nanashi tracker doesnt work, does anyone have any other tracker or links
Can i offer you all a little exercise in mathematics?
Please count how much minutes of new animation is in this episode [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Minus opening, minus ending, minus commercial break animation, minus next ep preview, minus SEED and previous Destiny eps flashbacks, minus stock animation of Impulse docking, Destiny and Legend launching...
I would say about 12 minutes, only HALF episode is new!
]Here is the link, it usually has all the fansubs when they come out in case ur picky about which group u get from
fuckin good episode
key points
1. Arthrun first seed
2. shin got his hands cut off for ... hmmmm probably the 3rd time >.< twice by freedom when he was in impulse
3. Lacus first public appearance
4. Kira is starting to be a bit "sarcastic"
5. Meer bOOBS ARE FAKE (she got a boob job)
6. Kira and Lacus is starting to get intimate
7. Shin is scared (he is 90 percent on the way to mental break down)
8. Chairman said "Impossible"
9. TV station hijacking wars( Meer hijack Cagali, Lacus Hijack Meer)
10. Strike freedom is Still cool
Next episode :
Phase - 44
Two lacuses ( one with boob job, one with standard boobs) Who Will Win?
Meer probably will win if there is a gundam war between those two because she is not virgin anymore, so she doesnt need to worry about ripping her virginity when she was about to press the pedal of the thruster.
Interesting i wonder how the two Lacus will fall out. I wouldn't be suprised if the chairman kills her when she is of no more use, so he can use her death for his purpose. After all a Pawn is meant to be sacrifaced.
I like that the usual now boring Shinn vs Kira changed to Shinn vs Athrun and that the two "newtypes" fought for once. We got some more info about Mwu/Neo but they still haven't explained how he survived by who and why.
@Terra: why does Lacus disgust you so much, i can understand Kira even if i don't agree with it.
She is becoming like how she was in the end of seed and what is so bad with that?
man this is such a great thing im just so freking happy this shit is relly starting to heat up, i mean did you see the part wear shinn and athrun exchanged blows and there was like a pause and then shinns shit kinda got choped off, the look on shinns face oh man priceless, just like when two ninjas run buy and theres a slash and then one drops dead lol, is anybody keeping count of how many of them big ass swords shinn has lost. considering that hes rideing around in the damned title gundam off the show he better stop getting his shit beat down.
and i dont know if neo is mew or if mew is neo or if neo is a clone of some left over mew skeet ect ect, but when he was talking to homegirl on the dock that was some of the smoothest shit i have ever heard, she was creaming her jeans man i think i even got a little wet.
man its kinda sad that this is coming to an end it seems like all the self doubting is over and everyone is getting all fired up and to think soon i wont be abel to see them kicking ass and talking shit sigh =/
oh and jona died too JUST LIKE A STANKEY BITCH!!!! WTFPWNED!!!!
Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin
i was raised by this woman =O
Quoted for truth.Originally posted by: Marcis
Can i offer you all a little exercise in mathematics?
Please count how much minutes of new animation is in this episode [img][/img]
Minus opening, minus ending, minus commercial break animation, minus next ep preview, minus SEED and previous Destiny eps flashbacks, minus stock animation of Impulse docking, Destiny and Legend launching...
I would say about 12 minutes, only HALF episode is new!
Downloading it now cant wait to see it
wtf mine finished in 15 minutes, that's amazing... I can't believe this :S
Originally posted by: Marcis
Can i offer you all a little exercise in mathematics?
Please count how much minutes of new animation is in this episode [img][/img]
Minus opening, minus ending, minus commercial break animation, minus next ep preview, minus SEED and previous Destiny eps flashbacks, minus stock animation of Impulse docking, Destiny and Legend launching...
I would say about 12 minutes, only HALF episode is new!
Please. If you're going to subtract all of that then do note that the actual episode minus all of that would be about 18 minutes long. As for reused scenes, I'd guess around 4:35 worth (1 minute leeway since I missed a few very short scenes). That's around 75% worth of new animation. 18 minutes of the 24 within the video are the actual episode. Do consider that.
xat is wrong, in fact the currect number is 72.53%. I have personally calculated it all.
who cares *hurray* for GSD animation eye candy
I just loved everyones reaction when real lacus came in,, everyones like huh,,, heh.. @__@ and chairman must be thinkin ohhh shit
I sorta wanted more of a reaction of the minerva crew in general about Athrun returning,, looked like only shinn, rey and gladys knew
and i wanna see meyrin bitch slap luna [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] for hell of it
great esp
Man... I luv this screenshot